Reviews For Crashing
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Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Sep 2019 5:18:45 PM Title: Chapter 1

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Aug 2019 3:59:08 PM Title: Chapter 1

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2019 1:44:24 PM Title: Chapter 1

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jun 2016 5:02:42 AM Title: Chapter 1 

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2016 10:13:01 PM Title: Chapter 1

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2016 9:33:27 PM Title: Chapter 1

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Dec 2015 1:11:46 AM Title: Chapter 1

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Apr 2014 2:45:10 PM Title: Chapter 1

Response to Ravyn Skye's Journal Entry


For those who say 'IT'S NOT CANON CUZ RT!'  1)I don't care. It's all I ever wanted. (And he even mentions the Kimono gifts!) 2) Would you argue that the band of seven isn't canon?  No, because the band of seven appear in the manga and were created by Takahashi.If the studio puts it out, RT has to approve of it and sign off on it.  The filler eps weren't written by her either. Incorrect. RT has no control over what the studio puts out, as evidenced by the fact that many things that happen in filler episodes contradict the things that happen in the manga. JK Rowling said so herself that she had no control over what went in the Harry Potter movies so why would Takahashi be any different. Is Ayame not canon? She isn't in the manga at all.  No one argues about them or when people write Kouga/Ayame. Correct. Ayame is not canon. And the people who write Koga/Ayame don't say that it's a canon pairing.In fact, RT herself didn't even have Inu and Kags kiss at the end of the manga, the studio added that into the anime, because they felt fans wouldn't be satisfied without it.. RT also didn't show Inu and Kags getting married, or even kissing... and in fact, Kagome is still wearing Miko robes at the end... Which you are only allowed to wear if you are a VIRGIN GIRL.  So... are they really married, even though they didn't show it  and she's in priestess robes fit only for virgin girls?  Most people wouldn't argue they aren't married, and they are basing that only on some lame excuse as to where his sister went used by Shouta (her little brother) to a friend.Yes. Everything that you're mentioning is not canon since it was not written by RT. And the miko robe  probably has more to do with RT not knowing that you have to be a virgin to wear it rather than them not being married. It was stated in the manga that they are engaged, which leads to marriage.

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 12:15:07 AM Title: Chapter 1

Also wakashudo was for man/boy relationships. It has nothing to do with sess/Rin cause Rin is a girl.

Reviewer: lalaone Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Feb 2014 11:57:44 PM Title: Chapter 1

I was Murasaki Shikibu on You deleted my review and the reviews on mediaminer doesn't allow uploads right now.

 Oh and I didn't flame you, just corrected you. I'm not a Sess/Kagura fan, I'm a sess/Rin shipper.

And no there was no sexual training, you're just making that up. YOU don't know shit. Read the Tale Of Genji. He makes her physically receptive to him, as in holding and stuff, but there's no sexual training. That's why you can't cite your sources or give any evidence that there was sexual training, because there wasn't.

Once again how was I supposed to know whether I liked it or not before reading it? Makes no sense.

And that CD had nothing to do with Takahashi and doesn't count as a part of canon.

Reviewer: Thayet Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jun 2009 1:54:00 AM Title: Chapter 1

Very good, I like the way that Inuyasha made him promise not to kill her.

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Jun 2009 10:35:45 PM Title: Chapter 1

You did a great job keeping him in character. I am sure for even Rin it would be hard to read him at times.

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