Date: 14 Apr 2009 7:59:23 PM Title: Prolouge
Interesting very interesting!
Author's Response: It gets even more interesting! This will be a long story so bare with me! :)
Date: 13 Apr 2009 7:02:16 AM Title: Scroll 4
I loved the lemon! :) I think you did an excellent job! :) Well done! Keep up the good work! As you write them more and more you'll feel less and less embarrassed. :) That's how I got over my embarrassment teehee! I hope you write more lemons in the future!! :)
Author's Response: Thx! You're the expert lemon writer! :) I thought it was to vague for NC-17, but I guess not! I'll keep reading your story everytime you update! :)
Date: 27 Mar 2009 4:26:16 AM Title: Prolouge
I love your story please update soon
Author's Response: I'll try to update the story as quick as I can! This story is going to be extremely long, and the chapters take awhile to type up, but I'll update as soon as I get each chapter finshed. Glad your enjoying it! :)
Date: 26 Mar 2009 4:22:00 PM Title: Scroll 1
So far interesting story. I hate to mention this, but "allusion" means "to refer to or imply". I think the word you want is "illusion".
Author's Response: Thanks for mentioning that! I fixed it now. I usually don't have many technical problems since its typed in word. I appreciate it! Glad you are enjoying the story! :)
Date: 24 Mar 2009 11:35:45 PM Title: Prolouge
I love the first chapter update as soon as you can
Author's Response: Sure thing! Glad you're enjoying it! :D