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I do not own Inuyasha and Company, no matter how happy it would make me. Rumiko Takahashi does. I make no money from these fics.


No DNA Test Required -  Drabble written for InuComedyClub at LiveJournal’s theme - Push


“This Sesshoumaru’s heir will be incredibly powerful with the Shikon Miko as its mother.”


“K’eh! She ain’t havin’ your pup, ya bastard! She’s havin’ mine!”


“Kagome is bearing my child so that my family line is not ended by this curse.”


“You’re all crazy! She’s my woman. Of course she’s having my pup!”


Just as tempers were flaring dangerously, a voice came floating out of the hut they all sat around, waiting. “Just one more push, Kagome! You can do it!”


Everyone’s attention was focused solely on the miko as she cried out in pain before letting out a sigh of relief.


“It’s a healthy little boy.”


“Well?! What does he look like, Sango?”


A few minutes of straining to hear whispers passed before Sango came out of the hut carefully cradling the delicate bundle. They all looked at her expectantly, each concerned by the strange smirk on her face.


“So, whose pup is it already? Let’s see it!” Inuyasha demanded impatiently.


The demon slayer turned midwife gently pulled back the blanket hiding the newborn from view, revealing flaming red hair. Everyone present turned in shock to stare at the little kitsune who looked rather smug.


“What? Just cuz I don’t kiss and tell doesn’t make me any less of a man! More of a man than you guys since I knocked her up and you didn’t,” he stated proudly.


Sango laughed at the deflated look on all their faces. “Yeah, no more sake for Kagome, that’s for sure.”

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