Reviews For Black Moon Inu
Reviewer: xXmika_ookamiXx Signed 

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Date: 15 Jul 2009 6:00:10 AM Title: Pictures and changes

Date: 15 Jul 2009 6:00:10 AM Title: Pictures and changes
I like the idea the story has behind it. Maybe if you get spell check it would help, I saw a few spelling mistakes in there.
Reviewer: Kaisonsheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Aug 2008 9:50:05 PM Title: Pictures and changes
Date: 24 Aug 2008 9:50:05 PM Title: Pictures and changes
sweet! i always like the fics where kags ends up as a black inu ^_^ this has a lot of potential ya know. if you need someone to help with the editing and stuff, just let me know. I'm more likely to chek my e-mail though so here ya go