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Reviewer: Animefreak Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2008 9:02:13 PM Title: Chapter 12: Confrontations

Again another great chapter thank you for posting I enjoy this alot. Are you going to post it on AFF I am sure a lot of people would enjoy reading it there too.

Author's Response:

I think I have a few chapters posted there - I had a lot of trouble posting for some reason and eventually I got so fed up that I gave up completely.  But I'm going to try again when I have the time...


Thanks for reading and commenting!  I hope you enjoy the next one - it should be out tomorrow!

Reviewer: mnemosyne Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Mar 2008 11:41:45 PM Title: Prologue : Life as a Med Student


I look forward to every update. You totally know how to create an intriguing story line. As a HUGE Kag/Inu supporter, I'm totally rooting for him, he seems to be doing well haha. But of course I support all the other pairings. I'm loving the Sess and Inu competition. 

Awesome story once again, can't wait til the next chapter!



Author's Response:

*Squee!!!*  Thank you so much!  You flatter me!  O///O

 I'm glad you have a clear choice - so many people are torn between two or even all 3 guys, lol (but that's my fault, right? lol).  And I love writing the InuSess competition.  The cool, collected, devious Sesshoumaru against the stubborn, brash, tenacious Inuyasha - always a great fight!  XD


Thanks again - just wanted to let you know I  should be updating tomorrow; I would update tonight but it's late and I still have some tweaks for the story.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!



Reviewer: KogasWoman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Mar 2008 5:13:55 AM Title: Chapter 11: New Friends

I love this. I'm not really sure which brother I'm leaning towards yet, lol. I'm fond of Sess/Kag myself, but I do enjoy Inu/Kag and even some Kouga/Kag, but Kouga seems out of the running so it's between the brothers who Kagome doesn't know are brothers... at least in my head that's how it is. But don't tell me, I love reading to find out!

Author's Response: You seem to really know what's going on!  LOL  If you're a SessKag fan, you should check out my other story, That's the Way Love Goes.  As for this one?  Well, you'll just have to wait and see.  ;)

Reviewer: Animefreak Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Mar 2008 10:21:43 PM Title: Chapter 11: New Friends

just got the new chappies read thank-you for posting i love this story but you know that. Congrates on great chapters

Author's Response: Thanks so much!  I'm glad you are enjoying.  ^_^

Reviewer: black_fairy119 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2008 1:53:22 AM Title: Of Things Lost

Aww i Wish a guy would take me to buy a fluffy rug jk well i like it it's very HOT ifyou know what i mean keep writing you're really good at it and don't keep me waiting to long jk ^_^ *_* $_$ @_@ #_# ('_')

Author's Response: Thanks so much!  I hope to not keep you waiting for too long, but I have other stories to work on...  O///O  But thanks again for reading and reviewing.  ^_^

Reviewer: Animefreak Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Jan 2008 10:09:55 PM Title: Chapter 9: Things of the Past

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh another great chapter kept me entertained while I was at work, Thank-you goddess for the internet on the phone lol. Again great work I love this story but you know that.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much!  Yeah, thank you, technology!  lol


I'm glad you like.  I'm not sure if this will get the next update though, or if it will be my other story, 'That's the Way Love Goes'...

Reviewer: Animefreak Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2008 3:15:16 PM Title: Chapter 8: No Regrets

~Chuckles~ Ok now that is the reaction I was looking for. And the lemon ohhhh yeah you got it. Thanks for posting a new chappy it was hot and steam. Now just to watch Sesshoumaru's reaction dun dun dun. You are impressing me with your story lets see more.

Author's Response:

Ehehe...  Glad you liked the lemon.  I enjoyed writing it ^_^.  Ah, yes.  Well, since Sesshoumaru is the civilized *coughBULLSHITcough* demon that he is, he'll probably just wave her off, right?  lulz

 Oh, I'm impressing you?  Let's see if I can do better...

Reviewer: Sweet_Dark_Silence Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2007 3:03:12 AM Title: Chapter 7: Control


You can't just leave us like that!

Author's Response: Sorry for that, LOL.  But if it makes you feel better, the next chapter is up!  ^_^

Reviewer: anime101 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2007 10:34:28 PM Title: Chapter 7: Control

its awsome so fare cant wate for more

Author's Response:




Reviewer: Animefreak Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2007 1:24:17 PM Title: Chapter 7: Control

Ok like my profile say ~laughs~ I review at 6 am sometime, I guess I meant the big reaction. The feeling you actually would go through when someone tell you they are a demon. One looking around for the men in white coats...Two wanting proof Cause I would . Or ~chuckles~ thinking about "I'm seeing a demon"~faints~ Maybe it is just me and my overthinking of EVERYTHING   Hence the anti-depressants...I love this story and for all my Inuyasha fan friends I recommend it. Doesn't mean they read it ..Ok nuff said please up date soon

Author's Response:

Haha.  Yeah, I agree.  I would think he was crazy too.  And ask for proof.  I actually already have that part written up- I just have to write the rest.  Thank you so much for recommending my story!  It means a lot that you would do that.  Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you again soon!



Reviewer: Animefreak Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2007 11:17:48 AM Title: Chapter 7: Control

Hmm I am going to love to see this reaction...~snickersnorts~ Thanks for posting another great chapter please...~begs~ up-date soon I know life keeps you busy Just so you know someone is waiting for your talent hopefully makes it better. Thank-you again for taking the time to write and post this for our enjoyment.

Author's Response: I actually already wrote her reaction!  I hope you like the next chapter.  I can't post for a while because I have to update my other story, That's the Way Love Goes.  But once I've posted it, then I'll get back to work on Choices.  You're so very welcome, it is a pleasure to write for such great people.

Reviewer: Animefreak Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Nov 2007 1:14:25 AM Title: Two Enticing Offers

So far I loveeeeee this story. Keeping it going I want to see who she chooses..Really great story Thank-you for posting it for us to enjoy...

Author's Response: I'm so happy you enjoy it!  Hopefully I can post the new chapter soon - I have a lot going on.  I work a lot, so it's going to be hard.  But I'm DEFINATELY not letting this story die.  I love this one!  Thank you so much!

Reviewer: thehotty Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2007 12:26:18 AM Title: Goodbys and Hellos

YAY!  Who's she going to end up with?!?  Sesshoumaru?  Inu Yasha?  Kouga?  Maybe even Jason?  Hopefully Sesshoumaru, but you never know!  XD  Keep up the good work!  I am enjoying it emensily!  Peace out.


Author's Response: XD  Jason?!  Well, you'll see about that.   Thanks so much!!!  Glad you're enjoying.  BTW, if you like Sess/Kag, check out my new story, That's the Way Love Goes.  I was open about it being Sess/Kag, lol.

Reviewer: Fantasy_Lover Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Sep 2007 2:21:53 AM Title: A Proposal

 Please Continue Writhing the story is really good!

Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Sep 2007 5:42:42 AM Title: A Proposal

You know, I think with all these guys, I still would like it to be SessKag. *begs dearly* I laughed hard about her answering the door with no pants on and Sesshoumaru kept looking down....HAHAHA!

Author's Response: LOL  Well, I thought that their meeting was kind of bland, so I needed something to spice it up!  HAHA...  I'm a big SessKag fan too - you'll like my forth chapter *snicker* - but I'm not giving anything away!  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Fantasy_Lover Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Sep 2007 3:09:28 AM Title: A Proposal

Great Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Thanks so much!!!

Reviewer: Fantasy_Lover Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Sep 2007 10:26:02 PM Title: Prologue : Life as a Med Student

Great story

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