The rest of the night spent at Mount Indigo was just Sesshoumaru and Infernoflames discussing plans for that region of the Western Lands while Kagome told Tamasha about the future. Kagome and Sesshoumaru hadn’t even looked each other since Kagome left the cave crying. Kagome didn’t even know how to interact with him after what she did. So she just tried to stay to stay on opposite sides of the cave at all cost. Eventually she ended up falling asleep though. After discussing a few more terms Sesshoumaru picked her up and loaded her onto Uh and Un as he bide his goodbyes.
He moved Kagome’s body so she was sleeping against his chest as he controlled the dragon. It was hard to touch or look at her, because every time he did her voice ran in his ears. He couldn’t forget how she said she hated him. Why did he care though? She was already his and like he said it didn’t matter what her opinion was. It still hurt somehow.
“Kagome,” he said as he nudged her a little in order to wake her.
It took awhile, but Kagome was able to wake up after several seconds of moaning and groaning. Once she realized where she was and what she was doing she quickly jerked her head away from him. Kagome knew since he woke her up, which was something he had never done before so of course he wanted to discuss something.
“Were together for the rest of your life so you best learn not to flinch like that,” Sesshoumaru told her.
I hear a voice say, "Don't be so blind"“Sorry Lord Sesshoumaru,” Kagome apologized as she waited to hear what he was going to tell her.
“I see you recovered after your little scene,” he told her coldly.
It's telling me all these things that you would probably hide.
“It wasn’t a scene since there was only two people and you just really got to me,” she replied.
“So you do really hate me?”
Am I your one and only desire?“According to what you said it really doesn’t matter does it?”
“True I don’t care what you think,” Sesshoumaru lied, “I just wanted to know if this whole bonding experience worked or not.”
Am I the reason you breathe?“Well I didn’t mean what I said. You just...well I don’t know what you did, but you triggered something. We made a deal and I am here to stay so your right it doesn’t matter how I feel or what I think.”
“Then lets keep it that way.”
Or am I the reason you cry?Sesshoumaru was just making up something once again. He didn’t want Kagome to keep her emotions inside. Her emotions were one of the things that got him attracted to her. He didn’t think about it anymore though. Knowing Kagome she wouldn’t keep her promise very long and she would be back to screaming and crying at him.
“We will have another bonding day after the twins are born,” Sesshoumaru informed her.
“I will if you can do me a favor,” Kagome said.
“And what is that Lady Kagome?” asked Sesshoumaru.
“Can I have a break?”
“A what?”
“You know a break. A brief period where I do absolutely nothing, well except taking care of Koinu, but yeah that’s what I need a break.”
“Tell me Kagome what is it that you have been doing lately that’s not taking care of Koinu?”
“Being around you.”
“Is there a problem with that.”
Always“Well I was a little too scared to ask if I could have one, but Tamasha told me you would understand. Well you see its hard to believe, but it has only been six days since I was first cursed and already so much has happened. I think I just need to be alone and rest for awhile.”
“I do understand,” Sesshoumaru said, but Kagome sensed something in his voice that didn’t sound that calm, she could feel anger.
Always“Is there something wrong with that?”
Always“No,” he quickly snapped at her, “your right you need rest. I will give you until five days. It has been two days since Koinu was born and you said it would be a week until the twins were born.”
Always“That sounds reasonable, but why are you angry at me?”
I just can't live without you.“I am not angry with you,” Sesshoumaru replied just revealing more anger.
Clearly Sesshoumaru was about to admit how he was feeling to her so she just decided to drop it. He agreed to give her a break and that was all she needed right? Why should she care about Sesshoumaru’s feelings towards her choice? She couldn’t help but think about his anger. He was upset with her and she couldn’t stand it.
“Kagome go to sleep,” he said with his voice giving off the fact that it was a command and not a suggestion.
“I have already slept a lot yesterday and it’s hard to go to sleep after the way you woke me up,” she told him.
“You said you wanted a break and your going to get one. And you will need to grab every chance you need since you have offered to deal with Koinu during your little five days off.”
“I just don’t want to sleep right here right now.”
“Remember you said you wouldn’t express your feelings to me anymore. Now do as your told.”
Kagome shot him a hateful glare as she repositioned herself so her legs were hanging off of the dragon and her head was supported by the creature’s neck. Sesshoumaru let out a small growl after she did that, but stopped once she closed her eyes. She would soon learn to never move in his presence without his permission. For now he would allow it, but once the last of his children were born he mold her into what he wanted. While she took her little five-day brake he would concentrate on finding a way to change her into a youkai. If it was a break she wanted a break she would get.
“I forgot to tell you something,” Kagome said with her eyes still closed.
“If you forgot it then it must not be that important, “try to sleep.”
“It is important. Naraku keeps talking to me in my sleep.”
“And what does Naraku say?”
“Well he told me that he didn’t want to wait for the shards to come out of our children on their own so he told me that if you marked me the shard would come out of Koinu. It did, but now he is saying he will kill our children anyways unless I go through the well and never return.”
“You will do no such thing. First we must figure out how to remove the shards from the twins though before taking any action.”
“Speaking of which do you have any name ideas yet?”
“Go to sleep and don’t worry about that.”
“Well I am just saying I already named Koinu and a mountain so now it’s your turn.”
“I will think of something, now-”
Kagome cut him off before he could once again tell her to sleep, “you said you were going to change me into a full demon. I don’t like that idea, but I know I promised to not complain anymore, but are you going to use the shikon jewel?”
“ Kagome I am not going to say it again.”
Kagome let out a groan as she once again stopped talking and she let out light breaths proving that she was asleep. Sesshoumaru let out a sigh of relief once he found this out. He now had to worry about how to change her into a youkai and how to take care of the jewel shard problem. The jewel shards would prove to be great use to him once his training was complete. Once he was strong enough to defeat Naraku the shards would lure him in.
Kagome awoke to find herself not in Sesshoumaru’s room, but in her original one that she was placed in when she first arrived at his castle. Next to her was a small crib and laying in it was Koinu who was sleeping wearing some kind of cloth that was a feudal era version of a diaper. She decided to stay and bed and not really move around so no sound could wake her sleeping son. So Sesshoumaru really had given her the break she requested.
I feel like you don't want me around.
Kagome removed the blanket that was wrapped tightly around her and saw her stomach, which had grown a lot since she last looked. Only four more days to go till the twins were born. That made her wonder what would happen after that. She had made a deal so Sesshoumaru replace her, but did that mean she wanted to stay with Sesshoumaru. She wanted to be with her children. She wouldn’t have mind living with him it was quite nice that he was offering, but to be his mate. This was too much.
I guess I'll pack all my things I guess I'll see you around.
That’s what she needed to tell him. That she was uncomfortable with all of this. Maybe that way they wouldn’t have to mate or anything and he could just go find him a new woman. Even if that meant she would be alone for the rest of her life.
Inside, it bottles up until now.
The first thing Kagome did was remove the kimono she was wearing once she decided to get up. Now that her stomach had grown it had become too tight for her. She looked in a small closet and discovered many white guest kimonos in various sizes and also some of the things she had put away in her pocket a few days ago. Basically her brother’s game boy and some candy bars. Kagome made herself look a little more decent before preparing to wonder around the castle so she could find Sesshoumaru. She would keep her end of the bargain and not give really of her thoughts or opinion. It should have just been youkai common sense not mark a female without permission. Kagome walked up to the door and opened it just a crack.
As I walk out your door all I can hear is the sound of
Kagome stopped right when she heard the piercing cry of Koinu.
At least she knew he would cry because of other things and not just being around his father. She shut the door and ran to her son’s crib. He was probably just hungry.
She sat down on the bed and quietly fed Koinu thinking about what she would do. Since Sesshoumaru sent her away back to this room did that mean she was suppose to really spend her break away from him. Then maybe it wouldn’t be a wise idea to go and find him already. Anyways he sounded angry when she was talking about taking a break.
“Koinu I really am a kint aren’t I?” Kagome asked her baby who didn’t understand a word she just said.
Kagome then pulled Koinu away. He just bit her nibble very hard. She looked at him and his mouth. It was very little and she could hardly see it, but Koinu was already growing fangs. Kagome didn’t understand how this would work. She thought baby demons would grow slower then humans considering Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were ancient but yet they looked like teenagers. She would probably ask Sesshoumaru later.
She had overjoyed and still was when she found out that Koinu wouldn’t die because of the curse. She could never imagine what would be like if he couldn’t watch him grow up. Just the thought of bringing something into the world and never seeing it again disgusted her. That made her have second thoughts about what she wanted to say to Sesshoumaru. If she didn’t play her cards right he could always kick her out of the castle and she could never see her children again.
It seemed there would be no choice but to just stay in the room for five days. She wanted this brake so there was no reason why she shouldn’t take it. It was also more time with Koinu without Sesshoumaru or a servant taking him away. She needed as much practice as she could get before the twins were born anyways. She laid on her back as she let Koinu finish eating. Kagome then thought about something else. How would her life have been if Koinu was Inuyasha’s son.
Of course she knew how that wound have ended up. Inuyasha and her would always be together, but Koinu wasn’t Inuyasha’s son no matter how much they looked alike. Koinu was Sesshoumaru’s son and somehow because of it she was stuck with Sesshoumaru. Was fate just playing a foul trick on her. Or was this truly to be her destiny.
She never would have thought that when she saw Sesshoumaru for the very first time she would end up being his mate. She was more concerned with how Inuyasha was going to kill him. If Koinu had been Inuyasha’s son either Inuyasha would have been killed by Sesshoumaru by now or Sesshoumaru would have gotten killed by them. It was just a matter of finding the sliver lining in the dark cloud. There was a whole lot of good points about Sesshoumaru. After all he could have just left her behind when she died of giving birth, but instead he used the Tensagia to bring her back. And even before that when the conferences started he never forced her to do anything without making her some kind of deal like when they thought Naraku was Koiji. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad destiny. Sesshoumaru never did her wrong before why would he do her wrong now.
I just can't live without you.
Sesshoumaru sat in his office researching many books looking for something that could change his new mate into a youkai. He was finding nothing so far and it was very arrogating. Every time he got close to finding something and it turned out to be nothing he was tempted to think about finding more jewel shards. Why did he not want to use the shikon jewel on her again?
If he was to make a wish upon the shikon jewel to turn Kagome into a demon it would not purify. Meaning the evil from the jewel would be a part of Kagome. She would change and not be the same. He had spent too much time trying to learn about Kagome and taming her attitude to give up and change her totally.
I just can't take anymore. This life of solitude.
He should though. She didn’t deserve to remain the way she was if she was going to treat him like this. Yes she had been given the rank of Lady of the Western Lands, but he was the Lord and he ruled everything including her.
I guess that I'm out the door. And now I'm done with you.
Sesshoumaru put all of the books he was looking at aside and took a small break. There was nothing much more to do now that he had called the conferences off. Everything between the Western Lands and the Eastern were settled since Naraku killed the lord and Rose became ruler. He heard a faint tapping on the door and muttered something that sounded like ‘come in.’
“I take it that both you and Rin have arrived back safely,” Sesshoumaru said once he saw Jaken enter the office.
“Yes my lord,” Jaken replied, “the girl is asleep in her room right now. I just came to tell you about some information on Naraku that you wanted me to gather for you on the way back.”
“And what is your information?” asked Sesshoumaru.
“The information doesn’t matter anymore,” Jaken told him with a slight smile, “we not only have information, but we also have Naraku.”
“What does that mean?”
“Many powerful youkai from the Eastern lands learned about the hanyou who killed their lord and they hunted him down. They then heard about how he was an enemy of your new mate so they handed him over. Naraku is being held in our prison.”
Sesshoumaru quickly got up from his desk and headed out of the room almost running over the little toad youkai. Sesshoumaru was happy that he knew exactly where Naraku was, but he didn’t like the fact that Naraku was here. Here in the same castle as Kagome, Koinu, Rin, and his two other unborn children. He would have to go down there and take care of Naraku right away.
It had been four days now. Kagome looked at her stomach in amazement at how big it had gotten. She couldn’t even get up to walk. One more day and she would give birth to both a baby girl and baby boy and she still hadn’t seen Sesshoumaru yet. The only other people she had interaction with was the servants who brought her three meals a day. She ate the meals and then she supplied Koinu with food.
Koinu has been growing quickly too. His dog ears that were always flat against his head were now half way out, his fangs were getting bigger, and the sounds he made were almost close to being words. Koinu would be speaking quicker then she thought. Koinu was finally asleep though when Kagome stood by the door. She was waiting for lunch. She needed to ask someone about Sesshoumaru. She wanted to make sure he would be with her when the twins were born. She didn’t want to do it on her own.
“Lady Kagome?” a female youkai servant asked when they noticed Kagome waiting by the door.
“Do you know where Sesshoumaru is?” Kagome asked.
“I do believe our lord has been down in the dungeons for the last few days interrogating the enemy,” the servant told her.
“The enemy? I thought the Western Lands wouldn’t be involved in a war.”
“Its that Naraku guy that’s all.”
“Hey will you do me a favor.”
“What is that Lady Kagome?”
“Watch Koinu, I have to check things out.”
“Wait hold on my Lady no one but the Lord is allowed down there.”
Kagome didn’t listen. She ran through the hallways. She didn’t know where the dungeons were, but by the way people said ‘down’ she assumed it would on the bottom floor. Her only option was to go on to a lower floor every time. Eventually she seen the hallways change from nice and decorated wallpaper to boring white bricks. And that’s when she started to see cells aligned against the walls. Finally she got to the one she was looking for.
Naraku sat on the side of the cell wearing his usual grin even though at this point he knew he would die today. He knew he would die the very second his powers were outnumbered by the Eastern youkai. That didn’t phase him though. Even Sesshoumaru standing above him with the Tokijin wasn’t enough to phase him. He had been down here for five days now. Sesshoumaru kept asking him how to get the jewel shards out of the twins since the old plan wouldn’t work because Kagome was already marked. Naraku just smirked and refused to tell Sesshoumaru anything. Just because he would die didn’t mean they would be free of him. This was just the first step to his plan of Sesshoumaru and Kagome’s suffering. They would regret the day they ever messed with him.
“I will ask you one more time Naraku,” Sesshoumaru stated with no emotion in his voice.
Naraku just grinned and responded, “tell me Sesshoumaru where is Kagome at? Don’t you wish her to see me killed once and for all.”
“Don’t bring her into this.”
“I don’t see why not. After all it was me who convinced Kikyo to set all of this up. You should be thinking me that I brought both you and Kagome together. I can see you’re in love.”
“I am not in love. I just have desires for her, and I cannot replace her because of a few terms.”
Kagome didn’t walk any further as she listened in on both Naraku and Sesshoumaru’s conversation unnoticed. So was it true? Had Sesshoumaru really thought of her as nothing more then something to act his desires out on?
I left my head around your heart.
She wanted to turn away. She wanted to take Koinu and run far away if this was the case. Sesshoumaru had no right to have children if this was the way he treated her. He had no love within him at all.
Why would you tear my world apart?
“At least that’s what I thought in the beginning,” Sesshoumaru’s voice then rang in her head.
“So you do have feelings for Kagome?” Naraku asked, “how amusing. I thought you were only going to take another mate because you were going to not try and follow in your father’s footsteps. You brought her back to life, you marked her, and you fell in love. I would think that is pretty much mimicking him.”
Always“I was wrong then. My father never made a mistake. He loved Inuyasha’s mother just as much as I love Kagome. I have it figured out now. And you will pay for what you have done to my brother’s soul.”
Always“And you want me to pay in blood is that it? Do as you please, but it won’t safe Inuyasha’s soul. I have no idea what happened to the youkai version of him, but he only lives to kill Kagome and without that purpose he will be lost in confusion in all eternity.”
AlwaysSesshoumaru had enough of Naraku’s ranting. He knew how Naraku worked. If he kept listening to the stupid hanyou eventually he would be talked into doing something he regretted. With one last look at Naraku’s smirk Sesshoumaru brought the Tokijin down and pireced Naraku right in the heart. Sesshoumaru watched with his own smirk as Naraku too his last breath of air.
“Kikyo and Inuyasha were doomed to never be free from my wrath,” Naraku said with hardly any voice, “now thanks to Kagome passing through the well and you interfering you two will suffer the same punishment.”
Naraku’s eyes finally closed and he was dead. Sesshoumaru took a big whiff of the air and took in the scent of Naraku’s blood. It was finally done. Naraku was dead. It was hard to believe it was him who took down Koiji. Sesshoumaru didn’t like this, it had been too easy. He lost his train of thought though when he caught a bit of Kagome’s scent too. He turned around and saw her looking at him.
I see the blood all over your hands.
“Kagome,” he said.
Does it make you feel more like a man?
Kagome didn’t answer as she walked up to him. Her face was just several inches away from his when she stopped.
Was it all just a part of your plan?
“What are you doing down here,” Sesshoumaru demanded to know as he quickly sheathed the blood covered Tokijin.
The pistol's shaken' in my hands.
“You killed him,” said Kagome, “Inuyasha and Kikyo fought him for so long and you just killed him.
And all I hear is the sound.
“What do you think about me now Kagome?”
I love you I hate you I can't live around you
Kagome once again didn’t answer. She just came closer and laid her head on his chest. And as though she was a piece of metal and he was a magnet he wrapped her arms around her and brought her into an embrace.
I breathe you I taste you I can't live without you
Kagome didn’t care anymore. She didn’t care about how they use to be enemies. She didn’t care about how he marked her without her permission. She didn’t even care about how he wanted to change her into a demon.
“You forgot to do something,” Kagome finally said.
“And what would that be Kagome?”
“You forgot to tell Naraku thank you. You said everything else to him.”
I can't live without you.
“I guess I should have. It won’t do him any good in hell.”
“So you did mean everything you said.”
“Yes I did. Did you enjoy your break?”
“I hated it.”
“Oh really? Why is that?”
“Because you weren’t with me.”
“I think we both needed it. Being with Naraku for a week has cleared my head. Don’t ever change into a full demon. I demand you always stay who you are.”
“What happens if I defy you?”
“I will kill you.”
“Now that’s a threat I can live with.”