Inuyasha’s gaze had not left Kagome at all that day even now as she slept on the floor of Kaede’s hut. He would never be able to let her out of his sight after hearing the news about him being a father. He would also never brake his promise. Now that he would be the father of Kagome’s child he would not run to Kikyo anymore. Unless of course there was no way to brake the curse and Kagome left. He didn’t like that idea though. Kikyo could never be the child’s mother and he didn’t want to lose Kagome. Hopefully they would find a cure and Kagome wouldn’t be responsible for her child’s death. Inuyasha leaned against the wooden wall and inhaled her scent. He always enjoyed that scent.
That night Inuyasha wasn’t the only one taking in as much of Kagome’s scent as they could get. Sesshoumaru was also picking up on it, but staying far away enough that his half brother would not be able to smell him. He too admitted that the scent of Kagome wasn’t that bad as it was for most humans, but she would still always be just a human. He only wanted his hanyou child. In order to get that he would need to keep the girl named Kagome in his custody for awhile. Inuyasha was nothing more then a fool who rushed into battle without thinking. The girl would get herself killed eventually thanks to Inuyasha’s battle strategies and his child would cease to exist. She would also defiantly be a target anyways thanks to those jewel shards she always carried with her. In order to keep his child safe he would have no choice but to kidnap the girl. In order to do that he would have to wait until Inuyasha was far away enough to not detect his scent. He wasn’t in the mood for his half brother’s arrogance he just wanted to take the girl and go.
“Kagome what’s wrong?” Inuyasha asked once he noticed her eyes fling open after being in such a deep sleep.
“I thought I sensed something familiar,” she moaned in a half asleep voice, “I don’t feel it anymore so it was probably nothing.”
“Every time you say its nothing its always something. Is it a jewel shard?”
“No its not. It was just a strange feeling that’s all.”
“Well go on back to sleep. I will patrol around the hut a little. You need your rest.”
“Inuyasha I am not totally pregnant yet. And I am sure it was nothing.”
“Fine whatever. Just go back to sleep its too late for you to be up anyways. I don’t want to inconvience Sango and Miroku so I hope your not mad at me for still wanting to go jewel shard hunting.”
“I am fine with it Inuyasha. As long as I don’t have to go back to my own time. Just remember you’re a father so don’t go risking your life,” she said as sleep started to catch up with her, “be a good influence.”
Inuyasha watched her every breath until he knew she was back in a deep sleep. Once he was sure of it he lifted himself of the ground and snuck out of the hut very quietly. He took a big breath when coming in contact with the fresh air outside. He wanted to find what Kagome sensed and take care of it incase it was a threat. He smelled something after a couple of breaths. It wasn’t close enough to totally know who it was, but something about it seemed familiar. He ran in the woods to pursue whatever was giving off the familiar scent. As he moved farther away Sesshoumaru noticed and took one step closer to the hut for every step Inuyasha took moving away from it. After awhile of playing the little step by step game Sesshoumaru put on a smirk of victory as he saw through a small window Kagome laying on the floor of a hut. As Inuyasha went deeper and deeper into the forest the scent became clearer and it made him enraged on the inside. It was Kouga.
“What in the hell are you doing this far away from the wolf den you mangy wolf!” Inuyasha yelled knowing the wolf youkai’s ears would be able to pick it up.
“Why is it any of your bussiness mutt face,” growled Kouga s he stepped out of the darkness and into Inuyasha’s range of vision, “I just needed to check up on my Kagome.”
“Its kind of late don’t you think? People like Kagome who isn’t yours by the way normally sleep at the this time.”
“Well I will be quick about it then. What’s it to you?”
A smirk came on to Inuyasha’s face when he thought of a reply. This would be the perfect time to tell him the good news. He would get to tell Kouga the good news about him being the proud father of Kagome’s child. He thought it would be even funnier to leave out the part about how no sex was involved.
“Kagome needs her rest Kouga,” Inuyasha told him, “after all she is going to bear my pup.”
Inuyasha looked happily at Kouga’s face, but soon Inuyasha’s face went from happy to confused. There was nothing on Kouga’s face. No dazed or shocked expression. Nothing.
“Don’t you mean Sesshoumaru’s pup?” asked Kouga.
“What in the hell are you saying flea bag? Kagome and Sesshoumaru would never work out.”
“Give it a rest puppy. I know all about the curse. I smelled Kagura and followed her thinking about revenge when she went to have a talk with your older brother. She informed him about the curse and the fact that he will be a father. And that’s why I have come to check up on her.”
“Your lying! I touched Kagome first!”
“For some reason the curse was created to allow the first one who touches her become the father, but a barrier was made to keep the jewel shard from recognizing you.”
Inuyasha didn’t want to believe any of it. He was too happy when he thought Kagome would be giving birth to his child. Everything would make sense though if Kouga’s words were true. It would explain the strange feelings he got when touching her. It was the effects from a barrier. A barrier that only one person would create. Kikyo.
“Kouga I know you believe Kagome is your woman, but do we really have to tell her. She is really happy about believing it is my child.”
“I would actually be all over that plan if Sesshoumaru wasn’t probably rushing over here right at this moment to get the one who is bearing his child.”
“What do you mean?”
“He wants his child because he doesn’t want it to have to be raised by you.”
“That’s not good. Sesshoumaru hates all humans to his last breath. He will probably make her life miserable until she gives birth to his child then he will simply kill her.”
“Then what in the hell are we waiting for! We need to protect her.”
As fast as their legs could carry them Kouga and Inuyasha ran back to the hut. They charged right in without stopping. It was so noisy that everyone in the hut awoke. Well everyone except Kagome, because Kagome wasn’t there. All that was left where Kagome was once sleeping was her bow, arrows, large yellow backpack, and the lingering scent of Inuyasha’s older youkai brother.
Sesshoumaru couldn’t believe that he totally over estimated the situation. He thought the girl would awaken and he would have to fight with her, but no she slept through the whole successful kidnapping. She was even sleeping now as she was in his arms being embraced by the wind that was created from the speed they were going. It looked as though it would be a few hours before she woke up. Still it wouldn’t be long until she would demand answers to her kidnapping. She probably didn’t even know he was the father. Sesshoumaru was ready for her when she was ready to fight him. He would not appear unprepared to a human.
“Inuyasha what’s going on?” Miroku asked after the two burst into the room.
“He took her,” Inuyasha announced, “Sesshoumaru took Kagome.”
“Why?” Sango questioned.
“Its Sesshoumaru’s child that she will be carrying,” Kouga explained.
Everyone took a quick glance around the hut to confirm yes indeed Kagome was gone. Shippou was ready to burst into tears. Kagome was like his mother.
“Inuyasha aren’t you going to go after him,” pleaded Shippou.
"Sesshoumaru could easily kill Kagome if he wanted so of course I will have to, but if it really is Sesshoumaru's child it just isn't right to take it away even if Sesshoumaru is the enemy."
"Well Kagome will probably want her baby too," argued Sango.
"We can't think about that now we just have to go get her back." ---------------------------------- A few hours after the sun rose Kagome awoke. She expected to see Inuyasha watching her like he did that whole night, but she didn't see him. She didn't see the others either. Where was Sango, Miroku, Shippou, and Kaede. Where was she? She went to sleep on the floor and she awoke to find herself in a nice feeling futon. This wasn't right. Kagome slowly got up and walked on the cold wooden floor to the door. She was so stressed over where everybody was and where she was that she forgot all about her nice dream that a shadowy figure who she could tell what Inuyasha swept her off her feet and they took off into the sky.
Kagome turned the door knob, but it wouldn't budge. The door was locked and from the outside. It was as though someone had locked her in here. Had Inuyasha and the others all took off the night before and now they were resting in a different village and she slept through it all. If that was the truth then why had she been locked in? Was Inuyasha this much concerned over her safety. That couldn't be it because why would they be taking a break this early in the day. It became clear to Kagome that she wouldn't learn anything until the door was unlocked.
Kagome retreated in failure back to her futon and sat on it thinking of how she got there. She placed her hand on her stomach. It still wasn't clear what gender the baby would be but it was easy to tell it was growing very fast. It wouldn't be long until they would have to go on a journey to find a cure for the curse, and if there was none Kagome would have a tough decision to make. She heard the door crack open.
"Inuyasha your such a jerk!" Kagome yelled before she even saw him.
"Is he?" asked a familiar silky voice that definitely wasn't Inuyasha's voice.
The door opened all the way and Kagome saw who it was. It was Inuyasha's older brother Sesshoumaru.
"Sesshoumaru? Where is Inuyasha?"
"I don't know and I don't care."
"You better tell me! How did I get here?"
"I brought you here."
"You are a miko you can sense auras can't you tell?"
"I don't understand."
Kagome got up and walked up to him.
"I have heard about your little bad luck lately, but your burden has become mine and that’s why I have brought you here."
"Your pregnant too?"
"No you are and with my child."
"You are lying."
"I wish I was."
"Inuyasha is the father. He touched me before you attacked us and broke the rest of my arm!"
"Inuyasha isn't and never will be the father and I won't allow him to take any part in being around my child."
"My child."
Sesshoumaru let out a growl before continuing.
"So from the way you are talking Kagura wasn't lying about this curse."
"Kagura? Why would Naraku know about this?"
"Its not any of my concern, but everything else Kagura said must be true and if that’s the case it's my child."
"Kagura is the biggest liar of all and you took info from her?"
"Good point. Well miko look into the aura. Whose child is it?"
"I...I can't tell. This is only the second day of the curse I can't get a clear reading yet. I can just sense the demon meaning it has to be either you or Inuyasha."
"Well Kagura said there was a barrier placed around you to not allow Inuyasha to be the father. So if her words are true its mine you won't accept it though. So until we find the answer you will remain in this room. And if you lie to me I will find out and you will wish you were never born."
"What if it is yours?"
"If it is mine then I will be a father let alone hanyou or not. This is a great burden and I have too much honor to kill the mother of the child just because of race. I will send you back to Inuyasha and make sure we don't cross paths again."
"So hold on. You want me to give birth which will happen in about a month and then just leave as though nothing happened. Its my child and eventually it will ask who it's mother is."
"I am already going to have to deal with a hanyou son I do not need to deal with a human wench as yourself."
"Just let me take the child with me so you won't have to deal with any of us human blooded creatures."
"I cannot allow that hanyou to raise my son which I know you are planning on letting him do."
"Well if anybody gets to keep it that will be me."
Kagome then remembered all about the other part of the curse. If she won the child from Naraku she would be happy which would kill it. She would have to let it go.
"You will only put the child in a dangerous position."
"Okay then take it."
"You win I can never beat you. Your the father so take your child."
"I will, but in till I am able to do that you will remain here in my castle so no harm befalls you."
"Do I have to?"
"Yes and you cannot go back to the hanyou until I have my child. I hired a dark miko to create a barrier that pure mikos like you can't brake. So do not plan escape."
"Are you going to stay?"
"I am needed in the Eastern Lands. I will be back by the time you give birth. Jaken will take care of you while I am away."
"That toad?"
"Yes," Sesshoumaru simply answered feeling as though he had talked to her enough. He turned to leave, but then felt as though he hadn't talked enough by himself, "This door will remain locked. You don't know your way around here anyways, but when I am around I may allow you to leave this room considering that if I hear you haven't caused any trouble. Also a servant will be coming in later to wrap that arm up the proper way."
This time he left the room for good. He didn't like this at all. It seemed too nice of him, but as much as he wanted to make Inuyasha's wench suffer and be miserable he didn't need the stress in her building up to cause problems with the child's birth. He would try to make her life comfortable while staying in the castle, but not enough to make it look like he cared for humans.
Kagome was amazed at what happened. She had just had a converstation with the lord of the western lands and she was unharmed. He must really have wanted to have something to do with the kid's life. It hurt telling him he could have it, but she didn't want to be reason for it's death. She would have been just as bad as Naraku.
It had been five days now. Five days since the lord of the western lands took Kagome because of the possibility the child she was carrying was his. She thought it would be nothing but quiet since she was in a room all by herself. It wasn't servants kept coming in and out. Jaken came to give her food and fresh clothes which were nothing more then old kimonos. Other woman who were youkai came to tend to her arm and check if she was healthy. Things also came in and out of her room. With the room there was a nice washroom which she spent most of her time in soaking out all of her troubles with nice bath. Often when she came out she would find her futon replaced with a different kind of bed or several different books lying around to keep her occupied. They were all books on focusing miko powers, but she never could put her mind on actually reading them. She was too busy thinking about her choice when it came to giving her first child to Sesshoumaru the cold hearted human hating youkai.
"Girl," snapped Sesshoumaru's voice while Kagome was pacing on the floor.
Kagome almost had a heart attack at the sudden sound of Sesshoumaru's voice. She tripped and laid face first into her bed.
"Sesshoumaru?" she asked, "you said you were going to the eastern lands."
"Want to get rid of me that much?" he questioned, "I never like staying at another castle so I will be in and out. By the way I had the guest futon that is usually in here replaced with a bed for a reason and that is so you can lay in it and quit jumping around."
"Jeez the child isn't even born yet and your already being overprotected."
Kagome didn't know what was with her. She had to keep reminding herself who exactly she was talking too. Normally she wouldn't smart off to someone who had the power to end her life with just a flick of the wrist, but for some reason she felt comfortable around him even though it has been five days since she last saw him. Sesshoumaru didn't react to it much. He just looked at her with the usual cold eyes.
"Do you find the bed and things that have been replaced in this room unsuitable for you?"
"No its not that. I am not the type who just likes to sit around all day. Speaking of which you said that when you came back I could leave this room."
"Very well, but first it has been awhile since we last spoke. Have you realized the truth?"
"Yes and it is your child just like Kagura said, but don't worry like I said its your child you raise it and I will just return to Inuyasha."
"Fine come with me."
Kagome followed Sesshoumaru and stepped out of the room for the first time ever since being there. The castle hallways were amazing. Everywhere you looked there was something mystical or strange looking. It was like going to an ancient castle except it wasn't ancient it was new. Sesshoumaru didn't understand this at all. This was a girl who was his sworn enemy, but yet she was acting around him as she would around Inuyasha. That means she must have been comfortable so now he wouldn't worry about any stress on her part. There was one thing he couldn't figure out though. Why did she give up her own child so easily? Why wasn't she willing to fight for it? Obviously she wouldn't be a good mother would she?
"Where are we going?" Kagome asked.
"For a walk," answered Sesshoumaru, "I have many questions for you."
"Has Inuyasha tried looking for me?"
"Has Inuyasha been at all trying to find me?"
"While near this castle I have not picked up his scent at all, but I don't know."
Kagome had to know. What was Inuyasha thinking right now? Did he know that he wasn't going to be the father? Even if he did know would he come for her and what would he do if he knew she was just giving her baby up? Facing Inuyasha after this would not be good, but just because of this stupid curse they couldn't put everything on hold. They still need to find the jewel shards before Naraku does. Naraku hurt too many lives and not to mention tried to have her killed several times she just couldn't forget all about him and in order to beat him she would have to be with Inuyasha.
"Girl I keep forgetting exactly what was your name again. Its Kikyo isn't it?"
"No Kikyo is the name of the girl that hung around Inuyasha before me. I am Kagome Higurashi."
"Higurashi? Is that your clan name or something."
"Um yes you could say that."
"Where can I locate the Higurashi clan? I need to know more about your filthy human family to make sure the hanyou child will be healthy."
It was too good to be true. For a second there she actually thought Sesshoumaru wasn't as cold as they thought. He had insulted her family just because they were human. He didn't even know them.
"You have gone too far this time Sesshoumaru!" she yelled, "not only have you kidnapped me but now you have done the worst you could do and that’s insult my family!"
Sesshoumaru was unphased by her yelling.
"Where does you clan live?" he asked as though she didn't say anything.
"Didn't you hear me!" she continued, "I am not going to allow you to insult any of my family."
"Refrain from your yelling I will not have a riot in my castle."
"Lord Sesshoumaru what’s going on?" asked a childish voice.
Kagome and Sesshoumaru both turned around and saw a small girl wearing a checkered kimono.
"Rin I thought you were asleep," responded Sesshoumaru.
"I was but then I was woke up by someone's yelling."
"Oh I’m sorry about that," said Kagome trying to remember exactly who this girl was, "um Rin was it?"
"Yes I’m Rin."
Sesshoumaru noticed how Kagome's attitude changed quickly when she was confronted by Rin. She probably didn't want to upset the small girl by telling her that she was kidnapped by him. He then thought about how quickly Rin would try to become friends with Kagome as she usually did. Sesshoumaru finally had the ultimate weapon that would keep Kagome obedient and no longer disrespect him, and that weapon was Rin.
"Rin," Sesshoumaru said in much of a calm voice as he could, "do you still want a sibling to keep you company like you said the last time you were chatting about how boring Jaken was?"
"That would be wonderful Lord Sesshoumaru!" screeched Rin.
"Well let me introduce you to Kagome Higurashi. Within the span of a few weeks she will be giving birth to your sibling."
"Is it really true?" Rin asked Kagome not anymore paying attention to Sesshoumaru.
"Yes," Kagome responded, "and its a boy."