Reviews For Healing Soul
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Reviewer: Nebula Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Feb 2010 12:13:00 AM Title: Chapter 8

as I thought, this was another great little story :)

and a good continuation as well! heh

btw it seems Kirara likes curling up into a ball a lot lol

Author's Response: Thanks, my wife persuaded me unfortunately. XD Yea, I don't why I have Kirara curl like that a lot, maybe because our cat does it. -_-' I have a tendency to use all the characters, so even if it means Kirara is curling up in a ball, at least you know where she is. XD

Reviewer: Nebula Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Feb 2010 3:24:09 AM Title: Chapter 1

yup reading this one now to...

aww poor Inuyasha... 

Author's Response: I've had that said about this fiction so many times...XD "Poor InuYasha". :)

Reviewer: sango Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Aug 2009 4:01:44 PM Title: Chapter 4

oh, come on. i want to read more, pleaaase. lol:) but no really, i do want to read more.

Author's Response: Just posted! :D Hopefully, this chapter will bring the rising action to a close and slam the climax into action! ;)

Reviewer: Inumimi Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Aug 2009 8:26:29 PM Title: Chapter 4

Great chapter, I like how Sess is trying to help.

I know how hard it is when you are working of multiple stories (I am working on three with one more in my head) but this chapter was great.

Author's Response:

Isn't Sesshy just being the (He don't think so) big brother he SHOULD be? ;) Oh yes, I have them all done in my head, but ideas float in and out, its frustrating. And I'm also working on my own story, own idea, own characters, ect. So I'm booked with a lot. (Plus I'm sick right now...Ugh)

Thank you! I just posted my next chapter, sorry it took so long to respond. :P

Reviewer: Inumimi Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Aug 2009 4:12:14 PM Title: Chapter 3

Thanks so much for continuing the story!

There are a few words missing here and there that make the story a little hard to follow, you may want to reread and edit, other than that great follow up to your first story.

Author's Response: Well, I'm not technically 'continuing', more like pulling a hole in the story and filling it. Yea, when I type up these chapters, I did chapter three in about 20 minutes, so there might be a few grammar errors. I think I found a few while rereading, but I haven't had the time to go back and fix them. Well, I'm actually in a hurry, so I can start my AU story, get going on my ETL story, and maybe even start my new idea 'Brother's Keeper'. So I think I bit off more then I could chew. ;) Glad you're enjoying it! :D

Reviewer: DanaRose31382 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2009 10:03:57 AM Title: Chapter 1

I love it! Keep up the good work Alex! So what do you think? Should I put the picture up in the welcome page on the site for everyone to see while I try to figure out how to make the skin or should I wait?

Author's Response: Thanks! Sure, the welcome page would be perfect for now! :) Let everyone see it before it becomes a skin! I would love that! (Can you send me the invite again?, It got deleted be accident)...sigh.

Reviewer: hawk jr Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2009 8:32:42 PM Title: Prologue

Awsome I like the story plz update and hope you got my email

Author's Response: Sure will, and yes I got your email, for some reason, I tried to email you, but it bounced back. I usually don't ask personal questions but are you under 13? Because, if your not, your grammar should not be as it is, if you are under 13, you shouldn't be on Enduring Love at all. If not, you should have learned basic grammar already, I just can't re-edit all your chapters, just type it up in a spell check program, then use the key commands, (Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste) and it should appear in the box. (Don't left click that won't work). If you have any more questions just email me! :)

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