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Reviewer: sesshomaru8145 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Apr 2008 6:26:38 AM Title: Chapter 4

i wanna see more of this seiries now!!!

Reviewer: Demonlordlover Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Aug 2007 3:27:24 AM Title: Chapter 4

Having Kagome blind, thus making hre dependent on Sesshoumaru, is perhaps one of my favorite plot devices ever to read.  I think it has to do with the trust issue.  It would be so frightening to be left 'alone' in a world of darkness, and the desire to cling to the known is a powerful incentive to reach out to someone you normally wouldn't.


Jaken, in this story, I dunno why, but I like him.  He's crochety, but in an old man that chases you down the road but secretely fusses if you don't come to visit.



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