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Reviewer: Lorisa45 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Apr 2009 9:22:46 PM Title: Better Bird Demons Than Liars

This is still pretty wierd....but I still Love it!!!!!!! Oh hope you update again this is a pretty awesome story!

Reviewer: PrincessJaded Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Mar 2009 2:48:32 AM Title: Better Bird Demons Than Liars

Wow, that was intense. Poor kid. But it makes sense now. I'm really loving this fic. Please update this soon!

Reviewer: sango Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Mar 2009 6:52:22 PM Title: Better Bird Demons Than Liars

please continue, i like this story so far, it's really good.

Reviewer: DanaRose31382 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11 Mar 2009 9:27:15 AM Title: Better Bird Demons Than Liars

Hey there girl! Great chapter! I was so happy to see you put another up! I hope you'll add another soon! Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Ha Ha Thanks! I will get on that ASAP!

Reviewer: Lorisa45 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Mar 2009 4:21:48 PM Title: Anger Issues and Bird Demons

This is so weird....But totally absolutley AWESOME!!!!!!!!Keep updating this!I'm totally hooked now!!!!!

Author's Response: I'm glad your enjoying! I will be updating soon!

Reviewer: kagome8657 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Mar 2009 2:09:56 AM Title: The Best Part of Waking Up Is Not Having Broken Bones. So Much for That.

i can't wait till the next chapter this is a good story  :)

Author's Response: Ha ha, I will try to get it up really soon! I know what I want to say, but I also have to read two plays, a book, and write an outline of a research paper for tomorrow, so I will do my very best for you and Inuyasha and Kagome to put it up soon!

Reviewer: Sweet_Dark_Silence Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 26 Feb 2009 7:48:02 PM Title: The Spider-hand Thing Returns

I've gotta say I really like this!

I hope you see fit to update in the near future.

Author's Response: I did! I was really glad to see people liked this story. It's my personal favorite. Hope you like chapter 4!

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