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Reviewer: missdiva99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Jan 2012 2:28:48 AM Title: Sacrifices Must Be Made

Great story! Sorry if your a Koga fan but I thought Koga getting beat up was HALARIOUS!!!

Author's Response: Late reply, I know lol. I am a Kouga fan, but he needs some sense knocked into him sometimes haha! I know it's been forever and a day since I've updated, but I do have a few paragraphs for each of my stories completed. College life does not allow for extra time :( However, I will be uploading before summer ends; I've missed writing Inufanfiction!

Reviewer: KiwiFairie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2009 11:26:29 PM Title: Sacrifices Must Be Made

inu is funny. i saw the break up but not the accusion of ayame being with shessy

Reviewer: KiwiFairie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2009 11:07:23 PM Title: Jump to the Past

aw. shessy has some competition.

Reviewer: KiwiFairie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2009 10:57:50 PM Title: Current Situations

that was great.

Reviewer: lover_of_inuyasha_n_kagome Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Oct 2009 3:30:59 AM Title: Sacrifices Must Be Made

this is 2 funni i love it!!!

Author's Response: thank you lolz!! the next chapter will be out sometime next week. I'm working on this other story called Sex Ed. I'm just waiting for this site to post it or something like that. If you'd like to read it (it's on another site) email me. thanks for reading!

Reviewer: lover_of_inuyasha_n_kagome Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Sep 2009 12:42:45 AM Title: Current Situations

i like it!! its not bad at all! update soon!!!

Author's Response: Well, thank you! I'll try to update soon but I'm in college and I'm kinda new to the whole schedule but I'll be working on it! I'll try to get a new chapter up this weekend. Thanks for reviewing!

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