Reviews For Guilty Hero
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Reviewer: xXmika_ookamiXx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2009 4:57:20 AM Title: Christmas Morning

It was great. And I still wish Inuyasha could celebrate Christmas with Kagome and her family. I'm glad that he figured it out. Anyways, can't wait for the next chapter, like usual.


Reviewer: Inumimi Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2009 4:20:27 PM Title: Christmas Morning

I have been holding off on reading this story (not a big angst fan), but it is so well written I could not stop. This last chapter had me dabbing my eyes. Excellent story, thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Reviewer: Thayet Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2009 3:33:03 AM Title: Christmas Morning

Okay I'm actually in tears over these last few paragraphs I'm so happy for both Inuyasha and Kagome. I also like that he gave her a present that he bought a long time ago, it's very sweet.

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