Reviews For Truth or Dare
Reviewer: inu_lover55 Signed 

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Date: 19 Nov 2008 5:44:04 PM Title: Chapter 11

Date: 19 Nov 2008 5:44:04 PM Title: Chapter 11
please update soon can't wait to read more.
Reviewer: Angel From Below Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Jun 2008 4:44:03 AM Title: Chapter 3
Date: 22 Jun 2008 4:44:03 AM Title: Chapter 3
New alternate way of Kagome going to the past...I'm not the grammar monkey or anything but your story was a little hard to follow because some sentences weren't complete and a few spellings were off....but I still like it.
Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21 Jun 2008 11:09:18 AM Title: Chapter 2
Date: 21 Jun 2008 11:09:18 AM Title: Chapter 2
Interesting way to get Kagome down the well and into the past. There are a fair number of spelling and grammar errrors though, it makes the story a bit hard to follow in some areas. I'm interested to see where the Inu brothers take Kagome (they get along?) and what happens. :)