Kagome cried softly into the dark red sheets. She would always belong to him now. Sure if she went back to her time and she could always get with somebody like Hojo who wouldn’t understand the marking on her neck, but it would be different for her. She knew how it worked. At anytime she even touched another male who was not Sesshoumaru the mark would begin to burn shooting pain through her neck. Sesshoumaru on the other hand was free to do whatever he wanted.
Naraku must have spoke the truth since right after she was marked the jewel shard came out of Koinu. It made sense now, the jewel kept her son alive by making it so her and Sesshoumaru’s blood mix. Now that she was his mate the jewel shard wasn’t needed anymore. Would she give it up to Naraku so Koinu’s life would be insured? No, not after what he did to Inuyasha. That was on her to do list. She needed to find Inuyasha and kill him to rid his soul of torment.
“Kagome stop crying,” Sesshoumaru told her as she sat on bed once he was fully dressed.
“No,” Kagome whispered, “you took my life away.”
“Have I?” he asked, “or have I just given you a future?”
“A future?” she repeated, “Sesshoumaru I am not stupid. You would never take me as your real mate. You will probably replace me with a youkai as soon as possible.”
Kagome was right. Sesshoumaru should have known she was a lot smarter then that. Oh well she would have to learn to accept her new fate. He would of course have a bad reputation if he left one mate for another so he would have to do something like fake her death if possible. His desires for her kept growing though clouded his train of thought and he was only worrying about the task ahead. And in order to achieve it he wouldn’t want to put her in a bad mood.
“Kagome you must not concern yourself with what could happen,” Sesshoumaru told her calmly.
“Just leave me alone,” Kagome cried.
“Not as long as you have my children and have that mark on you neck?”
“Do you love me?”
“Yes I do, or I wouldn’t have marked you. And you now have no other choice but to feel the same towards me.”
“I can never love you! You tried to kill me so many times and now you marked me without caring about how I felt.”
“Your right I don’t care, because soon I will make you feel what only I want you to feel.”
“I will not allow you to do that Sesshoumaru.”
“I have my ways, and now you will call me Lord Sesshoumaru, Lady Kagome.”
All the candles in the room were then put out and Kagome held on to Koinu a bit tighter to make sure he was still there since she couldn’t see anything in the darkness. She then felt his arms wrap around her shoulders and they slowly brought her closer to him.
“Tomorrow,” he whispered in her ear, “there is a small meeting at breakfast and then I have the whole day off. Were leaving Koinu with a servant, while you and me will spend the rest of the day bonding.”
Kagome was too tired to refuse and she was almost wishing for this. She couldn’t stand being locked up in the castle all day. Once she knew Sesshoumaru was asleep because of his breath she too closed her eyes and went to sleep for the third time that night. She was not only hoping to leave the castle the next day, but to also tell Sesshoumaru about Naraku’s warning.
The next day Kagome woke up to find out once again she was alone in the room with not even her son there. This was starting to annoy her. She was only here to be with her children and so far she would be surprised if she had actually had a whole hour to herself with Koinu. Not wanting to wait in the bed the whole time Kagome got up in search of something new to ware. Eventually she found a new kimono laid out for her in the bathroom along with the scent potion.
This kimono was pure black with orange designs on it that resembled flames. Quickly she removed the one from the day before and put the new one on. Then carefully she applied the one drop of potion wandering if Sesshoumaru would ever tell anyone she was human. If he didn’t she would , she was so sick of pretending.
Sesshoumaru came into the room exactly a few minutes later. Instead of wearing the usual white houri with red patterns and his armor he was dressed in a black robe with orange squares on the sleeve. Their outfits were almost identical. Kagome just glared daggers at him to remind him she was still angry as she sat down on the bed.
“Normally mates will get each other ready for the day,” Sesshoumaru told her noticing she was wearing the kimono, “I was going to do that for you today.”
“Well I am perfectly able to get myself ready for the day,” she snapped, “and I don’t want to be your mate for the last time.”
“Don’t even waste your precious breath,” he said, “Its too late that choice was already made for you.”
“And that wasn’t fair,” complained Kagome, “I wanted to go home and see my family again.”
“Who said I wouldn’t allow you to do that? You may if you can behave and accept this new fate of yours. Today will be your first test, maybe this way you can see this will work out. Anyways this will be better for our children.”
“This will be your test too. If you can deal with me this you should be prepared.”
“What do you mean my lady?”
“The twins are both female.”
That was something Sesshoumaru had not been hoping for. Girls were too whiney and emotional and he was sure it would be twice as worse since they would be her daughters. He had also not been hoping for this day. He was doing it to calm her down and to make this easier on her. He still planned to replace her when he got bored, but he didn’t need her worrying about it.
“Oh hold on,” Kagome said all of a sudden, “I made a mistake. We have one girl and one boy.”
“One girl is still bad enough,” he said coldly.
“Come on I think its cute. Two girls and two boys we would be raising. If only we could have another pair then it would be wonderful.”
Is that a thought or a desire? If we kept trying then I am sure we could have another pair.”
“Not after what you did to me. And anyways I don’t even think we can manage to raise three babies at once let alone five. And I refuse to hand them over to a servant every little time they cry.”
That impressed him. Normally females put into her position just wanted to enjoy the fact that they got to live a carefree life in a palace and could worry less about their children. It was the opposite with Kagome. She seemed to hate being here and they only reason why she put up with it was because of her children. When he wasn’t using her to fulfill his desires she would prove to be entertaining when it came to seeing how she deled with castle life.
“Come Kagome,” he told her as though he had been ignoring her, “since you didn’t eat breakfast I decided to skip it myself and pack a little meal for us to eat on our journey.”
Kagome looked at him with an enlightened look on her face, “does that mean were leaving the castle?”
She really did want to leave the castle. If he had a female youkai mate who was similar to the ones claimed by the other lords and she learned that they were going to leave the castle for a while she would not be in a good mood. He would have no choice but to make more days to bond with her. He could see that keeping her locked up in this castle would kill her.
“Yes,” he answered her, “were going dragon riding today around the western lands.”
“Dragon riding? I’ve just been horseback riding.”
“I can walk faster then one of those dirty animals. And I have way more control of Uh and Ah.”
“Fine then Lord Sesshoumaru,” Kagome said quietly as she walked to the door and stood by him.
The last thing she had ever wanted to do was call him her lord, but at this point she up for anything. She had only been stuck in the castle for one day since Koinu’s birth and she was going to go crazy. Hell she would have kissed him as long as she could go into the sunlight.
“I seem to be making progress.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
The beginning of their day didn’t get off to a good start. Who knew that sitting on a two headed dragon would be tight space for a disguised inu taiyoukai and even tighter with both him and Kagome. She had a choice on whether she could sit in the front where Sesshoumaru would have to put his arms over her so he could have control over the dragon’s direction, or she could sit in the back and have to grab on to him so she didn’t fall off. She chose the front. She liked the idea of him touching her against his will better, because it showed she was still angry. He must have gotten the message too because he didn’t attempt to talk. He was getting his own message across though by lightly massaging her shoulder. She just ignored him and used the silence to her advantage to think about Naraku’s plans and the fate of Inuyasha’s soul.
There had been something strange about the night Kikyo had rid the world of Inuyasha. It wasn’t about how he died it was about how Kagome felt afterwards. Of course she shed a lot of tears for him that night, but once Sesshoumaru came to get her she sucked the tears up and started a polite conversation. If Inuyasha was the one she truly loved why had she been side tracked so easily? Shouldn’t she have been mourning the whole time? It was almost as though she didn’t really care anymore. Was it possible that sometime in-between receiving Kikyo’s strange child-birthing curse and the death of Inuyasha she had fallen out of love with him? Had what she spent crying and hurting over for the past year only been for just a crush? What was it that broke their bond? It had to have been Sesshoumaru no doubt about it, but then that would have meant that she had fallen for Sesshoumaru. Sadly it was believable. How could she not fall for him? If it hadn’t been for him marking her and getting her upset then she would probably maybe would have ended up admitting it to him.
“What’s on your mind Lady Kagome?” Sesshoumaru finally asked as Uh and Ah went closer to the ground.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me about Inuyasha?” Kagome asked after finding her voice.
“I didn’t think it mattered,” he stated with a voice the went from pillow soft to as cold as ice, “is nothing more then a blood craving youkai that is a threat to the lives of you and our children.”
“I have learned something from coming to this era and that is even youkai have souls,” she explained, “that means Inuyasha will never find peace until his youkai side is killed.”
“I could care less about that,” he growled, “anyways that thing is going nowhere near heaven even if you do kill him. By the time you did I wouldn’t be surprised if Naraku had him commit thousands of crimes to get his dirty work done.”
”Not if I can anything about it,” Kagome responded.
“Too bad because your not allowed too.”
“See maybe this is why I am mad about this whole arrangement. You won’t give me any freedom.”
“You get more freedom then most mates do. Other lords won’t even allow the females to leave their room while your free to go anywhere on the castle grounds.”
“Inuyasha is my friend though.”
“And you are my mate and what I say goes.”
Finally the two-headed dragon landed in a meadow. It was the same one Kagome had just been in a day ago. The same place where Inuyasha had died and Koinu was born.
“This is the Silver Fields,” Sesshoumaru told her as he got off and Kagome sitting there, “there are three grasslands in the Western Lands. So my father named them gold, silver, and bronze.”
Kagome understood what he was trying to do. Obviously he was trying to create a moment between them so he was changing the subject. She would along then. Not because she was interested in talking to him, but because she believed that if she didn’t get a few minutes to calm down she could end up doing something that she would probably regret.
“I don’t think your father used much creativity when he named the features of the Western Lands,” she replied, “I heard that the six mountains here all named after the first six colors in the rainbow.”
“Yes,” he said, “the red, yellow, orange, green, blue, and violet mountains. There is also a volcano in the north of our lands called Mount Indigo where we will be going today. Then there is a good sized mountain by a lake in the south that both my father and me have never found time to name.”
“You could always name it after rock colors like sapphire, ruby, diamond, or something like that,” Kagome suggested, “and why are we going to a volcano?”
“My cousin lives there and since he is my relative its only proper I introduce my mate to him,” he answered, “and those are the names of the lakes. I doubt there is anymore colors left.”
“So will it just remain the nameless mountain then?” Kagome asked seeming more interested in their talk about colors.
“If your so concerned about the named why don’t you show everyone your new place by naming it yourself.”
“Fine I will,” Kagome told him as her mind wandered off to the memories of coloring with the crayons out of her Crayola box that held two hundred crayons, “Razzmatazz.”
“It’s the name of a color from the future.”
“Fine then from this moment on the lone mountain in the south of the Western Lands right by Emerald Lake will be called Razzmatazz Peek.”
Kagome could not contain it. She ended up falling right off the dragon and on to the ground in a fit of giggles. Sesshoumaru had a worried look on his face but it slowly faded into a small smile. This was a good sign that she had her mind off anger towards him for a brief moment at least. Kagome just couldn’t believe Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands would name one of his few mountains after a child’s coloring tool, let alone the color Razzmatazz.”
“That fall didn’t harm you in anyway did it?” Sesshoumaru asked her.
“Does it look like it?”
“I will get our food.”
Sesshoumaru unwrapped a knapsack that he had hanging over his arm. Inside it held two chicken, legs, two pieces of bread, two apples, and two compact bottles of whine. Obviously there wasn’t any proper containers for anything in the feudal era.
“I can’t drink whine,” Kagome implied.
“Why is that my lady?”
“It has alcohol in it. And where I come from you can’t drink any of it unless your twenty one. And I am only fifteen. Not to mention it can cause harm to babies inside of pregnant women. That’s why many children in this era die because no one realizes that.”
“You must tell me more about the future,” he said as he handed over her share of the food except the bottle of whine.
“Well to start off we have these laws because young children can easily kill themselves by drinking the way they do in this era. Alcohol makes people do stupid things that harm themselves and others around them. It wouldn’t be a good thing for Koinu to make a friend who would do things like that around him.”
“I agree. And the way most of my family acts I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Koinu himself doing the stupid things.”
“Its probably not my place, but I suggest maybe you too should make a few laws like that.”
“I don’t think you realize your place. You are the Lady of the Western Lands, you not only suggest laws you can go and make them yourself. Only I can change them when I see fit too. The only reason why I am so hard on you is that when I deny you something you have to fight about it. Only I have slight more power them you do.”
“Then I say from now on those under twenty one are not allowed to drink alcohol, including me, and you will have to make up the proper age for demons.”
“It is law then. So tell me more.”
“Well you seem to be interested in our laws, but first I think I should prepare the meals for now on. If we were out in the sun a little longer this food would be rotted out. I know how to make food just for little outings like this.”
“You can be in charge of the kitchen then. All you have to do is give the servants recipes and they will prepare it.”
“Well maybe they can help me, but I would like to try and make some by myself if that’s not a problem.”
“Someone in your position cooking like a servant or peasant is unheard of.”
“You’re kidding. Are you saying only those who you believe are beneath you know how to cook? Everybody no matter who they are can cook in the future.”
“Well like I said you can do whatever you want as long as its within the castle walls.”
“Good then I am preparing dinner for tonight.”
“The conferences have three more days to go. Are you sure you want to make dinner for at least twenty youkai?”
“Well that’s where the servants could come in handy. I will make a meal for both you and me, then I will teach the servants how to make it for the others.”
Sesshoumaru didn’t at first like the idea of his new mate doing work and mingling with servants, but then he turned it into a positive thing. He would love to see the looks on the other youkai’s faces when they saw his mate personally serve him dinner, which was something the stuck up females that would be attending dinner would never do. That would probably make the male youkai jealous. Dinner was the last thing on his mind though. He was too busy being a little bit happy with how she seemed to finally accept her new fate, at least for now.
“You will have to do it tomorrow night,” Sesshoumaru said as she tried to finish her chicken, “we will eat dinner at my cousin’s tonight.”
“Tell me about this cousin of yours.”
Kagome ate the rest of the small meal as Sesshoumaru told her what she needed to know. His cousin’s name was Infernoflames and he was a dog youkai that had power over fire. So much power that sometimes Inferno would loose control and burn everything in his path. That was why Sesshoumaru put him in charge of Mount Indigo and he never appeared at the conferences. They wouldn’t go there till much later though because Sesshoumaru wanted to show her the sights.
Once Kagome was done she told Sesshoumaru about the government and laws from her time as he ate his share of the food. It was hard because she was so tempted to tell him it was illegal to take a wife, or in his case mate, unless they were both older then eighteen, but she knew age didn’t matter in this era. Instead she told him about how law breakers were just thrown in prison for a certain amount of time unless they committed murder.
When they were done Kagome found herself sitting in front of Sesshoumaru on the dragon again with his arms around her. None of it made sense to her. Before when she first found out about the curse and she was under Sesshoumaru’s care he would barely look at her and now he was acting like this.
“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome said with hardly any voice, “why?”
Sesshoumaru knew right away what she was asking, “Kagome I’m sorry.”
“Somehow I feel in love with you and admitted it. Now that I know it my blood will not calm down until I make you mine. I am harmless now, but please don’t do anything to enrage it for your own safety.”
Kagome understood what he meant by the way his demon blood was acting, but she thought about what he just said. She could feel his energy fighting for control over his actions. Just a second ago she was talking to the real Sesshoumaru that wasn’t being taken over by his emotions. That was the part that didn’t make sense. Had Sesshoumaru on his own free will just requested she should do try and avoid harm to herself? He really had fallen in love with her. As much as it felt like a betrayal she would have to give in. Sesshoumaru was the father of her children and his soul like Inuyasha’s would be under torment unless his demon blood got what it wanted even if she was what it wanted.
They both stayed silent for the rest of the afternoon except when Sesshoumaru pointed out the sights that they had flown over. Within those few hours Kagome saw four of the six mountains they were talking about earlier, including Razzmatazz Peek, Emerald, Sapphire, and Ruby Lake, Bronze fields, and then finally the Grey, Black, and Purple forest. It was dusk by the time Sesshoumaru had their ride fly towards Mount Indigo where his cousin would be.
Kagome knew this was better time then any while they were being so silent. She needed to do this to make things easier on both him and her. Even though it meant a new life and probably maybe a future heartbreak if he planned on replacing her. No, if she were going to go through this she would not allow him to ever replace her.
“I will make it easier on us both,” Kagome told him.
“What do you mean Lady Kagome?”
“You need to go back to the way you were so I now accept this fate of being your mate, but I will still free Inuyasha’s soul.”
“I am flattered that you have stopped your struggle, but it will all be for nothing if you and the children you are carrying are killed by Naraku’s latest toy.”
“I won’t be your mate forever. Once you replace me I will save Inuyasha, collect every single one of the jewel shards, kill Naraku myself since he will have no more interest in you.”
“You can’t do it on your own. No one will be there to protect you and you will end up leaving three children alone in the world.”
“Well there won’t be much else to do if you replace me.”
“You win. Kagome you will be my mate forever.”