It was pitch dark out, but they could still feel the presence of Inuyasha coming closer to them when Shippou, Sango, and Miroku all landed on to the ground.
"Inuyasha did you find Kagome?!" Shippou asked right when Kirara landed even though Inuyasha wasn't in plain sight yet.
"Kagome," growled the familiar voice of the hanyou as he walked closer, "where is she?"
"We don't know," responded Sango, "that’s what we wanted to ask you, and why are you growling like that?"
"Sango look!" Miroku yelled as Inuyasha came into sight.
Sango could see it all now. Inuyasha was a full youkai, but something was wrong. If he was really a full youkai then why had he asked about Kagome? When he turned demon (saying youkai over and over again is getting annoying so I am going to switch from time to time) he wasn't suppose to remember friend or foe, but yet he said Kagome's name and was talking to them.
"Have you figured out how to undo the seal?" Kagura asked Naraku when clearly he didn't. The baboon cloaked hanyou had just been staring at the Tetsusaiga every since he separated Inuyasha's youkai blood from Inuyasha's hanyou body.
"I have just been wasting my time," Naraku snarled as he hurled the sword across the room which only missed Kagura by an inch, "I cannot brake the seal nor would it matter if I could. The Tetsusaiga was made so it could lock away Inuyasha's demon blood. Now Inuyasha has no human blood to go back too so I believe if this sword was brought anywhere near him he would die."
"Well even if there is a seal can't you use it? You told me Sesshoumaru wielded it with a human arm and since your a hanyou couldn't you use it?"
"No I cannot. Like I said it locks away demon blood and if I carried that sword I wouldn't be able to do nothing but my original youkai powers which is shape shifting. I am way more powerful without that fang."
"Then what will you do with it?"
"It can rust for all I care as long as it isn't brought near youkai Inuyasha."
"I might have an idea."
"And what would that be Kagura?"
"I believe Sesshoumaru has an interest in the Tetsusaiga...we could make it within his reach and right when he leaves to go collect the sword you can have the jewel shards pocessed by that hanyou child."
"You can be in charge of that then," said Naraku as a smirk appeared on Kagura's face.
"Inuyasha are you in there?" Miroku asked as he approached closer to full youkai in front of him. A faint growl came from the ruby eyed monster as Miroku spoke.
"Where is Kagome?," the former hanyou repeated.
Miroku stepped in closer, but still not letting his guard down just incase Inuyasha chose to strike. He couldn't tell if this was really Inuyasha or just him in his demon form. And what could have caused the transformation? Sure Miroku didn't spot the Tetsusaiga anywhere, but he didn't seem injured and didn't his life needed to be in danger in order to activate the transformation?
"We haven't found her Inuyasha," responded Miroku as though he was talking to a child, "remember you told us to stay put as you went off to find her."
Inuyasha just ignored everything Miroku said as he walked over to Shippou. Shippou even though he was a youkai shivered under the glare of Inuyasha's red eyes.
"You smell like Kagome," Inuyasha pointed out as he sniffed the air around Shippou.
"She carried me until we found out about the curse," Shippou responded nervously, "don't you remember?"
Once again Inuyasha didn't listen. He was busy sniffing the air deeper then he was before. Then just as Inuyasha stopped his eyes seemed to turn a deeper red.
"Kagome," he breathed as he ran off again.
Sango followed Inuyasha as she rode on Kirara while Miroku ran on foot with Shippou on his shoulder. Did Inuyasha know where Kagome was? And why wasn't he acting like he normally did when being youkai? It was clear he wasn't acting as himself though.
The Tensagia's pulsing did not stop. It was calling to him. It wanted him to heal Kagome and bring her back to life, but what if he didn't want to? He really didn't need too. He had his son now and he planned on explaining the whole situation to all those who believed Kagome was his mate. No there was no point in all in taking the effort to kill the servants of hell who were probably trying to claim her body this very second.
So was what was point in doing something there was no point in? He put Koinu down for a second so he could make sure once more that she was dead. Her body was getting colder by the second and she had no pulse. She died giving birth. He should have been able to predict this would happen. Many humans have died from giving birth to hanyous and it probably was worse for Kagome considering it had been her first child and there was strong youkai blood in his family. Sesshoumaru was ready to pick up Koinu and go. Like he had thought before there was no point in doing anything. And if she was dead he wouldn't have to share his son nor worry about his safety while being with her.
Then the sound of a shrill cry made him think. Koinu was crying after being asleep just a few minutes ago. Sesshoumaru could have made many excuses of why the baby was crying, but he couldn't deny the truth. His son knew his mother was no longer with them. Did his son not know he would be better off without a human mother? Would he be better off? Sesshoumaru knew he did not like life after his mother passed away.
He then remembered another incident that was exactly like this. This happened to his father. Many years ago when he lived with both his mother and father who were happy mates his father made a grave mistake. It all started when his mother wanted to have another child. After many tries they found out sadly his mother couldn't have anymore, but that didn't stop them. At that time many youkai females were head over heels for his father so the plan was for him to simply sleep with another female similar to his mate to produce a child. Soon Inutasha found what he was looking for. A female with very similar features to his mate so he took in her in hopes that she would give birth to another son, but his father didn't know the female that he took was human leading into the birth of Inuyasha.
It wasn't until after the birth Inutasha found out the woman was human and also that she had died while giving birth. All he had to do was leave the human bitch and return to his mate, but he didn't. Instead he used his power of healing which was now in the Tensagia and brought her back to life. Ever since then his father would come home for a few hours to punish his mother for trying to leave him after finding out the truth, and then he would return to the human and spend days with her. Eventually his mother made friends with Ryoktsei and told him to attack Inutasha. Ryoktsei did, but then ended up killing her as well.
If Sesshoumaru was to bring this girl Kagome back to life would that mean he would fall in love with her? After all the last human he revived he ended up protecting. And speaking of which he needed to think about Rin just as much as Koinu.
"Well I can always stay in Kaede's village outside of Inuyasha's forest and if you are going to leave for awhile I could always take care of our son. I could even take care of Rin too."
Kagome offered to take care of Rin even though she wasn't hers. Sesshoumaru liked this news when he heard it. Rin needed a mother figure and Jaken didn't seem to be the right one for that job. Would Kagome be the right one for the job though when it came to raising Koinu?
All of a sudden he had the sudden urge to change that name. He couldn't help but feel a little guilt and he knew he would feel it every time that name was said. Koinu was one of the last words she had ever said. Koinu was now crying even harder. Soon the little dog hanyou would be really hungry. It would be a smart thing to bring Kagome back to life so she could feed their son.
Sesshoumaru placed his hand on the hilt of the Tensagia. He had made up his mind. He needed to stop worrying about the mistakes his father made and worry more about what was best for his son and Rin. They would need a mother and Kagome was the only option.
"Inuyasha stop!" yelled Miroku as Inuyasha took off.
The only reply Miroku received was a snarling growl. Inuyasha hadn't even looked back though. Miroku suspected Inuyasha didn't even hear him.
"Inuyasha what’s wrong?" Sango's voice asked as Kirara swerved around in front of Inuyasha and cut him off.
"Don't interfere," Inuyasha simply said as he extended his claws as though he was going to strike Sango.
"Sango be careful," the kitsune said.
It was too late. Inuyasha swiftly brought his claws into attack position as they were flung towards Sango. Just in time Miroku pushed Sango out of the way and ended up getting struck in the back.
"Miroku!" Sango cried, "what’s going on?"
"Don't interfere," Inuyasha repeated once more as he stepped over Miroku and Sango and continued to walk towards wherever he was going.
Slowly Sango helped Miroku up. Miroku did not receive a fatal wound his back was just awful bloody. She wanted to make sure he was okay before they continued to pursue Inuyasha.
"That wasn't Inuyasha," Miroku told her and Shippou as he got off the ground.
"Well I know its him in his youkai form," stated Sango, "but usually when he is that way he would just have cut us all into ribbons without saying a word. Don't interfere was all he told us."
"Don't interfere with what?" asked Shippou, "he knows where Kagome is, but he doesn't what us to go with him."
"I think Kagome is in danger," announced Miroku as he grabbed his staff, "Shippou you have to find Kagome's scent. We need to get to her."
Shippou as quickly as he could got on top of Kirara's head as the others did too. He finally got Kagome's scent. The scent had an odd odor to it though. And he could definitely smell Sesshoumaru.
"We need to go fast," Shippou told them, "she isn't that far away."
Kirara's nose twitched too as she took off towards where Kagome's scent was.
Sesshoumaru spared no time killing the messenger from the underworld that were ready to claim Kagome's life after unsheathing the Tensagia. He didn't blink as he watched Kagome slowly reawaken. She opened her eyes and looked around for a few seconds before placing her attention back on him.
"I am back," she said weakly.
Sesshoumaru simply nodded as he helped lift her head up. The scents of Inuyasha's friends teased his nose, but he didn't pay attention. He had to figure out if what he just did was a mistake or a good choice.
"Kagome!" yelled a child like voice that Sesshoumaru recognized.
He turned around and seen Inuyasha's companions. One wreaked of blood. Sesshoumaru wouldn't have cared at all about their presence if it wasn't for one thing...they smelled like Inuyasha, but didn't Kagome say Inuyasha went to hell? And this scent wasn't exactly like the one he was use too. It was the same scent he smelled that day Inuyasha slaughtered the bandits. Youkai Inuyasha.
"Sango, Shippou, Miroku!" Kagome cried happily, "I thought I would never see any of you again!"
"Kagome," said Sesshoumaru not taking his attention away from her, "you need to wash off."
"But Koinu-," protested Kagome.
"I will let you see him once you have been properly cleaned. Get the slayer to come with you."
Sesshoumaru helped get Kagome to her feet using his fur pelt while picking up Koinu in his arms.
"Sango will you come with me?" asked Kagome as she picked up the backpack she thought she wouldn't be needing earlier.
"Um...of course," responded Sango a little shocked because of all that was happening.
They both rushed through the woods to return to the river where Kagome bathed earlier. Sesshoumaru watched the two until they disappeared into the trees before turning around and facing the monk. Miroku, even with his bad wound, was staring Sesshoumaru down offensively.
"Monk we have things we need to discuss."
"I agree," replied Miroku, "you didn't hurt Kagome did you?"
"Kagome has been untouched by me, but first off tell me why you wreck of Inuyasha? The girl told me she seen Inuyasha go to hell with Kikyo."
"Inuyasha going to hell with Kikyo? That’s not possible, we just saw Inuyasha in his youkai form. He attacked me and he kept asking us where Kagome was."
"Interesting. So Inuyasha is on his way here is he?"
"Yes and every time we try to stop him he tells us not to interfere."
"I see. So have you come to recover Kagome?"
"Yes. We were worried about her."
"Well you should be. Naraku has attacked her during the stay at my castle. Naraku even killed Lord Koji of the Eastern Lands to make sure his plan went smoothly."
"Naraku? He must want the jewel shard."
"That was Kagome's guess. I will only require Kagome's services for a bit longer if she agrees to it, but then she wishes to return to the village where she has agreed to help with the raising of our son here."
"That’s all?"
"What is wrong with that?"
"Well we were worried because we thought you would hurt her and then eventually kill her, not to return her to the village and share your son."
"It originally wasn't the plan, but she is an exception. She isn't like most humans, protect her from Naraku at all cost."
"We will."
"Your going to help her with this won't you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Our son here will have half miko blood in him. Since he is male wouldn't it take a monk to teach him how to wield it all?"
"If Kagome allows me I will train him. So you will raise him too?"
"Kagome will only be in charge when I have to leave."
"So what’s his name?"
"Kagome Sesshoumaru didn't hurt you in anyway did he?" Sango asked concerned as Kagome undressed and bathed for the second time that day.
"Why does everybody keep asking me that?" Kagome questioned taking a dive, "Sesshoumaru isn't that bad. He has even agreed to share Koinu, our son, with me. We have learned that the curse was a fake and Koinu won't die because of me."
"What do you mean Sesshoumaru isn't that bad?" Sango asked shocked, "he has tried to kill us all before not to mention he kidnapped you."
"Thanks to my two jewel shards going into my body I went into labor earlier," Kagome noted, "when Koinu came out I died. Sesshoumaru brought me back to life."
"He did that for you?"
"Yes. I almost wished he wouldn't have though. It would have made things easier for him and me."
"What do you mean?"
"Sango, Inuyasha and Kikyo didn't go to hell. They went to heaven. I saw Inuyasha and he was with Kikyo, his father, his mother, and very sadly Kohaku was there, I guess Naraku got the shard from him. Inuyasha was so happy to see me and then I was brought back here."
"Kagome that’s not possible..."
"What do you mean it isn't possible?"
"Inuyasha he-."
"Inuyasha what?"
"Never mind."
Sango knew something strange was going on. She would late discuss it with Miroku. It wasn't wise to bring up any strange news to Kagome right now after such a dramatic day.
"So did you and Miroku come all the way out here just for me?"
"Of course we did Kagome. We were worried."
"Poor you. Stuck alone with Miroku and Shippou so long."
"Shippou was just fine, but Miroku. You would never believe what we did."
"Let me guess...he asked you to bare his children and this time you somehow agreed."
"How did you know?"
"I could tell."
"Well anyways you should be grateful Sesshoumaru brought you back. I am sure you will eventually get to go back and see Inuyasha again."
"Inuyasha wasn't what I meant when I was talking about making things easier. There is sort of a problem I didn't predict happening."
Kagome came back to Sesshoumaru just a few minutes later. She was totally clean and wearing another outfit. She came up to them a little shocked that Sesshoumaru didn't hurt Miroku. Sesshoumaru kept his promise and handed Kagome Koinu who had ceased crying ever since she was brought back to life. Kagome undid a few buttons on her blouse so she could feed her son as she spoke.
"Miroku where did the injury come from?" asked Kagome.
"Just a few deranged youkai that’s all," Miroku lied to her.
Kagome wasn't listening. She busy looking down Koinu. He looked so much like Inuyasha with her eyes. If it wasn't for her seeing Inuyasha in heaven she would have suspected the baby was a reincarnation.
"Kagome," Sesshoumaru's voice rang in her ear, "as you know I still need you assistance at the castle. If you do not come then I will just reveal the truth. Its up to you."
Miroku was praying Kagome would accept Sesshoumaru's offer. While her and Sango were out he learned about Kagome pretending to be his mate. And it was decided that Sesshoumaru would take Kagome away for awhile until the figured out what was going on with Inuyasha. It was all fine with Sesshoumaru since he needed to give Kagome the contract he owed her anyways along with trying to figure out how things would go when it came to taking turns with the children.
"Sure I will go," Kagome answered happily, "the more time with my son the better."
"Very well," said Sesshoumaru as he smelled Inuyasha coming closer, "I will carry you. We need to get out of here fast."
Sesshoumaru scooped her up in his arms while she held Koinu. Before Sesshoumaru could leave she turned her attention to Sango and Miroku.
"You two will wait for me in Kaede's village won't you?" asked Kagome.
They both nodded as Sesshoumaru started moving at his usual fast speed. Koinu fell asleep once again after eating, and Kagome thought that wasn't a bad idea. She didn't have a tiring day, but she knew she needed to discuss her problem with Sesshoumaru.
"Sesshoumaru," she said.
"Yes?" he asked.
"We have a small problem with the jewel shards."
"Let me guess all three of them are stuck in our son."
"Actually no there is only one, but its because of those jewel shards that we have a problem. They didn't come out of my body like I thought they would...and after you brought me back to life you touched me..."
"Where are you going with this wench?"
"We have two more children on the way."