Kagome once again found herself standing the garden, but in a whole different appearance. Instead of wearing the plain cloth kimono she was given after her arrival she was now wearing a silk blue one with Sesshoumaru's insignia embroided on the back. Her face had been painted on and she had magenta stripes on her face similar to Sesshoumaru's. There was another thing different, but she wasn't able to tell. She now smelled just like a full youkai. It was a special potion that Sesshoumaru picked up for her.
Kagome let out a snicker as she walked around. Lying to busniess partners by saying you had a wife was something that happened on sitcoms, she didn't imagine it would ever happen to the Lord of the Western Lands. She actually witnessed Sesshoumaru being very panicky about it all. He spent all the rest of the night training her how to behave like a proper little princess. During the rush of it all she forgot all about Inuyasha not coming for her. So now all she could do was sit out in the garden and laugh before she was called in for lunch with the families of the Eastern Lands.
It all felt like just a high school play to her. She would be playing a princess dog youkai who was from a very far away land, but she was kidnapped at a young age and while she was gone her family was killed. So she was found by Sesshoumaru and now she was his fiancée. The only major scenes she would be playing is talking in meal time conversation and breaks during the meetings. Then she could go back to being who she really was...Kagome Higurashi girl from the future who was cursed with Sesshoumaru's child. Maybe being in this little pretending game for awhile would be good for her.
"Its time," called one of Sesshoumaru's many youkai servants.
Kagome didn't pay attention to which one it was she just turned around and followed them out of the garden through the many hallways. She knew she would be led to a different dining room then she was usually in. There were two of them, one for Sesshoumaru and his family which was the one Kagome had been going to eat, and then there was a second larger one for when Sesshoumaru would have guest. She wasn't surprised when she walked into an elegant room with many crystal light fixtures and wonderful paintings. She was told the night before that right when entering the room she was too sit down on the first chair of the right so she would be right by Sesshoumaru. She located her chair and sat down while ignoring all the looks she was given. She was sitting right across from a red headed cat youkai. This was probably the one Sesshoumaru was trying to avoid marriage with.
Kagome had to rise from her seat as quickly as she sat down. The same servant announced the arrival of Sesshoumaru and everyone else rose. He didn't spare anyone a single glance as he took his sit. Then he twirled his hand a little and everyone else sat down.
"Well Sesshoumaru your palace is as lovely as usual," stated Lord Koiji, "and I noticed your mate has joined us."
"I am glad to be here," Kagome responded with a voice that showed off that she was a little nervous.
"You will have to excuse my mate's timid behavior. This is the first time I have showed her in public," Sesshoumaru quickly announced.
"Yes I must apologize," Kagome chimed in.
"She is lovely Lord Sesshoumaru," said the wife of Koji's captain of war affairs.
Others started to agree as Rose studied her once more.
"Oh Sessy where is your mate's mark at?"
"Well...I..." Kagome started.
"I didn't ask you," Rose snapped, "I asked my Sessy."
"Okay then," Kagome said in defeat.
"And I didn't give you permission to ask my mate such personal questions," Sesshoumaru snapped back, "and you have no right to call me 'your sessy'."
"Well you call her your mate, but she has no mark on her neck at all."
"She is not my mate she is my fiancée, but she will be my mate so you shall call her as so."
"So she isn't your mate," interrupted Koji, "I thought she already was and that was why you couldn't marry my sweet Rose."
"Well thanks to your conferences I haven't had time to mark her as my own, but she is mine."
Kagome wasn't expecting this. She thought this would just be a nice elegant dinner with little discussions, but it seemed to be an all out war between the lord of the eastern lands, his daughter, and Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru had not prepared her for this so she was just going to keep her mouth shut.
"Yes you have been away from your home a lot because of our conferences," repeated Rose, "so how do you know she is not cheating with you. I smelled wolf youkai which is strange you never have any wolf youkai staff or guest."
Sesshoumaru was tired of this. Worst of all he had not prepared Kagome for this type of talk. He thought that maybe since they were in the presence of others Koji would keep his daughter's mouth shut, but it didn't seem that way. He wanted to have an explanation for Kouga's scent, but it would make him look as though he was trying to hide many things.
"Yes Kagome why does this place have the smell of wolves?" asked Sesshoumaru.
"Well I was too busy getting ready for this occasion that I forgot to tell you that Kouga leader of the wolf youkai tribe had a grudge against some of your guards here. He got so close to the castle because of the jewel shards in his legs. I had him removed though."
"Of course," replied Sesshoumaru, "those with jewel shards always think they will get far."
"I think it would be wise if you hired some new guards. The ones you have now seem to have bad connections."
"I agree I will get on that."
"Sessy aren't you listening," whined Rose, "If she is not your mate yet then you can still marry me. Right daddy?"
Lord Koji wasn't paying attention to his daughter's pleas. Instead his eyes were set on Kagome and they weren't leaving her. Sesshoumaru arose from his seat.
"You will all have to excuse me," announced Sesshoumaru, "this arm is ready to dissolve off and I will not require another one for the rest of tonight so I will be taking my mate with me very quick so I can put I can put on some new attire. Come Kagome."
Kagome did as Sesshoumaru said and followed him back into the hallway. Everyone in the dining room had super youkai hearing so he was probably waiting till they were way further away until they would speak about it. Kagome followed him to the other side of the castle which seemed to be like a mile away and was led to the only door in whatever hallway they were in. He slid the door opened and walked in. Kagome followed and no one spoke until the door was securely locked.
"I thought you said you were good at acting," he said right away.
"I thought I was doing pretty well."
"Your not what everyone expects. My mate wouldn't be polite and quiet. She wouldn't sit around and listen to others talk bad about her. She would kill that bitch Rose."
"Well I’m not your mate am I?"
"Your giving birth to my son so your close enough for now so act like it. Be ready to fight back at Rose's questions. It looks like her father is not paying attention."
"Yeah what’s up with that he keeps looking at me."
"He is probably trying to figure out if you are really royal or not," continued Sesshoumaru has he tore his new dragon arm off and trusted it on to his bed, "now help me dress."
"Help you dress?"
"We needed an excuse to leave that table and they will know something is up if I come and my attire is the same."
"But why me?"
"Because Rose is a nosey little slut that will ask all the servants who has been helping me dress now take what I am wearing off now."
Kagome nodded knowing it wasn't wise to refuse. She untied his silk houri and carefully removed it from his torso. He moved his head towards a table that had the shirt he wanted on it. She went and collected it. As Kagome turned to put it on him she couldn't help but look at his chest and muscles. It was hard to believe that Inuyasha survived any of his battles with Sesshoumaru.
"Do all royal families where nice silk clothes like this?" she questioned as she got one of his arms into the sleeve.
"I thought your family was royal after all you are educated."
"I told you believe what you want to believe about who I am and where I come from, but I come from a time where everyone is required to go to school and all my family does is look of an ancient shrine. We don't get much money from that."
"Does your youkai ruler make you go to school."
"Actually Sesshoumaru in the future there are no youkai. Just human, except ones still alive because of the jewel shards."
"Quit lying to me."
"I sware I am not lying. Just to prove it I would show it too you, but I can't since like I said there are no youkai and people might get a little freaked out because of you. There all finished."
Kagome had Sesshoumaru's torso all dressed up in a spectacular black houri with strings that looked as though they were made out of silver.
"We must head back into the dining room, but I warn you the rest is yet to come. This is the only break I can get us."
"I understand. And I will try to fight and show everyone I am not who they think I am."
Sesshoumaru thought about how impressed he was with Kagome as they walked back down the hallway. The first things that went through his mind when he heard from Kagura about Kagome baring his child was that he would just take her as a prisoner since she would try and escape and put up with her fighting till she gave birth, but it had been the complete opposite. She was quiet and did all he said, she even helping him with his dilemma right now. If only she was youkai, she would have been a good mother.
Kagome and Sesshoumaru returned to what looked as a elegant dining room, but was really a battlefield. They took their seats and began eating which looked like a huge helping of steak. Rose once again began to study her while Koji didn't take his eyes off her.
"What did you do Sessy?" asked Rose, "did you hurry up and mark her to escape my questions."
Sesshoumaru was about to answer when Kagome cut in.
"Actually I am still mark free. I don't see the point in rushing into things like some people."
"Are you insulting me wench?"
"I am the future mistress of the Western Lands how dare you call me a wench."
"Sesshoumaru are you going to let your bitch talk to me like this?"
A smile came on to Sesshoumaru's face as he watched all that was happening.
"You know what Rose I think I am going to enjoy this and the next time you call Kagome a bitch you will loose your mouth."
"Daddy," she cried.
Once again Koji was not paying attention.
"Daddy," repeated Rose.
"Sesshoumaru may I speak with you after dinner?" asked Koji.
"If that is what you want to do," replied Sesshoumaru.
The rest of the dinner went very quietly. Rose was still making evil glances towards Kagome, but she stopped talking. Kagome was still feeling uncomfortable because all Koji did that whole meal was look at her. And Kagome was just sick of food being brought out every five minutes. She couldn't eat anymore, but then she noticed most of the plates were taken away even if it was untouched meaning she didn't have to eat everything that they put in front of her.
"Kagome I am confused?" asked one of the ladies that she assumed was some counselor from the Eastern lands, "exactly how did you get to Japan? And all I hear is that you came from a far away place. Where is this place? And if your parents are there shouldn't you go and claim the thrown."
Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru for a second and Sesshoumaru just gave her a warning glance that told her to stop looking at him because it was becoming suspious, so she was on her own.
"Well you see," Kagome started to explain, "While my parents were ruling I was kidnapped. I was too young to remember, but I heard it was some kind of centipede youkai. I don't even know why I was kidnapped because nothing was ever demanded of my parents I don't think. Well anyways I was saved by someone and then cared for by Inutasha. Inutasha somehow knew I was a princess. He didn't hesitate to find out where I was from. Once he found out he learned my parents were killed. I was still too young to take the thrown so I was to wait in the Western Lands until I became older. Once that time came I found that the country, oh I forgot to tell you it was called Atlantis, disappeared under the sea."
"I never knew about Kagome until my father died," added in Sesshoumaru, "she was being kept at a different castle. We met during several occasions."
"Yes, but since the death of Sesshoumaru's father I was pretty much alone in that castle except for some servants."
"So why didn't you just stay there," Rose rudely implied.
"Well um...I am sure you all know about Inuyasha. He knew Sesshoumaru wasn't around that castle so he tried to attack it. After Sesshoumaru heard I was moved to live here and we have just sort have grown apart."
Kagome felt a pain in her head. This was too much for her. It was as though she was creating a whole different identity. One that she would have to be for ten days.
"Lord Sesshoumaru may I be excused?" asked Rose, "Its about time we have all started to go to bed."
"Whatever. Go."
Rose nodded and got up to leave. Kagome had just a little sigh of relieve though when the cat youkai was gone, but she still felt sick. There was just something about all of this acting.
"Sesshoumaru," said Koji, "your mate looks ill."
Sesshoumaru took a big glance at Kagome. She was pale and shaking. She was probably stressed out.
"Kagome if you wish you may be excused," Sesshoumaru told her.
"Thanks Sesshoumaru," replied Kagome as she rose up and walked off.
"I will accompany you," Sesshoumaru stated as he also got up and walked with her in the hall once more.
Kagome didn't understand why Sesshoumaru was following her. She was kind of glad though, because she did know how to make it back to her room from where they were.
"I am sorry," Kagome whispered when they were out of sight.
Sesshoumaru simply nodded. He knew the girl would get lost trying to find her room so he was now walking along with her. Also in the emotional state she was in it could probably be a cause for escape. He didn't worry about that so much anymore knowing she wouldn't want to face Inuyasha right now. Stress also would not be good on his son. He did not speak until he got her to her room and followed her in.
"You are ill because of stress," he told her, "it would be wise to not go directly to sleep without taking a few minutes to calm down. You are in here all alone you don't have to deal with anymore tonight."
"I will be okay I am just freaking out a little."
"Freaking out?"
"Well first there was Kouga's visit then all of this and I am still expecting a child on top of it all. Its just strange that the few times we paid attention to each other in the past the only thing set on our minds were to kill each other and now..."
"Now we are pretending to be mates."
"Yeah exactly. Can you blame me for being a little dazed?"
"No I guess I cannot. There are a few things I would like to talk to you about, but it most wait until after my son is born."
"I know exactly what its about. You are still going to try and kill Inuyasha. Meaning we will always be enemies no matter what were going through right now."
"I still intend to kill my hanyou brother, but you will remain untouched. Usually I could kill a human woman and think nothing of it, but I have too much honor to kill my son's mother, not to mention you are doing me a bigger favor then you realize by pretending to be someone your not."
"And you probably know I will not harm you in any way during our battles."
"This is an agreement then. Under no circumstances in my mission to steal the Tetsusaiga will we even met eyes with each other in battle."
"So that means we are no longer to have anything to do with each other?"
"Exactly. Due to the agreement you cannot protect Inuyasha from me either, if you do you would considered a part of the battle."
"If I will even be with Inuyasha again. I think in my rush to get Kouga to stop trying to rescue me I may have accidentally agreed to something that I didn't want too."
"And what would that be?"
"Well you see ever since Kouga kidnapped me so I could find a jewel shard for him he has sort of been in love with me and he tells everyone that I am his woman. No matter how much I deny it he keeps coming for me. I think I might have agreed to be his woman...by accident though. He said right when I gave birth to your child he would come for me."
"Would you rather he didn't."
"Of course. I like Kouga as a friend, but he just doesn't understand. I don't want him to come and get me. I don't want you to take me back to Inuyasha either."
"Then where should I take you."
"To the well."
"A well?"
"That’s how I get to the future. I want to go home."
"Okay then this will be our agreement. You keep pretending for now and bare my child and hand him over with no problems at all. And in return I will never hurt you and I will make sure you get home and Kouga shall not interfere."
"That sounds like it will work to me."
"Then I shall return to dinner and get some work done. A servant will awaken you and supply you with a new kimono in the morning so you can join everyone for breakfast."
"How long is this potion suppose to last. Shouldn't I reapply it in the morning."
"Yes it works for exact twenty four hours. You must do it right when you are awoken. You are the only human in this castle so someone will know something is up when the smell human in the morning instead of the dog youkai princess."
Sesshoumaru opened the door so he could go back to the dining room.
"Sesshoumaru," Kagome called out, "thank you."
Sesshoumaru didn't even nod in reply. She knew he understood what she meant. He just didn't want to admit that he was helping out a human. Kagome collapsed in the bed once he was gone from sight. She was going to use this time to sort out her thoughts. Inuyasha and Kouga were taken care of. Sesshoumaru was going to take her right home. What would she do when she was home though? Would she ever come back to this time and face Inuyasha again. She just couldn't after he refused to save her. She thought about something else. The strange looks Lord Koji was giving her. She had seen looks like that on many youkai before. Only one type of youkai though, those who wanted to steal the jewel shards from her and Inuyasha. She arose right at that thought. At this very second she had a jewel shard inside of her. That was what Koji wanted.
The rest of dinner was nothing but business. Everyone spoke about the economy, everyone but Koji. He was being oddly quiet. Koji was up to something. Sesshoumaru had many times that night insulted Rose and Koji did nothing. All his attention was on Kagome. Did Koji suspect Kagome to be a human? He had to investigate this one.
"So Lord Koji," said Sesshoumaru, "what did you think about my mate."
It took Koji awhile before answering.
"She is just lovely, but still not as lovely as Rose."
Sesshoumaru was used to hearing Koji comment in nice ways about his daughter, but this time it was strange. He just spat out Rose's name like poision. Something was really different.
"Are you ill?" asked Sesshoumaru, "you don't seem to be yourself."
"Dinner is over. Shall we speak of this over tea Sesshoumaru. Just you and me."
Sesshoumaru didn't even need to reply. He and Koji just went from the dining room to the tea lounge that was for meetings that involved the country. Sesshoumaru had a feeling it was about the Western and Eastern Lands though.
"Your castle is lovely," stated Koji as he took a seat at the table, "I feel very welcomed here."
"I made sure the fixtures in your room and the dining room matched the cultures of the Eastern Lands."
"I can see that Sesshoumaru and you did a nice job, but I only require one more thing."
"And what would that be Lord Koji."
"Sesshoumaru you are aware how I am extremely serious about things that involve tradition."
"I heard you still keep dragons bane on all the doors in the castle to celebrate summer even though that tradition has died among your people thousands of years ago."
"I have deep respect for our ancestors so I try to keep the traditions alive. There is one tradition that I need to speak to you about. I am not requesting it for personal reasons I want to just do it to inspire the other leaders of my country."
"If are talking about the tradition that is usually done when guest arrive then the answer is no. Anyways she is ill and probably in a deep sleep right now."
"Sesshoumaru that tradition was outlawed many years ago because male youkai kept killing each other because of it. It is sort of still alive but just not as extreme. We won't do anything it is just a tradition that shows you can treat your guest right."
"I don't care how simple the tradition is it will not be done. If this is just some attempt to get me to sleep with your daughter then-"
"Tradition mentions nothing of the guest giving up their daughters. I am just trying to pay respects to our ancestors."
"You have never made a request like this before upon your visits."
"You have never had a mate before."
"The answer is no."
"Being impolite to your guest is one way to anger them. Kind of like I was angered when you refused to marry my daughter. You know what will happen if I am angry."
Lord Koji was once again threatening Sesshoumaru with plans of war. Sesshoumaru was not dumb he knew he was way weaker so eventually he would give Lord Koji what he wanted. And that thing he wanted was Kagome.