Date: 08 Feb 2016 10:32:28 PM Title: Chapter 1
I loved the story but i was wondering if the story gets a closed ending?

Date: 18 Feb 2014 3:57:57 PM Title: Chapter 1
that was a really good story so far please keep it up
Date: 05 Feb 2014 9:11:05 PM Title: Chapter 1
that is true friend ship. I love this one make another chapter.
Date: 13 Nov 2013 12:32:09 AM Title: Chapter 1
Please keep writing this story. It seems really interesting and I'm excited to see the character development.
Date: 13 Oct 2013 9:59:42 PM Title: Chapter 1
I am so sorry to hear about Dana. She is one of my favorite authors and I will miss her genius. Thank you for informing us of this tragic event.
As for your story, so far, you have me very interested and I can't wait until you update!
Date: 06 Oct 2013 6:33:40 AM Title: Chapter 1
Well I glad she died peacefully :) im sorry for your many losses tho im happy your strong enough to continue writing :)

Date: 05 Oct 2013 11:43:43 PM Title: Chapter 1
D-D-DanaRose passed?! I'm reading a fanfic by her right now I friggin' love it *tears well* No one ever told me! *sniff* Her fanfics will be in my heart forever xoxo
Date: 05 Oct 2013 5:56:02 PM Title: Chapter 1
i like this idea, though and so far its really good and interesting!
Author's Response:
She just got too sick for her heart to handle. The only thing good about it was she died in her sleep. Even though it has been over a year, I still miss her. She was the closest thing to a sister I had. Since 2009, I've lost five family members, including her. First my father, then after my son was born, my mother passed away. Then Dana passed, then my grandmother, and then my great aunt.
I'm happy that you enjoyed the story. I'll try to update the chapters as fast as I can, with having to watch my 3 yr old.