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Author's Chapter Notes:
A reminder that this story is PG-13...so, if you're expecting the following chapter to be filthy, think again ;)

Ch.8 : Cat Got Your Tongue?”

My first instinct was to shove her off of me. However, another part of me told my instincts to shut the hell up. I wasn’t quite sure what she was thinking, but the look on her face said, ‘what are you waiting for? Kiss me already!’ Don’t think I didn’t want to. At that point, I’d have done more then just kiss her. But, I just couldn’t. My decision didn’t deter her one bit, though. She did the job for me. Before I knew it, my lips were glued to hers. I’ve never even kissed Kikyo that way before. I know because my hands never explored Kikyo’s body like I was exploring Kirara’s. Kikyo would never allow it, and I’d never do it. But, Kirara was different. I loved Kikyo, but I wanted to make love to Kirara. I was disappointed when she stopped and looked down.

Oh, no.” She whispered as she hopped off.

Don’t go...

She looked at my pants in surprise. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about. Man, that was embarrassing! I got up slowly.

I’ll be back.”

After an icy dip in a nearby stream, I returned to her. She looked so confused.

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you alright?”

I scoffed at her. Don’t be stupid. You didn’t hurt me, okay?”

She looked down sadly. I didn’t mean to be so rough with her.

I…I don’t know what came over me. It must be a new human emotion because I’ve never felt it before.”

I was very surprised to hear that. But then again, I’d never witnessed her going into heat. I sighed.

Don’t worry about it. Humans, animals and demons feel it. It’s nothing new to me. You’ll get used to it. You just need to know how to control your urges.”

I thought everything would be better now. I was dead wrong. Both Kirara’s eyes and mine went wide at the same time.

WHAT IS THAT?” She shrieked, leaping to her feet and covering her skirt.

Words failed me. That scent was more powerful then Kikyo, Kagome and Naraku all meshed into one. No amount of ice water could stop me now. Not only did that damn kiss kick her into heat…but it kicked her heat into maximum overdrive!

Ugh, I feel so…naked!” She whimpered.

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. There was only one thing on my mind. She totally felt the same way.

Umm, Inuyasha? Does ‘urge control’ matter now?”

Again, I was silent. The only thing escaping my mouth was drool and my lolling tongue. Hey, I’m a dog after all, right?

I’m going to apologize ahead of time for this.” I finally coughed out.

For what?” She asked suspiciously.

I got up, legs shaking uncontrollably. My mind struggled to overpower my animal urges, but it lost pathetically. I knew I was going to pay for this later. I was going to pay big time.

Sorry Kirara.” I spat before pouncing on her.

Sorry Kagome...


Next Night

It was the next night when that stupid heat finally subsided back into hibernation. We lay near each other, unclothed, for a while, looking up at the stars. We were both too embarrassed to speak to one another. I’m not sure if we were ashamed or what. We would often take a glance at each other, but turned away immediately. Kirara finally broke the silence.



She was quiet for a moment longer, then she spoke.

We can NOT tell Sango. She’ll kill me for sure.”

I won’t tell Sango...if you don’t tell Kagome. She’d sit me straight to hell.”


There was more silence after that. I swallowed hard before getting up.

We really should get dressed and head back.”

Kirara sat up, covering herself.

Wait! When exactly did I decide to go back?”

Memories of the previous night and earlier in the day played through my mind.

Last night, about four times...this morning, early this afternoon, and about twenty minutes ago.”

We both blushed and turned away. As we got dressed, an occasional peek over the shoulder was exchanged.

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