Date: 18 Jun 2008 2:50:54 PM Title: The Weave Broken part 2
WOW!! Just finished this first part of the story! all i can say is WOW!! I'll be going now to read what you have on the second side of the story!! Thank you for such a good tail!!!
Author's Response: Thank you! That's very kind. I'm happy to read you enjoyed it, and I hope you like part two as well!-Namiyo

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:45:44 AM Title: The Weave Broken part 2
Wow! What a climatic ending to this part. I am definitely going to read the sequel.
Author's Response: Thank you! I really worried that I didn't make it tense enough. Part two takes right up where this one ends, so I hope you enjoy it! Thanks again for all the kind reviews!-Namiyo

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:38:54 AM Title: Dancing in the Moonlight Part 3
HAHA! Shippo being chased down... Mushin is a riot!
Author's Response: I really had a lot of fun writing that. I'm glad you laughed!-Namiyo

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:36:19 AM Title: Dancing in the Moonlight Part 2
Well, that went better than I thought. I am glad Sesshoumaru accepted the older InuYasha's explanation.
Author's Response: I figured he would since he figured out Inuyasha really was older. I didn't want it to go too badly, but it does set up something for the sequel. Won't say what.-Namiyo

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:29:24 AM Title: Dancing in the moonlight...part 1
Uh oh, Sesshoumaru is finally in the house!
Author's Response: Yep!-Namiyo

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:28:00 AM Title: The Wolf, the Maid, the Fox and the Drunkard
I hope Mushin catches Shippo... even for being a drunk, Mushin can be surprising at times.
Author's Response: I love playing with Mushin, he's got so much potential and he never seems to get used, you know? I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.-Namiyo

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:21:10 AM Title: Legend of the Woods Witch
Very clever... However it is sad to the explanation that the other Kagome gave.
Author's Response: Thank you! It is sad, I know. -Namiyo

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:10:13 AM Title: Memory and Meetings
Damn... Shippo became a brat thief... kind makes him seem the bad guy this time around and just for some fame.
Author's Response: Yeah. I admit to not being a Shippo fan, and I thought that was a little different way of handling him.

Date: 18 Jun 2008 5:02:02 AM Title: Of things and fans part 2
Uh oh, now what... Sesshoumaru is about the enter the plot. I cringe to think... well, with some hope things will be well....
Author's Response: Oh, yes, he's in the story at last. -Namiyo

Date: 17 Jun 2008 10:01:46 PM Title: Of things and fans part 1
too cute funny chapter!!
Author's Response: Thanks!-Namiyo

Date: 06 Jun 2008 11:52:39 PM Title: Mistakes and Mischief
okay! I got a new chapter read! Really intresting chapter. I can't wait to see what midoriko does to put a stop on time!!
Author's Response: Midoriko was actually one of the hardest to manage in this story. Her motives and plans well-won't say, but they do interfere a lot. -Namiyo

Date: 06 Jun 2008 2:07:15 AM Title: Travelling Travails
MMMM a shard detector is in the mix....not many of THOSE in the past is there. I wonder what trouble that will bring everyone! Hope that will lead them all together alright. by the title I see that something is going to go wrong but how bad is it going to get I guess is the real question!!! alot to think about in this chapter.
Author's Response: Oh, poor Ichiro. Poor all of them, really. : D Well, I tried to make the plot a bit different, so I hope it stays entertaining. Thans again-Namiyo

Date: 06 Jun 2008 1:45:29 AM Title: Where there's a will...
I have to say that shippou is making me a little bit angry! excuse me!! Bringing another person to the past was going to make them all even!! what was he thinking!? He wants me to ring his neck!!! I know that you said that he wasn't going to be a nice guy, but I don't know if I'll be able to say anything nice about him for awhile!!!! UUUHHHGGG! okay my rant is over. thank you for the intresting chapter. I got to read a little more this evening and I'm glad that I've picked your story to get a few stolen moments before my husbund kicks me off his computer. K, on to the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Argh! I am so sorry I didn't reply sooner, pokiepal! I forgot to check the review numbers to see if there were new ones.
Hey, I happen to agree. Shippo strikes me as a schmuck on a good day. *Snort* I may have to do a story he isn't a schmuck in just to challenge myself. Oh, thank you! I really am happy to hear that. Enjoy, and thanks again for reading and reviewing!-Namiyo

Date: 05 Jun 2008 9:34:29 PM Title: Arguement and Abduction
OOHH what's the scoop!!!? I as SSOO upset that I have to take another break!! As always I love your stories, so full of twists can't wait to see what's around the next bend
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I really do appreciate that, I love to keep my readers interested! Oh, it'll be here when you get back! Promise!-Namiyo

Date: 04 Jun 2008 5:23:50 PM Title: Beginnings Revisited
I can't wait to read this one too! So little time and so much to read! thank you for bringing such an intresting story out to play!!
Author's Response: Thanks! hee, now that is a wonderful problem, isn't it? Thank you for reading it!-Namiyo

Date: 22 May 2008 7:58:39 AM Title: Kindred Spirits
Wow! This is a great fanfic so far. There is not only the feudal era characters but those from the future too. It is very complex, but wonderfully written.
Author's Response: Thanks, Nile! That's kind of you.-Namiyo