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The fight had been epic; loud enough to send those with sensitive hearing running for cover and leaving Kagome to stare in amazement when even Miroku seemed to lose his cool. His lack of mocking smile, more than anything else, tipped her off to the fact that something was really wrong.

After Sango stomped off to vent her frustrations with Hiraikotsu, Kagome gave Miroku five minutes to pull himself together before she chased after him.

 “Ne, Miroku,” she started hesitantly when she finally found him, “what was that all about? I don’t mean to pry or anything…”

His answer was immediately. “Yes, you do.” He turned to face her and at the aghast look on her face he let out a chuckle that was more sigh than anything else. “But that’s what friends do – they stick their noses where they’re not wanted but might very well be needed.”

As he sat to polish his shakujou she considered that. She was wise enough to at least be aware that she wasn’t omniscient and couldn’t know if her enquiries truly were needed, but she decided all her friends were so emotionally constipated that there was no way her meddling couldn’t benefit them in some way.

“So, was this about more than you just acting all pervy again?” she asked, knowing full well it was.

He was the image of innocence again. “How am I to help it when I am with such a beautiful woman?”

Kagome eyed him warily. “Er, I wouldn’t know about that.” Amusement lit his eyes and she instantly knew she was in trouble.

“Are you saying you don’t find Sango beautiful beyond comparison?” he prodded, perfectly aware that’s not what she’d meant.

She backtracked instantly. “No, I mean, of course she’s pretty! That’s… I…”

Waggling his eyebrows, he leaned over and smirked. “Why Kagome, I never knew you leaned that way.”

Kagome growled in frustration. “You’re incorrigible, you know that?”

She turned away, barely hearing his, “I’ve been told so on occasion,” but as she stomped back to the campsite both had smiles on their faces.

~ ~ ~

Originally written for the LJ group iyissekiwa, prompt: pry. Obviously this is the long version - before word culling began.

Words: 348

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