Date: 26 Aug 2007 6:02:11 PM Title: Chapter 3
Good Chapter. Please update soon
Author's Response: Thank you. I will. ^_^

Date: 26 Aug 2007 7:24:44 AM Title: Chapter 3
I hope Kagome admits what is going on soon. It would not be good for her to continue on and I hope that Inu and Kag get together as well. I would not mind a three-some (I/K/S), but you already know my wishful thinking on one between the three. I am always hopeful. ;)
I think it is kind of funny how Sesshoumaru is about having a child.
I am enjoying this as it goes and eagerly await the next addition.
Author's Response:
Ooo... I don't want to spoil the story, so forgive me and my vague answers and comments. As the story progresses I'll talk about more things easier, but until then, I'm pretty much turning a blind eye. Sorry. So, no comments about Kagome from me.
I/K/S? I can't stand it, to be honest. I can't see Sesshomaru taking interest in the female species. I can see him thinking of them as weak or a waste of time, unless it is to provide an heir. He has lands to lord over, after all and Naraku to track down. More over than that, I don't think Inuyasha would be willing to share with his 'jack ass' of a brother, let alone share Kagome.
I have to say, it makes me giggle too. Sesshomaru doesn't seem like one to have a kid; he's so solemnn and not-fun. Not boring, mind you, he's just... Not lovable in the way babies would like. He's just going to have to get used to it, I suppose. Unless he really does kill off D. I've already grown fond of the bub though! *clings to Sesshomaru's stomach*
I'm very glad to hear that. The next chapter will be up by the end of the week. I think I've already said it, but I have 14 chapters done already so updating will be faster until I have to write them between updates. Then we get to wait 2 weeks between updates. (Yay.)
Thanks for reviewing; I appreciate it! ^_^ I hope yo uenjoy the rest of the story as well.