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Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2008 12:19:04 AM Title: Chapter 14 - Compassion

Very good please update soon

Author's Response: Thanks.  I'll keep the chapters coming.

Reviewer: snowbird Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2008 5:25:03 PM Title: Chapter 14 - Compassion

I really like that his tender side is finally coming out.  The real test will be when the next time he gets angry at her.  He's stopped being physical but we'll see what his thoughts are in his anger.

Author's Response: Glad to see that you are becoming more comfortable in the story.  I hope that you enjoy the rest.

Reviewer: SilverRaven Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2008 9:12:24 AM Title: Chapter 14 - Compassion

I'm loving this story so much.  Its great to see Sesshy struggle with keeping up kis stoic facade while he is dealing with his inner turmoil of not wanting to admit out loud that he is falling for Kags.  I think that you have written him very well.  He still acts like himself to an extent, but we have all seen that Rin softened him a little near the end of the manga, so logically if he were to fall for someone like Kags, who is, in essence, just as bubbly and joyful as Rin, then he would eventually soften towards her as well.  Keep up the great work.  Love the quick updates.  Cant wait to read more. I cant wait to see what happens when Sess finally swallows his pride and admits to Kags that he wants her.  Will it be in a moment of desperation, or will it be in a totally romantic setting.  Cant wait to find out.

Author's Response: Sesshomaru is a great challenge to keep himself, but Sesshomaru in any other way, in this story, just isn't worth the time it takes to write.  As a writer I find myself between two very different places while writing this.  There are days where Sesshomaru and Kagome practically write themselves, and then there are those other days where I can't even imagine what they would say to each other.  I know that I hate having to wait months for an author to finish a story so I try to strap myself to the computer chair for a while everyday so that readers can stay "into" the story. I aim to please, at least try to.  That is why there are some shorter chapters that could possibly be combined.  Thank you so much for the review.  I hope that the future chapters will live up to those written so far.

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