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Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2008 12:14:57 AM Title: Time

Argh! What a cliffhanger! I wonder what Sesshoumaru will do...will he return all those years to Kagome? Will she remember who he is and where they are? 

Reviewer: Sabishii_Kuroneko Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2008 10:44:49 PM Title: Exile

You have better update soon or i'll come over there and tickle you!  lol!  Keep it up!

Reviewer: KogasWoman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2008 4:24:09 PM Title: Exile

ooooo....i cant wait for the next update!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: KogasWoman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2008 3:55:00 PM Title: The Fallen Maiden


Reviewer: Akayasha Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2008 11:29:23 PM Title: Exile

Excellent. I wonder if he truly will allow Kagome to be 40 and not feel sorry that she waited so long for him.

Reviewer: Inuchic17 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2008 11:48:49 PM Title: Exile

Sesshy is a jerk!

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2008 10:01:41 PM Title: Exile

Well, that was to be expected.  I mean, he is Sesshoumaru, after all.  But it was clever of him to use the old "You're no better than he is" line.  This was an excellent chapter.  I can't say I'll miss Oto-hime, but it was a great arc.  ^^

Reviewer: daretodreamlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2008 2:58:00 AM Title: Exile

Oh my goodness! I am loving this story even more! Can't wait for you to update again! :D

Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13 Jul 2008 5:02:48 PM Title: Exile

What will he do? Looking forward to the next chapter. :) 

Reviewer: daretodreamlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Jul 2008 1:55:27 AM Title: Urashima Taro

Oh my gosh! Hah, I love how Sesshomaru is kind of reassuring her that he will be back and such. At least that's what my mind got.. o.o Can't wait to read the next chapter in a few seconds. haha.

Reviewer: daretodreamlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Jul 2008 1:47:09 AM Title: Fire and Arrows

Ooo.. The Dragon King was indeed quite entertaining. I liked him. Of course, not nearly as much as Sesshomaru. :]

Reviewer: daretodreamlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Jul 2008 12:19:30 AM Title: The Harder Path

Oo I love this story and this chapter, I think, is one of my favorites so far. I love Shiro! Hah and how he kissed and was flirting with Kagome. Amazing. :D

Reviewer: CelestiCat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Jul 2008 8:58:40 PM Title: Q&A with Shiro & the Dragon King

Can I borrow Orochi and Shiro? They are the definition of hotness and I would be honered to borrow them.Also I would like to know if Orochi has ever enjoyed virgins in both sexual and flesh-eating terms. Is he a European dragon or a Asian Dragon? Or a mix of both? Because I was thinking of a story called Dragon's Prey where the European Dragons were banned from Europe by The Pope and were hunting virgins like Kagome and Sesshomaru offered to help with the virginity 'problem'.Good Story!Yours Too!It's on a Sesshomaru and Kagome site called:A Single Spark.Very good site.Has lots of good stories and authors.Also Orochi reminds me of Hiei..and Shiro reminds me of a perverted Sesshomaru....Orichi and Shiro are the ultimate versions of is my hotness chart: tied in first Hiei and Shiro...tied in second..Orochi and Sesshomaru...tied in third Bankotsu...ah to have any one of those demons in my bed.*sigh* I just can't get lucky,can I?


P.S Contact me please?

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Jul 2008 11:07:51 PM Title: The Fallen Maiden

Oh, you and your cliff-hangers.  LOL

 Again, I wonder if he just doesn't like the Princess, if he just wants to get it over with, or if he feels obligated to get back to Kagome because of his promise.

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Jul 2008 10:21:21 PM Title: Urashima Taro

Hmm...  I wonder...  Did he give her those things for her comfort?  Or did he merely say he gave them to her for safe-keeping?  Had she not been so nervous, would he have given them to her, or simply went underwater with everything? 

I have a few speculations about how this will go, but I don't want to feel stupid, so I will keep said guesses to myself, lol.  Great job with this.

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Jul 2008 9:59:41 PM Title: Q&A with Shiro & the Dragon King

This was so much fun!!!  I've never seen anything like it in the fanfics I read, and it was a great distraction.  Overall, the story has become heavy and dramatic, and I think the humor in this was a nice little break from the story.

 "Fluffy"  XD

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Jul 2008 9:41:49 PM Title: Fire and Arrows

Wow.  I'm so sorry I haven't been able to read - I have been so busy with my own stories and now that I'm an administrator here, things have been... hectic.  To say the least.  But I had been waiting for a chance to sit down with this and I'm kind of glad I can read more than just one chapter, lol.  Now I'm off to the fifth tale! 

Reviewer: laughing_wolf222 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2008 5:37:15 PM Title: Q&A with Shiro & the Dragon King

Hahahahahaah. That was great! I've never read anyone doing that in the middle of a story. That gives me a few ideas......Anyway! Great! Love the story, keep writing!

Reviewer: KogasWoman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2008 5:12:33 PM Title: OtoHime

ooooo..... now what will happen?

Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29 Jun 2008 3:07:22 PM Title: OtoHime

Love it, love it. Please update soon! 

Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 27 Jun 2008 9:19:40 PM Title: Urashima Taro

They don;t get to do this sotry together? :( I hope Kagome doesn't get herself into any trouble while he is gone.

Reviewer: KogasWoman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jun 2008 4:05:58 PM Title: Urashima Taro

absitively amazing! Can't wait to see what happens. Too bad Kagome couldn't touch the turtle, but at least she got a glimpse of Fluffy. Will there be more glimpses of a nearly nude Sesshy?

Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jun 2008 7:02:25 AM Title: Ink on Skin

I hope he does come back soon and not in 300 years. It was endearing for him to leave his belongings with her. Also as a bonus, Kagome got to see one hot demon just nearly naked.

Reviewer: black_fairy119 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Jun 2008 6:05:55 AM Title: Urashima Taro

aww kags is going to be all alone wow wasn't she lucky

Reviewer: black_fairy119 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Jun 2008 6:24:50 PM Title: Q&A with Shiro & the Dragon King

hahaha i loved this chapter it was so interesting

you know the Dragon King seems more like Sesshoumaru than Shiro does lolz

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