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Reviewer: inuyasha_rocks Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Oct 2010 5:36:57 AM Title: The Treaty

no more? hurry and post the next chapter soon. please :D

Reviewer: pokiepal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Jul 2008 3:52:00 AM Title: The Vassals

intresting about the vessel thing.  I'm pretty sure I understand how that works now.  I even understood the reasonings about why Onjou wanted the position for himself.  Thank you for such an intresting story again!!

Author's Response: Oh, I'm glad. My pleasure, and thank you for reading!-Namiyo

Reviewer: pokiepal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Jun 2008 2:46:21 AM Title: The Overtures

Ya I was wondering if he'd make it out alive or not.  I really do like him.  It would be good if he grew up a little bit this time though.  I'm not quite sure I understand what is going on with the wolf-tribe though.  I sometimes have a hard time understanding the workings of the inner-court of the Lords.  still keep up the good work.  Can't wait to see what transpires next!

Author's Response: Ahhh, good to know! I like it when someone says they have a problem following something, it helps me a lot! I'll try to make sure it's easier to follow, because I know I get complicated with it. Thanks again!-Namiyo

Reviewer: pokiepal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Jun 2008 2:31:50 AM Title: The Hama-ya

neat chapter.  I actually like the idea of her having a vessel.  I'd like to see how useful he can be here.  I have a feeling he might be of some use.  thank you for a few more chapters!

Author's Response: Thanks, I really wanted to have him show up, and I'm really happy you like him! Oh yes, he does have a part to play, promise! A new one's up-Namiyo

Reviewer: pokiepal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Jun 2008 8:43:22 PM Title: The Unmasking

OOHH  man!  I really do like shippo.  'though I would feel extra angry after being tricked like that too expecailly after all they'd done for him.  can't wait for a new chapter.  I hope that you don't have to many irons in the fire to be able to keep up with all the fics your writing.  I'll try to keep my eyes open for new chapters.  Thank you!!!

Author's Response: Ahhh. Yeah, it seemed to fit his character, but I am a bit rough with him. Oh, not to worry, I actually prefer to have a few stories going at once, if I can swtich off from one to the other, it keeps me fresh. More is up, and I hope you enjoy!-Namiyo

Reviewer: limespark Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 May 2008 11:33:37 PM Title: The Accession

man i loved the first two stories, im so happy you've started the next one!

can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad, and it'll be fairly quick. -Namiyo

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