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Author's Chapter Notes:
Ch. 8 "Cat Got Your Tongue?" will be uploaded whenever the hell I feel like it...;)

Ch.7: Catty Cornered”

I just couldn’t bring myself to follow her. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t want to. But, she knows I wouldn’t just leave Kagome and the others like that without saying anything. I hoped I’d forget about the whole thing in a few days.

After a week, everyone was on edge. Sango was always crying and Kagome was always mad at something. That something was usually me. Miroku was the only one to keep a cool head, but I guess that’s because he stayed as far away from everyone as possible.

I thought I’d forget about Kirara, but I was dead wrong. Every night since she left, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Was she okay? Was she hurt? Was she lonely? My mind kept me up half the night; and my dreams, the other half. I had to go find her, but I needed an excuse.

Sango, I’m going to go find Kirara, okay?”

Sango looked up from her tears. Really, Inuyasha? You’d do that?”

Yeah. I can’t stand you people moping around like this! You’re starting to bring me down.”

Thank you, Inuyasha!”

Sure, whatever.”

As I started off, Kagome stopped me.

And just where do you think you’re going?”

To find Kirara for Sango.”

I’m going with you!”

No, you’re not!”

Why is that?” She demanded.

Because…you’ll just slow me down.” I said quickly.

She grunted and walked away. I hate when she does that! What’s your problem, Kagome?”

Nothing! Take your time! I’ll be glad to be rid of you for a few days!”



We both stomped our separate ways. Man, I can’t stand her little temper tantrums! Ugh, it’s so immature. I’d be glad to be away from her for a few days, too. Again, I was interrupted.

Where are you off to?” Miroku inquired.

I growled.

WHY IS EVERYONE ON MY BACK TODAY! I’m just going to go find Kirara for Sango! Are going to yell at me, too?”

Miroku just shrugged. Whatever.”

He started to leave. My left eye twitched.

What do you mean by that?” I asked slowly, trying to contain myself from tearing his head off.

Oh, nothing…except I don’t think you’re looking for Kirara as a favor for Sango. I think you’re the one who wants to find Kirara.”

I grunted and looked away. Hmm. Shows how much you know.”

Exactly.” He finished with a smirk.

I watched him leave. I hate it when he’s right.



Her scent wasn’t too difficult to follow. Apparently, she hadn’t changed to her cat form, so she didn’t fly anywhere, which made tracking her a lot easier. I followed her scent for miles. She had gone pretty far in a weeks’ time. After about 4 days, her scent became stronger. Another 3 miles and the scent of a strange demon hit my nose. I also caught a whiff of Kirara’s blood.

Oh, no. I knew she’d get herself into trouble!”

I ran faster. I came to a field where some sheep were grazing. They were on the far side of this giant pasture for a reason. Kirara was in battle on the other side. I continued to run until the scene came into view. She still hadn’t taken her true cat form. I didn’t know how she’d been fighting without her fangs, or any weapon for that matter. The demon she was battling was a fierce scorpion with hard, protective skin. I noticed a few puncture wounds in its back. Did Kirara do that? Finally, she came into view. To my surprise, she held two small swords. Were those suppose to be her fangs? Whatever they were, she knew how to use them. I watched the scene play itself out as Kirara struck into the demon’s flesh at the same time she dodged its striking tail. All didn’t go well, as I had hoped. The scorpion grabbed Kirara with one of its claws and threw her into a rock. The blow knocked the wind out of her and she dropped her weapons. It readied itself to plunge its stinger right through her. Now, it was my turn.


Within moments, the scorpion was in little pieces all across the field. I put Tetsusaiga away and went to see how Kirara was doing. When she came to, though, she didn’t seem very pleased.

Inuyasha? What are you doing here!” She yelled.

What am I doing here? Just saving your butt from certain death!”

I was doing just fine on my own!”

Not from where I’m standing!”

Then go stand somewhere else!” She turned and walked away.

I couldn’t believe it! I came all this way to rescue her and this is how she thanks me? I didn’t travel all the way here just so she could leave again. I grabbed her by the arm.

You’re coming back with me right now!”

She yanked her arm free. No, I’m not!”

I snagged her arm again and pulled a little harder.

Yes, you are!”

She pulled with all her might, nearly yanking me off my feet. Luckily, I still had her arm in a tight grip.

No, I’m not!”

Now, it was me who pulled with all my might.


I guess I pulled a little too hard. We both fell.

She landed on top of me…

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