Kagome angrily drank the last few sips of her tea after being caught trying to leave the castle by a servant. She was then told about the vacant tearoom and she went there to calm down a little. She doubted the tea would work though; she would never forgive that jerk for what he did. Sesshoumaru just accused her of bewitching him then he slapped her.
Kagome could still feel the sting on her cheek. She had been sitting in this room forever now and it was getting late. Where was she suppose to sleep at? She had forgotten where her original room was and she would be damned if she went back to Sesshoumaru’s room.
Kagome felt the cushion she was sitting on. It was like a booth seat going around the table. Maybe she could sleep there?
That plan was good. Kagome moved from a sitting position to a laying one. As much as she wanted to be with her son she just couldn’t be around Sesshoumaru right now. She swore to herself she would never allow him to get in the way of her children again. That was the last thing she thought of as her eyes shut and she drifted off to sleep.
Sesshoumaru started looking everywhere in his castle. He had heard from one servant already that Kagome had attempted to leave, but he knew she didn’t try it for a second time that day she was still in the castle somewhere. He could easily find her within seconds if he took in a deep whiff of the air, but he didn’t want any of his guest thinking his mate was hiding from him and he needed to search her out.
As much as he hated to admit he needed help from a human he badly needed her to help him. Koinu had not stopped crying since she left and it was hard to hold meeting with a screaming child. It only ever seemed to quiet down when Kagome was near. Unfortunately he had sent her away.
He deeply regretted what he had done, though he doubted he would ever tell her. T was not right for him to strike her. She wasn’t bewitching him. Why she he have blamed her for his latest attraction? It was his own ass he should have been kicking. He was falling in love with a human just like his father had. He swore he wouldn’t make the same mistakes though.
He could use his little love problem to his advantage. The thing he wanted the most was an all-together family. The only thing that got in the way of that desire was not having a mate. And even though she was human Kagome would be the next best choice. She was after all the mother of his children.
And he could just easily overlook the fact that Kagome wasn’t youkai. If he was too mark her she would forever be his until one of them died. He however could have as many mates as he wanted. This little thing he had for Kagome would probably only be temporary and go away soon enough. Instead of repeating his father’s mistake and falling for a human Sesshoumaru would do the exact opposite. Instead of leaving a youkai mate for a human bitch he would keep Kagome for a little. And then once he got bored with her he could find himself a suitable youkai female to raise his children. Or better yet impregnating her and get a full youkai heir. Who cared if this female wouldn’t care for him or help him change his shirt as long as he had a full demon son. He would then share his hanyou children with Kagome once he had her removed from his castle. Just because he would have stronger and better children didn’t mean he would forget about the others.
Sesshoumaru lost his train of thought once her lovely scent teased his nose. He couldn’t wait till he could taste the source of it. He would wait until the twins were born before doing anything though. That gave him a week to talk to Kagome about his new plans for her. He planned to mark her no matter what her response was. He would just feel better if she would accept her new fate. Sesshoumaru would take only yes as an answer. He couldn’t help it. Once he admitted to himself that he was falling in love with Kagome his youkai instincts took over making his desires for her grow. They would not die out until her had her. Her scent was coming from a small room close to the dining room. It was a room reserved just for the lord and lady of the castle to have private meetings. Kagome being in there was a huge offense, or it would have been if he didn’t have plans for her.
Kagome was running from the miasma that seemed to be coming out of thin air. She knew what it meant. Naraku was near. Finally she couldn’t run anymore, a could of black mist swirled in front of her.
“Why Kagome I see you have come back to the castle,” mocked Naraku who had just jumped out of the miasma.
“Yes I did,” Kagome told him in her most confidant voice, “not that its any of your business.”
“But it is my business Kagome,” Naraku said while putting up a smile, “you were suppose to give me your baby.”
“I will never give him up!” Kagome yelled.
“Then I will have to kill him and take the jewel shard myself,” he replied as he came closer, “and I hear that there are two more on the way.”
“Naraku please I am begging you. Don’t hurt my children.”
“Even if you weren’t my enemy dear Kagome it wouldn’t be possible to get the shards without hurting them. Without them they will die.”
“There has to be another way. Won’t the shard come out?”
“Its suppose to come out on its own in a few years, but I don’t care. Either hand over the children or my little friend Inuyasha will take care of it.”
“Inuyasha? He is dead and his soul is finally in peace. No thanks to you!”
“Did you notice anything different about Inuyasha when you seen him?”
“Yeah the fact that he was happy for once and he didn’t even care that he was human.”
“Exactly he was a human. That’s because I decided to take control of Inuyasha’s demon blood. Youkai Inuyasha can come quite useful to me. If it wasn’t for the monk and demon slayer interfering you and your son would already be dead.”
Kagome couldn’t believe it. Naraku has separated Inuyasha from his demon side. Sure when Inuyasha turned youkai he was nothing but a devoured soul wanting to kill something, but it was still a big part of who Inuyasha was. Meaning one half of his soul had found peace while his other was being tormented. Kagome didn’t want that. It was youkai blood that made up Inuyasha’s attitude, which was his best feature.
“Naraku you bystard,” whispered Kagome.
“Now that Inuyasha is out of my hair for there is no more point in me trying to kill you,” explained Naraku, “so I cant tell you another way to get the shards out.”
“You wouldn’t never try to help me out unless it somehow lead to my pain and suffering. So what is the catch?”
“You’re smarter then I first assumed you were. Once you hand over all three jewel shards I want you to go back home and never return to this place.”
“If we aren’t enemies anymore then why don you want me gone? I am not just going to abandon my children.”
“Either stay here and witness your children die by the hands of Inuyasha or leave and let them live in peace with their father. Its all up to you.”
“I guess choosing to leave would be the smart idea, but how do I know you won’t harm them once I am gone?”
“If I have the shikon jewel why would I want to harm your children?”
“I don’t know. If you have the shikon jewel why would you send me away? Its not as though your worried about my safety and want me to go away.”
“We could say its for your safety considering Inuyasha might still try and kill you.”
“If I had over the jewel shards then there is not more use for you to keep him around is there?”
“Of course there is. It was my dream for the longest time to torture and kill the hell out of Inuyasha, but that bitch Kikyo got there first. So all I can do now is torment Inuyasha’s youkai side. And eventually I will get bored, but the good part is he will make an excellent edition to my body.”
“No deal then! I am not leaving my children and I will not allow Inuyasha’s soul to remain here.”
“Then I guess you can kiss your children good bye. All you had to do was get marked by Sesshoumaru to at least release one shard. So now I do believe Kagome it is time for you to wake up now.”
“Wake up now,” a familiar voice rung in Kagome’s ears.
Kagome opened her eyes to find a pair of golden eyes staring down at her. So Naraku had just been talking to Kagome through her dreams. Still his threats were probably real, but what was that last part Naraku said. If Sesshoumaru marked Kagome a jewel shard would be released? She had heard from the others what marking a female meant. If Sesshoumaru was to mark her she would become his mate, and she doubted that would ever happen.
“Kagome do you know what you have done,” Sesshoumaru’s voice had crept up on her.
“I went to sleep,” Kagome simply stated.
“Yeah you went to sleep,” repeated Sesshoumaru before an eerie grin appeared on his face, “you went to sleep in the room that belongs to the lord and lady of the western lands. It is tradition that no one else ever steps foot in here. Especially a human.”
“Well since there is no lady of the western lands do I really get in trouble for this? It shouldn’t count.”
“Oh but it does count. In order to be in her you must be my mate, but it appears your not marked. We must take care of this problem. Take a seat and brew some tea...we have talking to do.”
Naraku sat in the corner of his dark room as he usually did while holding his big hunk of the shikon jewel in his palm. Nothing seemed to be going right lately even though he had everything planned out from the start.
All he needed to do to complete it was for Kagome to return home, but she was refusing to comply with his wishes. He should have foreseen this when she refused to turn over her children.
Not only were things going wrong with Kagome, but there were other things strange going on. He had no idea where the youkai Inuyasha was. He just seemed to disappear. Naraku could only assume that he was heading towards the western lands. Kagura had also not returned to the castle yet.
“Kanna can’t you show me anything?” Naraku asked as the images on the mirror started to swirl.
“It can’t see any of the stuff you desire,” Kanna announced after a few minutes of not getting a clear image.
“Something strange is going on and I don’t like it Kanna,” said Naraku, “I can only assume that your sister Kagura is up to something.”
“Sister could have just been killed by Inuyasha,” Kanna stated without showing any concern.
“Only if she would have tried to prevent him from killing Kagome but she had the Tetsusaiga that should kept him away.”
“What about my mirror?”
“I don’t know what it is wrong with it but it should probably be able to repair itself. Now since everything seems to be going wrong I will be in the culler making this body stronger.”
A very small grin grew on Kanna’s face as she seen Naraku disappear down the stairs. He was back within a matter of minutes with a small burn on his hand. He was furious looking.
“That is just special. First the culler door was sealed shut and it almost burnt my damn hand off and when I went down there all the demon bodies I planned on using were gone.”
“There must have just been an intruder.”
Kagome sat across from Sesshoumaru who was giving her a strange glare in the tearoom. Was she in big trouble for being there? It couldn’t be that bad because he said he just wanted to talk. Which he wasn’t doing a lot of.
“Where is Koinu at?” Kagome asked trying to break the awkward silence.
“I left him with a servant,” Sesshoumaru replied.
“Has he been good?”
“He hasn’t stopped crying since you last had him. I am beginning to think he will only calm down around you.”
“It’s only been a day since he was born. Maybe he misses being in my stomach. I am sure after a little more bonding time he will warm up to you.”
“So tell me, why were you in here?”
“You know why...”
:”No I don’t. I need to know to decide if you need to be punished for you actions. The last one who decided to enter one of these rooms was put to death that day.”
“You hit me you jerk!” Kagome screamed unphased by what he said.
“Kagome please do not raise your voice at me,” he simply said, “that was in the past.”
“No that was a few hours ago. And you had no right to do it.”
“I agree and apologize I did not have the right.”
“A man should never-hold up, what did you say?”
“I had no right to strike you.”
“Hold up. Shouldn’t you be saying things like it was your right because you’re a strong taiyoukai while I am a weak human?”
“Even a strong taiyoukai shouldn’t strike their mate.”
“Its nice to see there is some civilized life in this-hold up for the third time. Your mate?”
“Why do you keep telling me to hold up things? I am not holding anything.”
“It’s a figure of speech. And its not even from the future Inuyasha says it all the time so get caught up with the times. And what did you mean by saying you can’t hit your mate? You don’t have one.”
“I must have one if I am in this room that only allows the lord and lady of the castle and there is someone else in here with me.”
“Ha Ha very funny Sesshoumaru.”
“I am not joking.”
“So you’re going to kill me off for sleeping in here?”
“I could do that or I could simply make you my mate.”
“Yeah right like you would take a human as a mate, but speaking of which I need to speak to you about something that happened while I slept.”
Kagome didn’t even get a chance to find out if he was going to respond before she found her back against the wall with his claws holding her arms down. She wanted to speak, but she couldn’t. She feared what his intentions were.”
“My desires aren’t that hard to understand,” he breathed into her ear, “I think your making it so hard though because you wish to not accept it.”
Kagome let out a shaky breath as she felt his cold tongue lick the tip of her ear, “I never said that. Its just you hate humans and we were enemies...and I just can’t see us together.”
“Open your eyes. If you think about it as far as the others know we have been mates for a few days already now, and we didn’t look that bad together.”
“I want to go home though,” Kagome told him.
“Your mine now and you may not go anywhere without my permission.”
“I am not yours nor will I ever be anyone’s pocession.”
“You might want to start eating your words,” he whispered right before a sharp pain took over Kagome’s neck and everything started to go black.
She woke up about an hour later to the sound of crying.
“Koinu!” her instincts told her right away.
She had to be on her toes. No telling what Naraku could be up to since she knew he had ways of entering the castle. She woke up and found him laying next to her on the familiar bed that belonged to Sesshoumaru. Once she picked him up he stopped crying as usual while she brushed away a little of her kimono so he could eat.
Why did Sesshoumaru keep putting her in his room? She actually took a second to take in the sights. The bed was as huge as her old bedroom back in her time. The sheets and pillows were all pure blood red and the blanket was decorated in many ancient pictures and symbols that told her the bedspread was probably imported from China. She couldn’t complain though. After all the silk did feel good against her body that was thinly guarded by the kimonos that were always supplied for her.
Across from the end of the bed was a huge dresser with a mirror. It was gold to match the red wallpaper that held gold designs in it. Gold and red were pretty much the theme of his room. The dresser had almost endless amounts of drawers on it, but she was too busy looking at the mirror to count them. She wasn’t looking at her reflection; she was looking at the golden frame around the mirror. It was in the shape of a giant golden dog youkai and the mirror was held within its claws.
As much as she wanted to take a look at her reflection she wanted to look around the room a little bit more. There was red and gold rug with a Chinese dragon right in the middle. On the walls were many swords hanging on hooks. That spooked her a bit.
There were two doors in the room. One on the left side one on the right side. The one on the right side she knew was the door that led out into the hallway, but she didn’t know what the left one was. Finally she it came to her. It had to be a bathing room considering there was steam coming from under it, which also meant Sesshoumaru had to be in there.
Instant fear came to her right away when she realized this, but why? She remembered the dream she had earlier with Naraku and how she was angry at Sesshoumaru for striking her, but then it started to come back to her. Sesshoumaru had apologized to her, but did she get a chance to tell him about Naraku’s plans. She tried and that was when...
The door from the bathroom clicked open and Kagome’s eyes meant with Sesshoumaru who wore nothing more then a towel. It was gorgeous she admitted that, but not enough to forgive him for throwing her against that wall and saying strange things. The last thing she could remember was a pain in her neck and then she woke up here.
“Like what you see?” Sesshoumaru asked as a scary grin came upon his face once he noticed where Kagome was looking.
“Of course I don’t,” Kagome replied in a bitter tone, “I don’t like you nor this room.”
“Yeah this wasn’t my idea,” he noted, “my father was really into the Chinese look I just haven’t had time to redecorate. What do you think the new theme should be?”
“Why in the hell are you asking me? Its not my room.”
“It will be until my desires for you are feed. It shouldn’t take that long considering how emotinally weak you are, you did pass out after all.”
“Pass from what? What did you do to my neck?”
“Kagome you are mine now...so we must share this room. Don’t worry I will wait for the twins to be born first though.”
Kagome looked into the mirror in front of her again. The first thing she noticed was how once again her stomach was slowly growing. She wanted to look somemore put once again she was distracted by Koinu’s crying. She looked down and seen something in her son’s hand. It was a jewel shard. How was that possible? She looked back into the mirror. Her neck had a small bandage on it. Quickly she pulled off...and that was when she saw it.
A big red mark on her neck. This explained the black out and the jewel shard being free. So Naraku was telling the truth about what to do to release the shard. Kagome slowly dragged her fingers over the wound. It was true. Sesshoumaru had marked her.