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Reviewer: rowdysgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Nov 2008 9:08:26 PM Title: Chapter 8 - Friend of Foe

Good comparison - original: who was a mixture of flower petals and fire


Author's Response: Thank you.  Original is always a goal that I shoot for.  Happy reading.

Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Nov 2008 10:36:55 PM Title: Chapter 8 - Friend of Foe

good chapter please update soon

Author's Response: Thank you, I am on it.  Hopefully it will live up to the previous ones. 

Reviewer: lillianruno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Nov 2008 4:58:08 AM Title: Chapter 8 - Friend of Foe

ohoh fingers crossed hope hope hope will he get through???

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Nov 2008 4:52:17 AM Title: Chapter 8 - Friend of Foe

So, will he be able to get in?

Reviewer: snowbird Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Nov 2008 4:39:23 AM Title: Chapter 8 - Friend of Foe

I have to say that I'm a little surprised at the change in his treatment of her, but then again, honor is important to him.  Her actions during the battle must have made him see her as more than a captive to be used.  Perhaps the beginning of some respect for her?  My previous strong reviews come from the fact that I have always been a very independent female that withstood any form of domination from a male.  My father raised me that way and was proud of my independence.  Like Sesshoumaru, he, too, belived in honor.   Even though I'm not so young anymore, I'm still stubbornly independent and too old to change.  haha.

Author's Response: We all have that streak of stubborn in us so no worries.  Sesshomaru and Kagome have a very different and very special relationsip... a demon lord and a human priestess.... two very opposing sides.  I think that a little friction is warranted, but if there was only friction and no reward I wouldn't have much of a story :-P.  I am glad that you are enjoying and I hope to please in the future.  Happy reading!

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