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Reviewer: Lady Nefertiti Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Dec 2008 8:16:56 PM Title: Chapter 20 - Searching for Answers

You just HAD to stop there didn't you? I hate cliffies!!! GAH girl update before I die of impatience!!!! by the way good chapter, wonderful details of sesshy... ^_^

Take care-

Lady Nefertiti.

Author's Response:

Sorry for keeping you on the edge, but I love to leave the reader wanting more. :-P  No worries though I will be updating soon.  Glad that you liked the details... I try to paint the picture as best I can.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: ceeee Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2008 8:42:47 PM Title: Chapter 20 - Searching for Answers

no , why ? another clifhanger . this story is like a drug , i can't stopp . it keeps getting better and better as well. lol today i skipped a meeting just to come home and read it . when you finally complete this story , i hope it gets featured or atleast win a prize . though , i'm not sure if youre suppose to submitt the story in ;

Author's Response:

You made my day.  I am so glad that you like the story so far.  I hope that I can keep it up.  I put my all into it so it means so much to hear that people like it that much.  I'll be updating soon.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2008 7:50:30 PM Title: Chapter 20 - Searching for Answers

I did not think Sesshoumaru would ask her the question directly. I wonder if there is a way?

Author's Response:

Desperation does crazy things to people, and right now I'd have to say that Sesshomaru is a little desperat.  :-)

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2008 5:46:32 PM Title: Chapter 20 - Searching for Answers

good good love your story 

Reviewer: lillianruno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Dec 2008 7:35:59 AM Title: Chapter 20 - Searching for Answers

have fingers crossed ...fountain of youth fountain of youth!...anyways lol loving the story hope Ses either finds a way or decides it doesn't matter.

Author's Response:

I hope so too.  We'll see what I come up with.

Maiko  Anna

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