Reviews For Waning Moon
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Reviewer: Inu_Miroku_fangurl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2007 6:30:31 AM Title: Rivalry Inuyasha is turning into a yaoi-insest story.......cooooooooool! I love yaoi! *drool* ^_^ I can't wait till you update the story it's really good!!!!!!

Reviewer: Inu_Miroku_fangurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2007 6:16:34 AM Title: Food

awwwwwwww.....Inuyasha is soooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! I love the way he talks!!!!! ^_^

Reviewer: Inu_Miroku_fangurl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2007 6:02:39 AM Title: Insanity

Has Sesshomaru gone mad?! Cuz I think he has......well it's really good even if Sesshomaru is going crazy! ^_^

Reviewer: Inu_Miroku_fangurl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2007 5:55:21 AM Title: Love

Wow.....So does he love Kagome......or Inuyasha? I guess I should read less complicated stories......I am blonde, and I get confused preaty nice chapter ^_^

Reviewer: Inu_Miroku_fangurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2007 5:47:44 AM Title: Introductions

awwwwwwwww how cute! ^_^ so sesshomaru does have a i never would have guessed! lol

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