Date: 05 Sep 2009 12:22:41 PM Title: The Discovery
awesum story. its different i especially like it. i hope u update it and dont abandon it...PLEAZE... dont be like sum authors who i have been like almost a year for tem to update but i just cat abandon them cuz i really like to know hat happen and i hate not knowin.
so pleaze update. Luv u forever and ever!!! :)
Date: 22 Feb 2009 10:23:11 AM Title: Memory and Prophesy
Hmm... what is to come of this prophesy. Interesting....and Kagome is again a reincarnation. I like the addition of his memory of a time with the former Kagome as Mei.
Author's Response:
Haha... I do that a lot. I don't hate Kikyo like some people, but I almost never make Kagome her reincarnation. She's usually the reincarnation of a human or demoness that loved and/or was loved by (gues who)... Sesshomaru. That is, if she's anyone's reincarnation in the first place.
Date: 22 Feb 2009 10:17:44 AM Title: A New Place
Hmm... he is quite touchy feely... At least the experiments are not so bad, but I really hate to seem him caged.
Date: 15 Feb 2009 12:13:13 AM Title: The Transfer
Wow!!!!! I just love it! You have got to continue this story. It's been almost 2 months since the last update. Please don't abandon it after these 2 enticing and exciting chapters.
Author's Response: Don't worry, the story has not been abandoned. I'm just a little leery of where I'm headed in the next few chapters. I don't want it to become trivial or boring or monotonous. . . .I've written and re-writtin the next chapter severl times. When I get it right, I'll post it right away, though!
Date: 29 Dec 2008 5:04:36 PM Title: The Transfer
i love your start of this story please update soon
Author's Response:
I'm working on it. . . .
Date: 29 Dec 2008 8:41:47 AM Title: The Discovery
That's messed up. How could you do that to another living creature. I would've subjected him to those same tests and see how well he makes it out alive, but hey, I'm evil.
P.S. Yep, winter in Wisconsin is a serious bitch.I live here and I tell you: not the best place to be in during winter.
Author's Response:
Yeah. . . .Lol. . . . I live in TN and the most snow I've ever seen in real life was about an inch thick and it took about a day to melt. We had to clear off half of our yard to make a snowman that didn't even reach my shoulder. Well, now I've seen enough snow to last me a lifetime.
PS: Naraku is going to get what's coming to him later in the story.
Date: 29 Dec 2008 8:15:03 AM Title: The Transfer
What a warning! Well, it is good that they are getting Sesshoumaru out of there, but what of his recovery? Will he even recover?
Author's Response:
I got that warning from one of my friends. This perve in our class grabbed her butt and she knocked him flat on his back and threatened to scoop out his eyes with a melon baller if he ever did it again. I laugh just thinking about it! (And Sesshy gets better, but he'll have to keep a few scars from it. I may rush the recovery, but there's an reason for it, that I will get around to writing eventually)