Reviews For Hallowed Desire
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Reviewer: whiterose Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Nov 2007 2:28:06 AM Title: Chapter 33

 This was great read.  I could hardly close it down.  Everything kept me on edge.  It was truly a romantic and action packed story. I can not wait to read the other stories.

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Nov 2007 7:18:41 PM Title: Chapter 33

Aww... all done.  I like the not-so-obvious pairing.  I mean, if it's gonna be SessKag, then why not go all out, huh?  lol


I was wondering... if you felt strongly about Noriko being a level-headed Taiyoukai - does this contain your true feelings?  How would you feel about a woman president?  I myself, will probably be voting for Hillary... 


Anyhow, this was a great ending.  A little sad that Sesshoumaru and Kagome can't have kids, but they'll be happy nonetheless.  And Inuyasha finally gets to be with Kikyou *snicker*  Noriko and Taro make a cute couple too.  This was some fine writing you provided us with.  I commend you.  ^_^

Author's Response:

Thank you.  Glad you appreciated the open-ending.  I figured that, for once, I would have Inuyasha get his happily ever after too.  LOL


As for the situation with Noriko mirroring my own political views, actually, I plan on voting for Obama.  I don't air my views often simply because I'm a private person about those things, but I am not an extreme feminist in that I believe women are better than men simply by virture of gender.  I do think that women, in general, have a better appreciation for the things that they have, simply because most had to fight harder than their male counterparts to get them.


Noriko was just a female who finally got her happily ever after too.  *grins*

Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2007 7:06:07 AM Title: Chapter 32

Hehe... Go Noriko! I cannot wait to read more and see how the tourney goes. I was a bit disappointed to not see Sesshoumaru enter, but again, he is still recovering. Noriko, Lady of the Western Lands.... sounds like a plan! ;)

Author's Response:

Thank you!  I've got the last chapter up, and even though I know there will be some people dissapointed by the Tournament not being the focal point, I like how I managed it.


As for Noriko, she's got to be my favorite secondary character to date.

Reviewer: Dark Avenger Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24 Oct 2007 6:58:55 AM Title: Chapter 29

This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association!

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Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2007 4:46:19 AM Title: Chapter 31

Wow!  Finally!  The great Fight!  This was great, and I was wondering how you were going to do this - how you were going to give Sesshoumaru an advantage.  And it made sense.  With wolves and dogs, the smaller dog often has the advantage of being quicker and more nimble.  Great job!  I've been trying to be even about where I comment, and since I commented last on FF, I left my review here instead. 

 I hope Sesshy will still compete in the tournament, although he doesn't care if he does or not.  I'll just wait to see what you write.  Be safe until then!


Author's Response: The next chapter is up, and a twist is shown once more.  :P

Reviewer: Flightoffancy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2007 3:09:12 PM Title: Chapter 31

WOW!!!   THat fight was amazing.  On-the-edge-of-your-seat stuff.  You are almost as good at this as you are at LEMONS.  You stayed focused on just the Tashio and Sesshomaru and it took my breath away. 

Now we just have to deal with Naraku and Kagome's mother.  If that is even possible.  Oh well.


I was very very proud of Inuyasha and then for Koga and his father to show up was icing on the cake.  I was also proud of the fact that Kagome was no fainting ninny.   She stood her ground and supported her man.  You go Girl!!!


Again, GREAT JOB.  TIl next time, Deb 

Author's Response:

Thanks!  Lemons are hard-so are action scenes.  LOL  I stayed focused on Sesshoumaru and his father in the fight because I didn't want to detract from the imapact of the fight by jumping between characters.  Glad it worked for you!


Inuyasha is a good guy.  I've never forgotten that, and I never will in fanfiction.  I have read and enjoyed quite a few stories that portray him as beyond dense and/or evil, but I want to stay true to his character as  much as possible to make the romance between Kagome and Sesshoumaru more believable.

Reviewer: rowdysgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2007 5:53:14 AM Title: Chapter 31

omg - can you get my heart out of my mouth????  excellent fight, i didn't breathe even once while i read it.  fantastic chapter.  every chapter has been great, but this was the ultimate.  wow!

Author's Response: Action is fun to write, even if it is as difficult as a lemon scene!  I try to keep things moving fast, but not so fast that details get left out.  Glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: rowdysgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Oct 2007 10:03:27 PM Title: Chapter 30

oh this is so good.  i giggle like a fool everytime i find you've updated.  you are an excellent author and this is a particularly good story.  thank you!

Author's Response: Thank you! 

Reviewer: sesshys_jaded_samuri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Oct 2007 2:08:17 AM Title: Chapter 29

MMMmm... that was nice.... very HOT and very romantic. That was a rather unexpected wish... can't wait to see the results.

Author's Response: Thank you!  The results are in...!

Reviewer: rowdysgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Sep 2007 6:27:18 AM Title: Chapter 1-9

love it love it love it!

Author's Response: Thank you!

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