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Reviewer: ceeee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2008 12:59:41 AM Title: Chapter 18 - A Secret Ally

i hate clifhangers , but i love this story . i can`t tell you that enough . i just wish fluffy would compromise with kagome , though youve done a good job of keeping sesshomaru's character in tact . i read some other fanfics , and the character is suppose to be sesshomaru but he's way to nice & it's just not right . i hope that wasnt confusing for you :S


Author's Response:

Always happy to please.  I will give you all a little background on one of my goals for this story.  The first and foremost was to stick with the way that Sesshomaru would really act.  I think, not that it counts for much, that the reason that Sesshomaru is the favorite is becaue of the way that he acts.  There is something sexy, alluring, and out right hot about a man that is full of confidence, mystery, calm, and that can protect and take care of you.  Lets face it a little hard to get and drop dead gorgeous never hurts either.  I only hope that I can get Sesshomaru right and keep him that way.  So glad that you are enjoying!

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Dec 2008 6:56:57 PM Title: Chapter 18 - A Secret Ally

good chapter. cant wait till the next one

Author's Response: Thanks I'm working on it.

Reviewer: snowbird Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Dec 2008 6:37:54 AM Title: Chapter 18 - A Secret Ally

Just when she was beginning to see another side to him, he just had to go and remind her of his feral side.  As long as he keeps showing that side to her, I don't blame her for not submitting.  He just convinced her that he ould never change, at least those were her thoughts.  He just made his job harder. I'm a big beliver in compromise.  When he's finally able to open up to her and willing to meet her at least halfway, then I'll start having hope for them.

Author's Response:

Sesshomaru may never be a softy, but he will figure it out sooner or later... at least I hope.  ;-)  Sesshomaru still has a lot of growing to do, but he will get there.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: lillianruno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Dec 2008 4:19:55 AM Title: Chapter 18 - A Secret Ally

ooooh this is getting sooo good hope for an update soon


Author's Response: Thanks... you won't have to wait long.

Reviewer: InuAngel Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Dec 2008 2:11:03 AM Title: Chapter 18 - A Secret Ally

I was right it is getting good!  i thought it was so cool that it rained due to Sessy's mood.  Will Kagome find out the truth about what happened between him and Yash?  I can't wait for more!  I love the way your story flows and all the surprises.  Also watching Sess grow emotionally and trying to deal with them. Excellent! Write on!

Much Love


Author's Response:

I am glad that I am living up to your exepectations.  I hope that there is so much more that will keep you entertained.  I will be posting a new update soon.  Thanks again for all your support.  You have no idea how much it means to me.

Maiko Anna

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