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Reviewer: Lady Nefertiti Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Dec 2008 8:07:35 PM Title: Chapter 22 - Bittersweet Return

Hey I'm back. I love this fic so much. You're a great writer. Sesshomaru needs Inuyasha's permission! ha-ha joke of the century. That's just so great. ^_^

hmm...I tried looking for you on Fanfiction (dot) net but I couldn't find you or your fic. I mean I saw you on the site once (your profile) but then today I couldn't find you. Well anyway, onto your next chapter!

Lady Nefertiti.


Author's Response:

Thank you very much. You have no idea what that means to me.  The story on the other site is under Sesshomaru's Captive, and I changed my name on the site to Miko Anna.   There were a lot of people telling me I didn't know how to spell miko... I finally got tired of it and changed it.  (With a little angry note that Maiko is an aprentice geisha and that I knew what it meant.  :-P)  So go under Miko Anna and try that.  Thanks again


Reviewer: InuAngel Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2008 3:11:14 AM Title: Chapter 22 - Bittersweet Return

Excellent last two chapters, not just the chapters, the entire story is excellent!  It's more than that I just can't find another word to express it.  I'm glad I finally got a chance to catch up!  I love the idea that Sessy's emotions effect the weather inside his barrier, it suites him perfectly.  I like how he was surprised with his own depth of feeling by the magnatitude of his storms. That chapter when he was losing it, was beautifully written.  I could see him standing there amoung the chaos of the storm straining to hold back his emotions, something that was new for him.  That was some fierce writing!  As for Kikyo I'm not sure how to judge her, she's just desperate to live, but to live at expence another life is just... well the dead girl ain't in her right mind.   That was an excellent way to get their father involved, that was the only way Sessy would listen and put aside his pride so fast.  he respected his father no matter how he felt about him having a human wife and Inuyasha.  Also, he admitted to himself that he needed Kagome and would do anything for her.  Awwwww!    I love your story it's  like your right there with them.  Update soon Write on!

Much Love


Author's Response:

Thanks I always love to hear that I did a good job.  I didn't know if I would be able to paint what I was seeing in my head with words.  I wanted everyone to really be able to visualize Sesshomaru's powers maturing.  I wanted the feeling to go past words and really drag you in.  I hope that I did a good job.  I am so glad that you enjoyed it.  Thanks for the great review.  All my best.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: Lady Nefertiti Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2008 11:16:50 PM Title: Chapter 22 - Bittersweet Return

Great update on the fic. I hope that Kagome and Sesshomaru make-up soon. It's so sad....(sigh)


Take care-

Lady Nefertiti.

Author's Response:

If they don't figure it out soon it's going to kill one of them, but I doubt I could let that happen.  We'll have to see.  :-)  Enjoy the story and thanks for the feedback... it's always appreciated.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: snowbird Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2008 5:20:25 AM Title: Chapter 22 - Bittersweet Return

His pain brought tears to my eyes while I wanted to just slap Inuyasha out of Kagome's mind.  Her thoughts are so hung up on Inuyasha that she could not sense the turmoil in Sesshoumaru's aura.  Right now I feel very pissed at Kagome.  I'm tired of her whining over the Inuyasha/Kikyou thing. 

Author's Response:

Sooner or later she is gonna have to wake up... or I will have to write her out.  I don't think that would be too well recieved though so I am going to go with waking the heck up.  I am glad that I was able to portray Sesshomaru's pain that well.  Hope that you are enjoying.  Thanks for the review... always a pleasure to read.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2008 4:05:24 AM Title: Chapter 22 - Bittersweet Return

i love this chapter 

Reviewer: lillianruno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2008 3:29:10 AM Title: Chapter 22 - Bittersweet Return

it is so sad Inu needs to S**T or get off the pot and decide

Author's Response:

Never heard it put better.  :-P

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: ceeee Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2008 12:42:26 AM Title: Chapter 22 - Bittersweet Return

hmpf , kagome should choose to leave inuyasha . i hope she returns to sesshmaru soon , how can she be so clueless with the whole storm? update soon , let's say .. sunday ? i'm kidding , i know you probably have a super busy life . thanks for updating frequently (:

Author's Response:

Life is busy, but... I think that you just might have another update tonight.  I am working on the next chapter.  If not today than without a doubt tomorrow.  I am glad that you have been enjoying.

Maiko Anna

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