Miroku's eyebrow twitched in anger. That was all he revealed of anger though. It was unlike the monk to ever show any negative emotion, even though he can tell Sango was in the same attitude. First their good friend Kagome had found herself in a very dangerous situation and there was nothing they could do. Inuyasha left to save her, but he told them not even to come and that this was between him and Sesshoumaru. It had been past a week and no one was too be seen.
"I can't take it anymore!" cried Shippou, "what’s taking stupid Inuyasha so long!?"
"We are all upset Inuyasha," said Miroku, "but we must have faith that Inuyasha will bring her back."
"I agree with what Inuyasha said though before he changed his mind," stated Sango, "if it is Sesshoumaru's baby then shouldn't we wait till the baby is born before bringing her back. Actually maybe that’s what he is doing."
"I doubt it Sango. Inuyasha won't stop if he knows Kouga is trying to get to her first."
"I just hope everyone is alive and well."
"Hope isn't enough I am afraid Sango," replied Miroku as he stood up from the tree he was leaning on, "you keep forgetting Sesshoumaru is involved and he would probably kill her if he hasn't already."
"So you want to go after her?"
"Only if Kirara wants to lean us a ride."
Kirara who was peacefully sleeping on Sango's lap opened her eyes on cue and made a light meow.
"That’s a yes Miroku," said Sango as she too stood up, "but tell me do you only want to go because it may be a possibility that baby could be yours."
"Sango I could care less. I am pretty sure its not mine, its Kagome that I am concerned for and Inuyasha too. When it comes to the search for Naraku and the jewel shards we are a team."
"Yeah we need to go."
"Can I come?" asked Shippou.
"Of course Shippou you too are a part of the team," chimed in Sango.
Where was he? Was it all a dream? No it seemed to real. Inuyasha felt a huge surge of pain go through his head when he opened his eyes. His whole body was hurting. He couldn't even lift himself up, but he wasn't concerned about that. It was the pain that was attacking him mentally that was the problem. All of it repeated in his head over and over again.
"Kikyo why?" Inuyasha asked the miko he fell in love with fifty years ago, "Kagome didn't do anything to deserve this curse."
"Who says I did something bad to Kagome?" Kikyo asked glaring at him with no emotion in her eyes at all, "Sesshoumaru wouldn't have activated the curse if he wasn't the one."
"What do you mean the one?!" Inuyasha demanded to know, "all Sesshoumaru knows how to do is to kill which he will probably do to Kagome."
"Kagome will be safe. If she was in danger none of it would have happened."
"Why though?"
"I couldn't allow you and Kagome to stay together."
"Listen Kikyo I know why you do stuff like this. You never want me to forget you. Well I won't. Kikyo if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be this way around Kagome. It was you who melted my heart."
"But yet you love Kagome. So everything I did was for nothing. Well I won't allow that. Plus there are many other reasons for that curse."
"Oh yeah. Well they better be real good ones for doing this to her."
"Inuyasha thanks to you Kagome continues to come to this world. If it wasn't for you she would have just left and those jewel shards would have never been gathered. You have done so many good things, and I am afraid your part of the journey is over."
"What do you mean?"
"You have served your purpose. You can stop fighting."
"What do you mean? Naraku killed you and somehow someway he continues to hurt my friends. I will kill him."
"You can't kill him, and that’s why your done. At first I thought you could, but I wanted to be there with you when you did it. Not you and Kagome. So I created this nifty little curse, but it all has came to me now. I know the true reason for why Kagome and Sesshoumaru must be together."
"Oh and why is that?"
"So much about the future should not be revealed."
"Well Sesshoumaru will never like Kagome. He hates all humans, and he will especially when his child dies all because of this stupid curse!"
"The child won't die. I just made that up so Kagome would maybe not care at all that Sesshoumaru was the father. And just to let you know I know that you will never forget about me. After all you just left Kagome a few minutes ago to come to me did you not? And it was right after you wanted her back so badly."
"Well usually when your in the same area as me you want to speak with me. What is it that you want from me? I don't need nor want anything from you Inuyasha. Today I am too officially done with my purpose."
"What do you mean by purpose? Your making no sense!"
"Then I will make it clear for you. Your done. Were done. And Kagome will be done once her son is born. Its not up to any of us to fight Naraku anymore. And in order for it to happen you need to keep your distance from Kagome."
“Why would you know anything about our purposes? I don’t care what you say I will kill Naraku!”
“Inuyasha you don’t have to fight anymore. Naraku will just end up killing you and absorbing your body, and if that happens he might become too strong and throw everything off balance.”
“So there is no more use for me.”
“No there is not. Right now everything is depending on Kagome and Sesshoumaru. You and your friends can have eternal happiness knowing that if nothing else goes off balance their revenge will be met.”
“What about you though? You said your purpose was fulfilled also.”
“I guess I will go back into hell. I was going to wait until Kagome’s son was born and then maybe hope you would willing come with me, but it seems that you just don’t understand any of it and you probably wish to stay here.”
“Your right I will stay here. Your pathetic Kikyo. You were given another chance to live and your going to give it all up cause you don’t believe there is no point in living anymore. Well I am not like you!”
Slowly Kikyo walked up to him and looked at him right in the face. Kikyo gave him the glare that told him he had no right to insult her. It almost made him feel horrible for it all to know that Kikyo still held emotions. Kikyo must have fully intended for him to pay for that comment because right as she walked on by one of her soul gatherers came and thrashed at him. It caused him no real pain at all, but it hurt just knowing it was from her.
Inuyasha realized there was nothing more he could do. He was about to leave until he heard a sound. He looked towards Kikyo and saw she had just deflected an attack. Someone was trying to attack her. Why her? If someone was trying to kill her then that must have meant Naraku was behind it. Inuyasha wouldn’t allow anyone else to harm her. If Kikyo wanted to die then she could do it by her own hands.
Without even sniffing the air Inuyasha blindly dashed towards to where the attack came from. He extended his claws ready to slash at the first solid object they came in contact with. Finally he felt the enemy and slashed. He accidentally lost contact so he new he didn’t make a deep cut at all.
Inuyasha was ready to try and attack again until he could smell the blood. It was Kagome’s blood. He stopped in his tracks and looked at the target. It was Kagome and he just scratched. She looked at him horrified.
“Kagome I- What were you-” rambled Inuyasha just as shocked as her.
“I saw Kikyo’s youkai attack you,” cried Kagome as the tears came, “I thought she was trying to hurt you.”
“Kagome I am so sorry. Let me carry you. That wound needs treated. If I would have known-”
Kagome got off the ground, but she didn’t come towards him. She was walking backwards with that horrified look on her face. Then before he could understand what she was up to she turn around and ran. He wanted to go after her and made sure he wound was taken care of, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t move at all. One reason was because he was shocked, while another was Kikyo was watching him.
“Do not go after her Inuyasha,” Kikyo’s cold voice called to him, “This is where she decides her destiny. If she wants to live her life with you she will come to you, but I don’t think she will do it. She has chosen either going back to her old life or returning to Sesshoumaru.”
“What about me though. I am alone.”
“Now you know how I have been feeling.”
“Yes Inuyasha?”
“Can you maybe take me to hell with you? I have only loved two women in my life. You and Kagome, and like you have said Kagome has chosen her path.”
“You want to go with me into the depths of hell?”
“You asked me that question before, and I couldn’t because Kagome interfered. She isn’t here this time.”
“Very well then.”
End Flashback
The last thing Inuyasha remembered seeing was the white glowing light that surrounded him and Kikyo as they embraced. He knew there would be no way to be saved from the depths of hell this time, but as he looked around he saw nothing. Everything was dark. He couldn't tell at all where he was.
"Is this hell?" Inuyasha asked out loud expecting no reply.
"No," answered a familiar devious voice, "you will be there soon. I just need your assistance."
"Naraku its you!" yelled Inuyasha as he got up and reached for his Tetsusaiga, but his sword was not with him.
"Bingo," replied Naraku, "don't worry about the Tetsusaiga though I have it in my pocession. Once I find how to brake this seal on it you may have it back."
"Why in the hell would you take the time to brake the seal just to end up giving it back to me."
"Oh sorry let me rephrase. I am not giving it back to you, but I will give it to your body."
"What do you mean my body? I am dead, kind of like you will be soon. Show yourself!"
"I don't have time to deal with you Inuyasha. Don't worry this will all be over soon."
Inuyasha dropped on to the ground as pain took over his body. His head felt like thousands of rocks were being impaled into it. He couldn't tell if the pain was causing him to scream or not. He couldn't hear anything, but Naraku's laughing. It felt as though his energy was being drained. Finally the pain stopped and Inuyasha felt as though nothing had happened.
"Turn around Inuyasha," said Naraku.
Inuyasha did, not caring about what Naraku told him to do. His heart jumped as he turned to see himself. He was facing what looked like a mirror image of himself, except his eyes were blood red and horrible streaks covered his face. It was himself as a youkai. The youkai was growling at him, but he wasn't growling. Meaning this was more then a mirror image. He took a second to look at himself. He had no claws and his locks were black. He was human while his youkai form was standing in front of him.
"And just to correct you Inuyasha your not dead yet. I just used the power of the sacred jewel to freeze time for a few seconds to extract your youkai blood. Once it all unfreezes you will die with Kikyo as a human, but look at this way you will no longer be controlled by your youkai blood because only I can control it and I will use it to kill off Kagome if she refuses to hand over that hanyou child of hers."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh I would."
Suddenly the youkai Inuyasha disappeared and the blackness all turned back into the white light that radiated off of Kikyo.
"Kikyo Naraku is trying to-" Inuyasha began.
"Trying to interfere," finished Kikyo, "It will not be allowed. There is nothing we can do though Inuyasha I we are to far into this I cannot stop it and if I were too you and I would both parish."
"Please let Kagome be safe," Inuyasha breathed as he and Kikyo both disappeared from the Earth.
It had been the most boring travel ever of Sango's life. The only exciting part of the day was when she got to smack Miroku for trying to hit on her. It seemed that they were no where near finding any of their friends.
"I want Kagome to come back," whined the kitsune cup, "how could this have all happened?"
"It will be okay," Sango told Shippou for the sixth time that day. Now that Kagome was not there she had taken over watching Shippou, but she didn't expect him to be in this much of a wreck because of it all.
Sango was as worried about Inuyasha as much as she was about Kagome. Something bad must have happened to him. Usually he could get something done like this within a few days and he had been gone awhile. If Sesshoumaru hurt either of them Sango swore she would make the inuyoukai pay even though she knew she wasn't as strong as him.
"Miroku are you sure the castle of the Western Lands is this way?" asked Sango.
"I have told you many times Sango that I am sure," Miroku replied, "just calm down. We will find Kagome and Inuyasha then we can all continue as though nothing happened."
"You know that’s not possible Miroku so don't kid," snap Sango, "Kagome will not come out of this the same. Nobody usually does after giving birth to their first child, especially when it is the child of someone who could kill you at any given moment."
"I suppose it would be pretty hard."
"It is hard. Why do you think no one ever takes you on your offer to bare your child. And trust me its not because your ugly."
"So your saying you find me attractive?"
"Will you quit twisting words around?"
"Why Sango are you trying to deny your feelings for me?"
"Seriously Miroku quit doing that."
"So you do like me."
(Has this chapter pissed you all off yet? Half way done and no Kagome or Sesshoumaru. Well they will make their appearance starting with this paragraph. Your all lucky because I was planning to not have them in it at all so everyone could get caught up with Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Naraku, but I couldn't stand it any longer so here you go.)
Sesshoumaru was pleased with himself and that wasn't often. He was the kind who would never be happy with his accomplishments until he had and killed everything. He was happy this time though. He feared Kagome giving birth. The blood and the screaming would be just to much for him, but he made Kagome a promise and even if she was just a human he would keep it. He dealed with it all pretty well though. He wasn't so sure about her though.
He didn't believe her at first and was about to take off towards the palace until she started to cry. He could feel her pain in her screams. He laid her down on the grass as she rolled all around in deep pain. Originally he was planning to just let his female servants deal with all of this, but it seemed as though he was on his own.
"Kagome what would help?" he eventually asked her.
All she did was stop and extend her hand towards him. Finally he got the message and grabbed on to her hand. She started to squeeze. He was youkai and he could still feel her tight grip.
"Push," he started to repeat.
Her only response was more wailing in pain. That must have meant she was trying. The screaming just got worse and worse and his ears he feared would soon not allow him to stay. Then he heard her voice. Her voice sounded like sweet music to his ears after all the screaming. The reply wasn't that good though.
"Sesshoumaru," she somehow managed to say between screams, "he is coming out."
Then she went back to the screaming and the crying. Sesshoumaru questioned himself what to do for a second, but then he realized what needed to be done. He walked over to her feet where nothing could be seen. So he found himself slipping off that strange green short dress type thing that somehow found its way back on her. That was when he could see what looked like a bubble coming out of her. It was indeed a baby's head.
"Push," he found himself saying again.
"What do you think I am trying to do!" she yelled.
If it wasn't for watching his babies head come out and concentrating on just that he would have not been able to handle being so close to all that blood that came out from her. Finally things seemed to be going faster. He could see his son's eyes, then neck, then chest, and then finally he watched as the last of his little feet came out, but then Sesshoumaru got confused. It seemed as though a snake came out of Kagome, no it wasn't a snake it was a cord and it was attached to his son.
"Cut the cord," Kagome breathed.
Sesshoumaru understood and studied his son. He seen where the cord began and ended. Then as careful as he could he used his claws to cut off the cord. The hanyou baby was now completely separated from Kagome. Sesshoumaru now studied the rest of his son. First he made sure it was indeed a boy and then he looked at the rest of the features.
The baby had the usual youkai claws and fangs. Unlike most human babies youkai babies were always born with hair so his son got the family silver hair. There were two things that made him very unhappy with his son though. Just like Kagome the baby had deep brown eyes instead of gold eyes that the dog youkai family usually had then what made him upset the most was a pair of dog ears that rested on top of his small head.
Sesshoumaru had never understood why he himself was a full youkai and he could never understood why he didn't have any dog ears. It was probably something that just happened to inu hanyou since they had no true forms to show off their dog power. After noticing the two faults of his child he realized his son looked exactly like Inuyasha without the gold eyes.
As quick as Sango could she put her on her youkai slayer uniform. Not because they were in the middle of a fight, but because she didn't know where in the hell her other clothes were. Thankfully Shippou was in a deep sleep when it all happened.
"Stupid Miroku," Sango muttered as she waited for him to arrive back in the forest clearing.
They had spent the whole day fighting about how Miroku kept twisting her words around, but then the insults somehow became compliments. It kept going on until they decided to take a brake and Shippou went into a deep sleep. That was when Sango found out she had no choice but to give into Miroku.
Miroku came back, but the two did not say anything to each other. They just looked at each either not happy nor ashamed. Their eyes didn't leave each other until the faint stirring of the sleeping kitsune was heard.
"Shippou is everything alright?" asked Sango.
"I smell him," Shippou muttered sleepily.
"Who Shippou?" Miroku eagerly questioned the fox.
"Inuyasha," Shippou responded, "but his scent is a little different. He might have killed a youkai or something because I smell a lot of youkai."
"We better go then," noted Miroku, "he could be injured."
Sango motioned for Kirara as the cat youkai transformed. The three piled on and took off into the air with only Shippou's nose to guide them. Eventually they were led to a meadow on the side of a stream. There they noticed a silver and red blur speeding through area.
“Be glad it’s a hanyou,” Sesshoumaru said to the woman who just gave birth to his son, “if it were youkai it would have been too big for you.”
There was no response. He wouldn’t be surprised if Kagome was asleep. Giving birth for the first thing must have been tiring, especially for someone who had never experienced such a thing. The screaming alone would have made him tired.
“You will probably be very happy,” he continued not knowing whether she could hear him or not, “it looks just like my younger half brother.”
His eyes had not moved away from his son. He expected the baby to scream right when he came out, but instead the baby silently went to sleep. Now it was for the second part of parenthood and that was naming the child, but he had no clue as into what to name it. Maybe he could think clearer if he was back home.
“Sesshoumaru,” responded Kagome’s weak voice.
“Koinu,” she said, “it’s the perfect name.”
Sesshoumaru nodded. The name was suitable. It was another word for puppy, which their son reminded them of, what was he saying? That was what their son was.
“Koinu,” Sesshoumaru repeated, “fine then.”
Sesshoumaru spent a few silent seconds looking down at his sleeping child before standing up. It was time to return to the castle. He turned around expecting Kagome to get up, but he heard nothing.
“Kagome?” he said.
Nothing. Sesshoumaru then felt pulsing. He looked at the Tensaiga and noticed it beating. Why what was it doing? He turned to face Kagome. She was still on the ground. He came back and kneeled on the ground. Her eyes were shut like he thought. Quietly he put his hand on top of hers. It was cold and the Tensaiga just started to pulse more. It was now clear to him. Kagome was dead.