Reviews For The Ultimate Destiny
Reviewer: Lexy07 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Sep 2010 9:27:25 PM Title: Admitting Love and A Hanyou’s Rage
Date: 22 Sep 2010 9:27:25 PM Title: Admitting Love and A Hanyou’s Rage
I hope you finish ur story!!
Reviewer: sesshomaru2kill Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Sep 2008 4:07:18 AM Title: Admitting Love and A Hanyou’s Rage
Date: 20 Sep 2008 4:07:18 AM Title: Admitting Love and A Hanyou’s Rage
awesome can't wait for the next chapter!!
Reviewer: daretodreamlove Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2008 9:32:58 PM Title: Ka-Su and the Lunar Inu Flute
Date: 18 Jul 2008 9:32:58 PM Title: Ka-Su and the Lunar Inu Flute
Tragedy? But I don't like tragedies. =[
Reviewer: daretodreamlove Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2008 9:26:50 PM Title: Can’t always have the last say
Date: 18 Jul 2008 9:26:50 PM Title: Can’t always have the last say
Hah! That is kind of funny.. Ketaramaru arguing with Sesshomaru. I want to know who she is! And what was that about the panther tribe? O.o? And ugh I don't want Inuyasha to interfere. I want Sesshomaru and Kagome! Haha. <.< Time for the next chapter! :D
Reviewer: daretodreamlove Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2008 6:48:31 PM Title: Ketaramaru
Date: 18 Jul 2008 6:48:31 PM Title: Ketaramaru
Wow. This seems like it could be really good. I love stories where Kagome runs away from Inuyasha. XD I also like how long the chapter is. Time to read the next chapter... :]