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Reviewer: SapphireKageKyuura Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2016 9:01:52 PM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

It was so obvious that Sesshomaru was jealous of Hojo. Hahah Inuyasha was always jealous of Hojo, and thought of him as a rival for Kagome's affections. Well that was because he only saw Kagome as Kikyo. Which was cruel, and to lead her on thinking that he would return those feelings of hers was even worse. And to kiss Kagome before she was taken by sesshomaru was like a punch to the face. He never traded Kikyo over, instead he traded Kagome over to Sesshomaru. What a cruel thing, I hope Kagome hates Inuyasha forever for what he had done. And by letting it happen, she will eventually fall in love with his older half-brother. Hahah Inuyasha is such a fool. And Kikyo is soooo ew....

Reviewer: Mikazuki Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2013 1:43:17 PM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

-giggles; Oh that Hojo. It's a bit sad for him actually, he just won't be able to get Kagome no matter how hard he tries, I feel a little bad for him. But Sesshomaru is so much more interesting ^_^



Author's Response: Unfortunately I doubt that any female would pick Hojo over someone as exciting as Sesshomaru.

Reviewer: Lady Nefertiti Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2008 8:02:27 PM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call


I like this chapter cause it shows he 'cares' about Kagome but isn't trying to show it. Of course Kagome notices he's jealous right away.....I swear guys.....bound to get jealous even though the guy is just a friend, well not even...huh.  ^_^

Update soon. Loving the fic.

Lady Nefertiti.


Reviewer: PaineInABox Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 27 Nov 2008 3:28:28 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

i like the story hope you update

Author's Response: I will most definately be updating if not today than later tonight the next chapter is half way done.  I am glad that you are enjoying.  Reviews are always appreciated, they keep me motivated.  Happy Turkey day!

Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Nov 2008 6:09:49 PM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

Very good chapter please update soon

Author's Response: Next one is on the way.  Should be there today.  I am so glad that you have stayed with the story and still like it.  :-)  Happy Turkey day!!!

Reviewer: snowbird Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Nov 2008 3:17:08 PM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

I'm glad he was able to pass through the well.  He's seeing and learning another side of her and her world.  She's also seeing another side to him.  His jealousy and concern.  But for a short moment, she thought he would hit her.  Just as I thought, you do it once to someone, they don't forget.  You have to verbally and physically let them know you're sorry.   Verbal apologies are easy to make for most people but to prove you mean it, you have to prove it by not even having the feeling to begin with even during an argument.  He's not there yet because of his previous thought to drag her by the hair back through the well.  You don't have violent thoughts about someone you truly care for even if they make you angry.  Violent thoughts eventually lead to violent acts.  I just hope he someday realizes this.  Until then she's foolish to let herself to care for him.  

As you've already guessed, I'm very much opposed to physical and verbal abuse in a relationship.  As a small child, I watched my mother go through it until she divorced my dad.  Most people would not have caught the verbal abuse that Inuyasha gave her at times in the anime. 

Author's Response:

I have been witness to some of the same things and to be quite honest have been through some very abusive relationships, but what I write is a horse of a different color.  I am trying to make a killer into someone capable of compassion.  Sesshomaru has a rocky road ahead of him, just as we all do in one way or another, so I ask this, that you bear with him as he tries desperately to become a better person.  My deepest regrets for any painful reminders that this story may bring about, my intention lays in giving people a way to get away from their problems not return to them.  I hope that you are enjoying inspite of some of the violence I can't garuntee that there won't be more or none from here on out, but I do hope that you see it for what it is, my vision of how it may happen, not an endorcement of violence or abuse.  I must say Kudos to your stepfather who obviously raised and intelligent, independant, and well spoken stepdaughter.  With utmost respect- Maiko Anna

Reviewer: InuAngel Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 25 Nov 2008 4:35:36 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

Awwww! That's so cute. This has to be hard to write,well, Sessy's part anyway, keeping him Sessy as he falls in love.  I know her mother see's it, does Kagome?  Is she starting to see it anyway?  Poor dumb Hojo, I though Kagome would ask Sessy why does he care if she has a mate there or a boyfriend, I would love to hear his answer to that.  Is he mad because he thinks that she lied about who can come and go through the well?  This is such a great stroy I can hardly wait for update!  I'm glad he can go through.  Will he actually have a confromtation with Hojo?  I guess I have to wait!  EXCELLENT once again!  Write on!

Much Love


Author's Response: I can't tell you how hard it can be sometimes to get Sesshomaru balanced between lover and the perfect killer that he is.  I am just glad that I seem to be doing a good job at it for the most part.  Hojo is not out of the woods yet and there is still the secret of the well to come so I hope that you will like the next few chapters.  I am hard at work on them now.  Happy Reading! .... Thank you by the way for your excellent reviews they always help to keep pen to paper... or finger to key however you want to look at it.  :-)

Reviewer: UtterChaos247 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Nov 2008 1:37:38 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

loving this story, update again soon... perhaps some of Sesshoumaru's higher intellegence will kick in after the jealous rage and he'll realize the slight rashness of his actions

Author's Response: You never know what will happen once they return to the his time.  Thanks for the review.  Happy reading.

Reviewer: lillianruno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Nov 2008 12:38:55 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Hojo's Close Call

am sooooooooooo glad Hojo got out when he did I hope Ses will eventually understand

Author's Response:

I didn't think that Hojo's demise would help the plot that much either.  ;-P


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