If Sesshoumaru had been himself he wouldn't have been surprised if he threw the girl and his son on to the ground and ripped them into shreads right there and then. This girl was causing him endless amounts of stress and wasted time. He was finally almost done with her. His son was born and he only had a few more days left until the conference and now he was souppose to calmly learn she would be giving birth to more of his children? Surprisingly he did take it calm. For some reason he went unphased.
"Twins or will they be born at different times?" Sesshoumaru asked himself saying as he countinued to dash towards the Western Lands.
"I will probaly know soon when I am able to see their aura. If they are born twins then it would only take a week since both shards will be working together, but if not it will take a month for each one," Kagome answered.
"Makes sense," he said, "that is the record time a female youkai has given birth to it's young. So I can just simply tell those at the conference that your going to have more children. Then after they have all left I will just tell them you have died while giving birth our next children."
"I thought you would be mad at me," Kagome told him, "you must hate having me around."
"I will live. If it wasn't for you I would probaly be getting married to Rose right now."
Sesshoumaru didn't know what he was saying. He should have told her that he was mad and she should be lucky he wasn't killing her right now. He could never say that though, because he wasn't mad. He couldn't be mad at her. Of course he orginally did hate her, but once he started to hang around her a little he learned she wasn't that bad for a human.
"What about Naraku?" Kagome finally asked, "he will really attack now that he might think about two more jewel shards being involved. He could hurt our family."
Kagome mentally kicked herself right then. She had just said our family. That wasn't right. It was just their children not a family at all. Sesshoumaru hated her and would probaly never see her again after she was done giving birth to the children. They were enemies and that was something she could just not forget.
"He will not get anywhere near our family," Sesshoumaru growled, "this time there will be no more vistors permitted in the castle once all the meetings are done. Then I will start training and eventaully have him killed."
Sesshoumaru couldn't believe what he was saying. He had just said our family. It was something he secretly wanted, but something he could never have. He doubted he could ever find a suitable female mate after all of this. He wanted a high rank one who would be loyal, but he was sure there would be none like that who would move in with a male that was caring for three hanyous and one human.
"Naraku has the power to move through locked doors. I know cause he gave me that power, that was how I escaped."
"You escaped my room because I did not make it so you were locked in, but usaully it has a special spell that deflects all unlocking magic. It will not happen."
"Okay then," said Kagome before she let out a yawn.
"You have been through a lot today, maybe you should sleep. I will be there soon."
Kagome nodded as she closed her eyes and let sleep overcome her. Sesshoumaru couldn't understand what was going on with him. Why did he care if she needed her rest or not? Why should it be him that chased away her petty fears of Naraku? She was slowly changing him and he did not like it, or did he? She was a miko so maybe she had bewitched him somehow. Now she was only the reincarnation of a miko not the real thing. There was no way she could have been doing anything to him with miko powers. She was doing it with her own charm. And it hadn't begun when Kagura told him about Kagome becoming cursed, there was another time of when he thought about her being more then just a human.
There he was. His claws were lit with acid and all. Just one leap and he would finally have killed his younger half brother. Inuyasha had failed to withdraw the Tetsusagia so there was no point in keep him alive.
"Inuyasha!" that voice of the female that kept hanging around Inuyasha yelled.
Sesshoumaru could care less about her yelling. That was until he could hear the screaming of Jaken, still he didn't care Jaken was a youkai he should have been able to take care of himself. It was then that he heard the scartching of metal against the floor did he want to look. He paused his attack on Inuyasha leaving him on top of his brother with his claws extended. Slowly he turned his head and saw her. She was holding what was rightfully his, the Tetsusagia.
"Opps," Kagome simply said as though she did nothing at all.
Kagome was able to pull out the sword when he himself and Inuyasha couldn't. He should have thought that only a human could do it right after he found out he couldn't touch the sword. He was too amazed with her though. Usaully when a human female was in the company of any hanyou or youkai it was because the male had taken the female as a mate against the female's will, but yet Kagome wanted to rush to Inuyasha's side. It was then that he relaized she was with him by choice. She must have been loyal too since she never left his side even when his youkai blood started to take control.
No! Sesshoumaru had to tell himself. He was being bewitched by a certain charm she put on him, but he couldn't allow it any further. This was probaly what happened to his father after bringing Inuyasha's mother back to life. He wouldn't fall for it. He was above all humans. And this one he should espically hate. Kagome brought him nothing, but pain. He would have three hanyous for children all because of her. Not to mention she pulled the Tetsusagia which eventaully led up to him getting his arm cut off.
He stared at the new dragon's claw he was now wearing. It was all because of her that he had many times change arms and then sometimes go without one. Life as he knew it changed that day she took out the sword. In the rage of it all he found himself squeezing Kagome with his claws. He stopped right when he heard a wimper from her. What was he saying? It obvisouly wasn't her fault that he had problems with his arm. It was Inuyasha who weilded the sword against him, while all Kagome did was pull it out and used it to protect herself against his posion. If it wasn't for her pulling out the sword she would have died. He just couldn't help but think of that day everytime he changed arms or worse, tried to change clothes without his arm.
Changing clothes was the worst part. When it came to that he badly wished he could have a mate that would do it for him. He would go out and slaughter another youkai and take it's arm before asking a servant for help when it came to dressing. He would probaly always be screwed over when it came to dressing though, if he could find a mate this late in the game it would probaly just be a bitch who wanted him for his power, never who he was and he wouldn't share himself with someone he didn't know. As much as he seemed too act like a brute male demon he still didn't like to reveal himself to anyone so he would never allow to help dress him. Except that one incident where he allowed Kagome to change his shirt. That didn't make any sense to him though, why did he trust her more then a servant? She was after all a human and Inuyasha's woman. She must have bewitching him even then.
Basically wether or not Kagome was now a part of his life. Even after there was no point in keeping her in castle anymore he would still see her. He would have many meetings coming up meaning he would have to see Kagome and put her in charge of the children. Not to mention she now had a contract saying she was to be protected while being in the Western Lands. The piece of paper had a special scent on it that would tell many youkai she was not to be attacked, but just incase anyone was to harm her he would keep his end of the promise and hunt the demon down. Kagome was now forever under his protection.
He was a little worried about Naraku and Inuyasha though. Inuyasha he still wasn't sure on. Kagome had said Kikyo dragged him into hell, but yet his youkai form was running around and trying to hunt Kagome down and his intentions were unknown. While Naraku wanted his children and since Kagome told him this information Naraku would hurt her.
These were the reasons that he went towards his room when he got back to his castle. Kagome and Koinu would have to sleep in his room. It was the most protected thanks to many spells that enchanted it. None of the other rooms were like this at all. He would set up spells on her room later and then figure out to do where to locate Koinu. Silently he laid Kagome on the huge bed while she had Koinu wrapped in her arms. He haven't even had that much time with this son, but yet there were two more on the way. Rin would be happy of about it all at least, but he didn't know what it held for him. He didn't tell Kagome this but he didn't know anything about babies or raising children. That was the main reason he agreed to share them with her.
A small cry was heard from Koinu. The baby had all of a sudden woke up and was just crying lightly. Who knew why considering he just ate.
"Hush," Kagome whispered as she held Koinu closer.
Right away Koinu stopped crying and went back to sleeping. The same for Kagome also. It was as though they were both intune with each other. Sesshoumaru had a hard time thinking about leaving the room. What Kagome said about Naraku being able to unlock doors scared him a little though he would never admit it. Basically he didn't know if Naraku could attack or not. If Naraku did he wouldn't be able to stop it in time and Kagome was too weak to protect Koinu. He could never live with the guilt knowing his son was killed because he left the room. Fatique was starting to take Sesshoumaru over too. Youkai weren't like humans they could go awhile without sleep, but there had been many days he had skipped lately. His sights drifted the empty side of the bed. It was way too big for just one woman and her baby. Finally his worriness and tiredness took over and Sesshoumaru found himself laying down right by Kagome and Koinu.
Kagome woke up the next day and was pretty shocked when she found herself laying in Sesshoumaru's bed. She looked around and noticed Koinu wasn't with her. Instead a small not lay where she once held her son.
You never woke up in time for breakfast so I took care of everything for you. Your potion and your make up has been applied. Everyone wanted to see the baby so I took him for the day while you slept. Your newest kimono is on the foot of the bed, come down stairs anytime you want if your well enough. Make sure you dispose of this letter so no one finds it.
As much as Kagome wanted to obey Sesshoumaru's instructions she did not want to get rid of the letter. It made her want to laugh. It was as though the letter wasn't from Sesshoumaru the vicious demon at all, it was almost as though Hojo himself wrote it. She carefully folded it up and placed it in her pocket along with the many candy bars she took along with her. Kagome took a look at herself before reaching for the kimono. She was already gaining a lot of weight. She was probaly going to go through a lot of change in the next few days.
Kagome could also feel the strong aura of the children. Yes indeed they were twin hanyous. Sadly unlike Koinu she couldn't tell what their genders were right away. Hopefully not two boys. Raising three boys with youkai blood she could tell wouldn't be that pleasent. Thankfully Rin would be older and not get picked on and she had to keep reminding herself that Sesshoumaru was the father so they wouldn't turn out to be like Inuyasha.
Finally she dressed in the silver and green kimono which was was supplied for her and she made her way downstairs. It was true she was really tired and could use the sleep, but she did want to see Koinu and he would probaly be hungry soon. All she had to do to find everyone was follow the noise. They were all once again the guest dining room and all the noise dissappeared once she entered the room.
"Welcome back Kagome," Rose quickly said after a moment of silence.
"Thank you Rose," Kagome replied as she looked around the room noticing Sesshoumaru and her son weren't in sight, "hey where is Sesshoumaru?"
"He is in his office," Rose answered, "your son wouldn't stop crying and he feared it would get on some of our nerves so he went there so we couldn't hear it."
"Of course I can't expect anything out of him. Where is his office."
"You mean your his mate and you don't even know where is office is?" the voice of one of the many vistors asked.
"Give it a rest," Rose snapped, "she hasn't been his mate too long. Come on Kagome I will take you to him."
Kagome nodded as she followed Rose into the many hallways.
Inuyasha looked around with his ruby eyes. He had smelled Kagome in this direction, but she was nowhere to be seen. He no longer even knew who this Kagome was or what she looked like. All he knew was that he was souppose to find her and kill her along with anyone related to her. Then he was too bring any jewel shards to the hanyou Naraku. Inuyasha didn't find her though. Her scent had dissappeared and he didn't know where to head to next he was at a loss.
"Is there a problem Inuyasha?" asked a female voice.
Inuyasha turned around and discovered a woman flying on a feather.
"Don't interfere," was all Inuyasha could tell her, that was all he knew to tell her.
"Yeah I have heard it all before," said Kagura as she hoped off the feather, "now what else can you say?"
"Don't intefere," the youkai Inuyasha repeated.
"I have heard enough," Kagura finally told him as she took the Tetsusagia and held it in front of her.
Right away the Tetsusagia started to pulse and Inuyasha fell to the ground. He seemed to be in a lot of pain. Finally after awhile Kagura sheathed the sword and faced him again.
"So Inuyasha what do you have to say now?"
Inuyasha removed himself from the ground slowly while snarling.
"I felt pain."
"Oh good so you do know a few other words. Well Inuyasha its time I taught you a little lesson. Pain is the worst thing in this world. Too much of it can cause death, and when your dead you don't come back. Do you wish to die?"
"No I don't."
"Good then all you have to do is listen to me."
Kagura was amazed with herself. She had no idea that the Tetsusagia would have such an effect on him. She knew it could kill him, but to actaully interfere with Naraku's orders. How was that possible?"
"So is it true there are twins on the way?" Rose asked eagerly as they came closer to their destination.
"Yep," Kagome replied happily, "not sure of their genders yet though. Also they will born within a week."
"I really hope you won't be leaving us soon. Sesshoumaru can't even handle one child."
"I will help raise the children, but I cannot stay here. And to let you on a little secret this whole time Sesshoumaru has been taking care of a small human girl. He just hid her because of your arrival."
"I knew it that dog doesn't hate humans as much as he says he does!" Rose cheered.
"Rose be quiet," Kagome hissed, "Sesshoumaru might hear that we are talking about him."
"Trust me he won't hear anything. I don't even think I can go any further. Your son is crying so loud."
"Just take me to his office and I will deal with it from there."
Soon just as Rose started to cover her ears because of the sound they stopped in front of a wooden doorway.
"This is it get in there and make it stop!" Rose cried.
Kagome nodded as she opened the door without opening. Indeed she found Sesshoumaru holding Koinu who was totally wailing without stop. Sesshoumaru gave her an evil glare that told her she should have knocked first. Kagome ignored it and walked up to him and the baby. Sesshoumaru understood what she wanted so he placed Koinu in her open arms.
"Its okay Koinu," Kagome said quietly, "I am here now."
Koinu got silent as Kagome moved a bit of her kimono away from her breast so the baby could eat.
"You speak as though you are his only parent," Sesshoumaru snarled once it got quiet.
"No," Kagome responded as her attention didn't leave the hungry baby hanyou, "I speak as though I am the only parent who knows what my child wants."
"I fed him with a bottle earlier," Sesshoumaru told her as he watched her feed his son, "but he still cried."
"Well your little party out there is so loud it probaly upset Koinu's wittle ears."
"I always talk that way around cute babies. By the way I am going to have some twins."
"I can see that...wait I meant I could have predicted that."
Sesshoumaru didn't want to admit that he was just thinking about Kagome's breast as she feed Koinu. What was wrong with him? How was she able to bewitch him so easily.
"Thats it girl what is it that your doing to me," Sesshoumaru finally growled.
"What do you mean Sesshoumaru-sama?" Kagome asked.
"I doubted it at first, but whatever spell your casting on me miko needs to stop right now."
"Spell? I am casting no spell."
"Do not lie to me."
"I am not lying. I am not casting any spells of any sort. All I know how to do is protect myself and make sacred arrows anyways."
"I know you have more power then that."
"That sounds like a compliment, but still I hold no spell of you nor do I see any reason too."
"I don't even think your using magic. Your doing something else. Of course that has got to be it. After all I sensed no magic when you pulled out the Tetsusagia."
"So is that way you are asking me such stupid questions? Is it because of that sword."
"I think its strange that Inuyasha couldn't just pull it in the first place. Now he can touch it no problem at all but that first time he couldn't lift it. And you need to quit saying its just a sword. Its much more then that."
"I guess I just broke the spell...somehow. And I know the Tetsusagia is some sort of ultimate fang of power and it has some good attacks, but it is still a sword."
"Of course the Tetsusagia seems like just an oversized sword when it was in the hands of Inuyasha, but when used right it as a few better attacks and many magic powers, it isn't even transformed all the way."
"I don't believe that. I know the Tensagia has a lot of magic in there somewhere, but I always thought Tetsusagia was just for fighting."
"Let me correct you. Tensagia is for healing Tetsusagia is for killing, but both of them have the magical powers that protect their users. The sheaths all act as shields and they can call the swords, while the sword itself has the power to interfere with mind controlling magic."
"Mind controlling magic? That explains a few things."
Kagome could remember when Sango's brother tried to kill her because of Naraku's orders. He never went all the way through with it, but was it because Kohaku was coming through all on his own or was it because of the Tetsusagia.
"But obviously the fangs can't stop the spell your causing."
"For the last time Sesshoumaru I am not causing any spells nor would I if I could!"
Kagome could feel tears leaking out of her eyes right as she put her hand over her stinging skin. Sesshoumaru had just smacked her. Even while she held his own son in her arms and two more of his children in her belly.
"I told you not to lie."
Kagome just stared at him as she cried. What was it that Sesshoumaru kept talking about? Nothing he was saying made any sense to her. Nothing at all made sense. Why had she thought he wouldn't hurt her? Sesshoumaru wasn't her alley, he was her enemy. Quickly Kagome put Koinu down on a nearby chair and left the room.
Sesshoumaru knew he had gone to far, but he needed to find out the answers. Koinu started to cry right after the door slammed. Sesshoumaru not being able to take much more of that sound did what Kagome would have done and quickly picked up his child. The crying still didn't stop. He shook his head as he left the room also with Koinu. Kagome was nowhere in sight so she was probably running to somewhere. As long as she didn't leave the castle grounds he didn't care what she did. Naraku nor Inuyasha would attack right in the middle of the day.
Sesshoumaru looked around his room. Kagome was not there. Who knew where she was heading off too. Sesshoumaru placed his son back on the bed and just tried to ignore the crying. It seemed to like Kagome better. Only she could make him be quiet. Now he really regretted hitting her. Maybe she was telling him the truth. He couldn't deny it anymore. He was falling in love with Kagome.