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Reviewer: Mikazuki Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jul 2013 11:00:14 PM Title: Chapter 6 - Visitors

He's always so sweet towards Rin, I love it -smiles;


xoxo Mikazuki

Reviewer: rowdysgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Nov 2008 8:54:19 PM Title: Chapter 6 - Visitors

 Incorrect: Sesshomaru turned and walked from the kitchen followed in toe by Jaken


Sesshoumaru turned and walked from the kitchen followed by Jaken.


Sesshoumaru turned and walked from the kitchen with Jaken in tow.

Incorrect: Her and Rin were setting 

Correct: She and Rin were setting 

Incorrect: At one point Jaken had scolded her tell her

Correct: At one point Jaken had scolded her telling her 

You also need to use some commas. You have a lot of introductory phrases and parenthetical phrases that need commas.

Story is still very entertaining.


Author's Response:

See what happens when you don't proof read before posting.  Thanks a lot.  I am going to make the corrections and edit the chapters.  I can't believe that I missed all of those.  :-/   I am glad that you like the story, I know how distracting poor grammer can be. 

Reviewer: snowbird Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2008 6:44:15 AM Title: Chapter 6 - Visitors

So, she was tickled that he liked her breakfast.  He only commented because Rin forced him to.

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2008 7:41:53 AM Title: Chapter 6 - Visitors

Wow...Kagome cooked for them and got a compliment. InuYasha never did that unless it was to get ramen or potato chips.

Jaken really knows how to take his own words.....dramatic

Author's Response:

I thought that it was an opportunity to actually have Kagome get a compliment on her cooking.  Glad to see that someone noticed.  :-)


Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2008 5:32:58 AM Title: Chapter 6 - Visitors

ah what a wounderful there is little Rin great chapter once again please update soon

Author's Response: Once again glad to satisfy.  I am working on the next chapter right now.  Hopefully I will have it in tonight or at the very least by morning.

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