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Reviewer: Lady Nefertiti Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Dec 2008 2:56:13 PM Title: Chapter 30-The Goddess and The Demon

yes! they are almost there! finally but not yet admitting they like each other. ^_^

Lady Nefertiti.

Author's Response:

I guess I couldn't keep them apart forever.  :-P  The readers would get mad eventually.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: Ruby Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Dec 2008 5:38:58 PM Title: Chapter 30-The Goddess and The Demon

great chapter I would love to go to that house.

Author's Response:

So would I.  :-)

Reviewer: ceeee Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Dec 2008 6:52:51 AM Title: Chapter 30-The Goddess and The Demon

You know , usually I just want the next chapter. But I seriously think I NEED this one. This story is just getting more and more intresting. Your imagination is like a bottomless pitt. Everytime I try to guess what happens next, you suprise me by coming out with something completley diffrent. I just wish your chapters were longer :(

Author's Response:

Ha thanks so much.  Once the holiday season is over the chapters will get longer.  I have made them short for this story so that I can update them quickly.  There will definately  be more tonight or tomorrow.  Thanks for all your support.

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Dec 2008 6:09:54 AM Title: Chapter 30-The Goddess and The Demon

Forgive me, I have been quite busy. I am having a financial dilema as my boss said he was putting me on hold until he figures out what is going to be done. I have to find a way to make sure the server that IYFF is paid for come beginning Jan 2009. Anyway, I will try to do what I can soon with making a graphic. It may not be in total focus towards your fanfic, but a general Sess/Kag image. I have quite a few ideas, but have to find more time.

I like the twist on the island, especially on Kagome's vision on its history.

Author's Response:

I read about the dilema from the banner.  I don't have much, but when I get paid I'm there for ya.  If this site went away I would seriously cry, you have no idea how much this site means to the writers.  It's like an escape from reality, especially for those of us who work 70 hours a week.  Take your time with the graphic, I'm not going anywhere.

Maiko Anna

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