Date: 27 May 2011 12:07:29 AM Title: Will You Remember?
That was a beautiful story
Date: 21 Feb 2010 4:43:12 AM Title: Will You Remember?
How cool. This was a good story. I like how their love was already written on an ancient scroll. So romantic.
Date: 19 Dec 2009 3:55:37 AM Title: Will You Remember?
awwww!^-^! now thats so very freaking sweet- i luv it!^-^!
That was the cutest thing i ever did see!^-^!
Date: 24 Feb 2009 1:14:17 AM Title: Will You Remember?
that was a nice scroll like letter thing and it was an awesome story
Date: 27 Aug 2008 4:39:37 AM Title: Will You Remember?
OMG!!! That was the best! I was crying in the middle, horny two-thirds of the way, then my heart stopped in shock at the end! It was sssssooooo good! You are awesome!!!
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!
Date: 16 May 2008 10:05:04 PM Title: Will You Remember?
you should write more
Date: 15 Mar 2008 6:53:34 AM Title: Will You Remember?
very cool. no woder you gots an award. really very cool oneshot.
Date: 06 Mar 2008 7:09:03 AM Title: Will You Remember?
wonderful!!!! the ending was spectacular! i loved it!
Date: 30 Nov 2007 5:28:06 AM Title: Will You Remember?
Damn this shit was good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully you write more other short stories.BUT FOREALS THIS SHIT IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVEN MY CUZIN SAID IT WAS GOOD AND SHE DONT LIKE TO READ FOREALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!>__<