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Author's Chapter Notes:
The very thing that pushed them apart pulls them together.

Author’s Note: Italics means shifts in location.

She couldn’t bring herself to sleep. She could feel it coming from miles away. As she stepped out of her den, Machi walked out of the Forest. “It is still some hours away, Child.”

“The sooner it is handled, the better it will be for all,” Seizansha replied as she finished tying her sash.

“The others will sense him, what he carries shortly, why not wait for assistance?” Machi said to her as she crossed the clearing, jumping the spring.

Seizansha paused at the first tree, her left hand lingering briefly on the trunk before she disappeared into the trees.

“I understand Child.” He faded away.


He snapped up, groaning at the pain. “No… not alone…”


“Are you sure Kagome?” Miroku asked as they gathered outside, armed and ready for battle.

“Which way?” Inu-yasha asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet, his hands itching to take hold of Tetsusaiga.

Kagome ignored him as she watched Kirara prance into the clearing, her paws then her whole body being engulfed by flames. As Kirara’s larger ‘battle form’ crossed back, Inu-yasha roared in anger, “Come on you stupid wench, which-” he let it hang at the look in Kagome’s eyes.

“It’s not too far from here, to the south,” she finally answered him, glaring daggers to keep the dog-boy there as she and Miroku got onto Kirara behind Sango, Shippo clinging to her shoulder. “I’m sensing at least four shards.”

At that, Inu-yasha was gone; jumping, almost running from tree to tree as Kirara went airborne, all of them seeing the oni’s head over the Forest, a white blur darting around it. “Hurry Kirara, we have to help Seizansha stop it before it gets any closer,” Sango said, spurring the flying fire-cat on.


He paused briefly, leaning against a boulder, his sword clenched tight in his fist. That fist came up to his chest, finding the bandages bloody. “Why… No… not my…”


Kirara barely touched down long enough for Kagome and Miroku to get off before hopping upward again, just in time for Sango to catch her boomerang. Inu-yasha was jumping, dodging, and swinging his sword wildly in an attempt to stop the oni from picking him up. Kagome started searching the battleground for any signs of Seizansha as Miroku charged, hoping to give Inu-yasha an opening. A sudden power surge behind her made Kagome jump, turning to find Seizansha haloed by her pink miko energies. Once amber eyes snapped open, revealing plain white orbs.

“Watch out!” Shippo suddenly yelled, Kagome barely turning in time to see the oni charging at them.

Inu-yasha was instantly airborne, screaming out “Kagome!” as he practically tackled them, all three falling to the ground as Seizansha raised her arms, the energy converging into her hands.

The oni raised its arms as well; combining its fists above its head. Before it could complete the move, her whips flew at it. One fist fell to the ground behind the oni as the other touched the glowing cut down his face and torso, the gash in the shoulder. Nothing could be done as the oni screeched in agony, his arms swinging wildly.


Seizansha was thrown through trees, bouncing off a cliff then the ground like a rag doll, lying there motionless. They didn’t look at each other, they didn’t say a word: Kagome and Shippo rushed to Seizansha’s side, Inu-yasha was instantly on his feet, blocking the oni. “You damn bastard!” Inu-yasha growled between his teeth, “You’ll pay for this! Wind Scar!” his attack echoed throughout the clearing, the blazing white energy clearly slicing the oni in half. Inu-yasha let out a smug grunt as the halves fell apart from each other; the body disintegrating as it fell, only five shards falling to the ground.

Miroku rushed to gather the shards as Inu-yasha and Sango rushed to Seizansha’s side. Kagome sat to Seizansha’s left, trying to clean up the blood; Shippo at her shoulder trying to wake her up. She groaned slightly as Miroku approached, her eyes opening slowly, blindly staring in Inu-yasha’s direction. Her mouth suddenly fell open, “Don’t try to talk Seizansha, save your strength,” Kagome said sweetly, lightly rubbing her shoulder.

Seizansha winced as she tried to shake her head, a barely audible hiss crossing her lips before she passed out. Shippo pulled back, a confused look on his face as he turned to the others, “Sessho--?”

“-maru!” three voices finished in unison as Inu-yasha suddenly took off.

Kagome turned to where Inu-yasha disappeared into the Forest, “Of course, with Sessho-maru here, he can use the Tenseiga to help her.”

Miroku and Sango looked at each other before turning to Kagome. “He’s here… why didn’t we sense him?” Sango asked.

“And why did he stay away?” Miroku added.

Shippo suddenly popped up, “Can you sense Inu-yasha in there now? There’s too many demons and spirits here, it’s too easy to hide yourself.”

Kagome turned back to Seizansha, brushing some hair out of a gash on her face, “You’ll see why,” she barely whispered.


Inu-yasha dropped straight to the ground a few feet in front of him. Standing, he found his brother hunched over in some pain, wearing only his pants and some very bloody bandages around his chest, the Tenseiga in a death grip. The fear and confusion in one’s eyes met the pain and guilt in the other’s, begging them to set aside their differences. Inu-yasha was instantly at his side, putting his arm around his brother’s waist as Sessho-maru set his across his brother’s shoulders, both crouching to pounce.


Kagome jumped as she sensed their approach. Before she could say anything to the others, they instantly appeared at Seizansha’s feet. At the pain in Sessho-maru’s eyes, each of them backed away from her, the brothers releasing their hold on each other. Without a word, Sessho-maru blindly offered the sword to Inu-yasha. Not even thinking, he took hold of the scabbard just below his brother’s hand. Sessho-maru released the sheath and took the hilt, drawing the Tenseiga. Six quick swings at Seizansha’s body, six blazing pink energy lines crossing all over her slowly faded away as Sessho-maru lowered the sword.

He sheathed the Tenseiga at Seizansha’s sudden inhale, her eyes snapping wide open. Turning to her cousins, she could only stare in disbelief as she stood a step away, suddenly closing the distance, hugging both close to her. Pulling apart, they surprised the others: Inu-yasha was separate, Seizansha stood in his position, supporting Sessho-maru, the Tenseiga held in her left hand. Without a word, they turned from the group, starting back to the Forest.

Inu-yasha stood there, watching them walking away. Kagome came up to him taking his hand, making Inu-yasha jump, turning to her. Sessho-maru instantly stopped halfway there. Seizansha turned to him, finding him stiff, rigid; his eyes turned to her, over his left shoulder. Seizansha herself turned to look at him over that shoulder, “Thank you.” They started walking again, disappearing into the Forest.

Kagome turned to Inu-yasha, a smile trying to get through the shock on his face as they heard Miroku behind them. “It’s not possible. Sessho-maru, in his own way, just thanked Inu-yasha.”

“How? Seizansha’s the one that said it, how did Sessho-maru?” Shippo asked.

“By simply stopping, being here, letting Seizansha say it for both of them,” Sango cut in, picking up the kitsune. Shippo frowned, trying to figure it out, Sango only smiled at him, “You’ll understand when you’re older Shippo,” as they started back to their den.


A few hours later; after everyone had a chance to clean up and a simple breakfast, they were outside the den, packed up and ready to leave. Suki stood just outside the entrance, smiling to them all. “You are welcome to come again whenever you can,” she offered, giggling at Shippo’s cheering.

“She is right. You are always welcome whenever you need it,” Seizansha’s voice lead her out of the path, she appeared standing in front of them.

Shippo covered the clearing, suddenly jumping into her arms. “I was hoping you’d come say good-bye. Are you alright?” just poured out of his mouth.

Seizansha could only laugh at him, “Yes little one, I am absolutely fine. There isn’t any sign I had even been in a battle today. I knew you would want to know, that is why I came to say good-bye.”

“It’s great to know you’re okay,” Kagome agreed, smiled as she joined them, the group letting Inu-yasha lead them out of the Forest.

Seizansha seemed to get quieter the closer they got to the exit. Kagome put a caring hand on her shoulder, “What is it, Seizansha? What’s wrong?”

“He says it is not why… but I cannot help wondering if it is… even some small part,” she absently mumbled before turning to Kagome, “Sometimes, I wonder if Sessho-maru was given Tenseiga because of me… my powers.”

Kagome turned away, thinking, “Well… I can see what you mean, especially if their father thought you two were inseparable. But honestly, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, I think Sessho-maru’s right. You know Sessho-maru as well if not better than Inu-Taisho did, I’m sure you can see why he’d give the Tenseiga to Sessho-maru. If you had anything to do with the choice, it was probably just to prove he was right,” she answered, just now realizing they had not only stopped, but that they were alone.

Seizansha slowly nodded, seeing Kagome’s side as she started down the path again. Kagome rushed after, smiling as she caught up, feeling Seizansha relaxing, seeing the smile on her face. Seizansha stopped them again, smiling even more at Kagome’s confusion. “We don’t have much time. We are just out of Inu-yasha’s hearing and he’s already getting upset.”

“What do you mean?” Kagome asked, a faint smile crossing her face as she thought of Inu-yasha pacing at the end of the trail.

Seizansha giggled, “Just a little advice for you. Please be patient with my cousin, Kagome. He’s got a lot to work through, to overcome before he can admit he loves you.” She paused at her blush, “He does, believe me. Whenever you start to doubt it, remember this, he has told you things, shown you things Kikyo never merited. He trusts you in ways no one has ever earned before, even me. And for hanyou, trust is an important part of love.”

“Kagome, come on!” Inu-yasha bellowed back up the pathway.

Seizansha shook her head in disgust, “Same old temper.”

Kagome could only smile as a wicked idea came to her. “Come on, follow me!” she told Seizansha as she jogged down the path. Seizansha easily followed, realizing what Kagome was thinking as she started giggling as they approached the end. They stepped out looking at each other, stealing glances at Inu-yasha and giggling even harder. Inu-yasha was instantly as red as his clothes as Sango joined in, realizing what they were doing to Inu-yasha.

Unfortunately for him, Shippo didn’t. “What’s so funny? Why are they giggling Miroku?”

Miroku could only smile, trying not to join them. “Most likely Shippo, Seizansha has told Kagome some embarrassing tales of Inu-yasha’s past.”

Suddenly jumping from the monk’s shoulder to Kagome’s, he begged, “Please Kagome, tell me. What’s so funny? What’d he-”

Inu-yasha stopped him with a punch to the head, knocking him to the ground. Both Kagome and Seizansha glared at him, Seizansha picking up Shippo and heading down the road, whispering into the kitsune’s ear. “Sit boy!” Kagome slammed Inu-yasha to the ground before he could catch her. “It was a joke Inu-yasha. We just wanted to scare you, make you blush. You didn’t have to be so hard on Shippo. Seizansha hasn’t told me anything embarrassing or funny about you.” She paused as they heard Shippo laughing, “But now Shippo knows. You better be nicer to him, or he might just tell us all.”

Inu-yasha just grumbled as he got up, Miroku putting a placating hand on his shoulder. “Kagome does have a point Inu-yasha. Unless you want each of us to laugh at you.”

Inu-yasha shrugged it off and charged after his cousin, the others following quickly, hoping to avoid a fight. “So what’d you tell the runt?” he growled.

Seizansha turned from him to Shippo, winking at him and making him smile, “It’s our secret. You have no idea what one I told him, and Shippo knows better than to just blurt it out.”

“Yeah Inu-yasha, so you had better be nice or I’ll tell everyone,” Shippo added, jumping down to the ground.

Inu-yasha could only growl lowly at the position they’d put him in, the others all laughing at his reaction. As they started down the path and the laughter died down, Sango slowly approached Seizansha, “Something’s been bothering me since we found out Sessho-maru is here as well…”

“The imp knows better than to enter the Forest. Sessho-maru may threaten his life, but the imp knows I will take it away,” Seizansha answered the unfinished question.

“But what about the little girl, Rin?” Kagome added.

Seizansha paused, “Little girl…. that would explain…” she somewhat mumbled to herself before turning to them, simply saying, “He would never bring a human here.”

She barely caught Inu-yasha flinching at her words. Standing in front of him, she said, “You feel differently about the Forest then he does, it does not mean one is better than the other.” Seizansha paused at his slight smile, “It is nice to see you alive and well Cousin. As I have said, feel free to return when you need. Good luck with your quest and I will help however I can.” She stood there, offering her hand.

He just stood there for a second, shocked at what she was offering, staring at her hand. They instantly clenched forearms. “It’s nice to see you’re still alive. Thanks for everything Cousin,” Inu-yasha replied, trying to act like normal.

Seizansha smiled as they gave one shake. “Good luck and good journey, all of you,” she said, shaking hands and hugging the others, giving Miroku a glare as he attempted to fondle her, her eyes glowing with her powers. He jumped back in shock as they walked away, everyone laughing at his antics.

She stood there watching as they disappeared over a distant hill. “Do you think they’ll be back?” Machi spoke up from behind her.

“Sometime,” she replied, turning to him.

“Do you think the rivalry will ever end?”

A faint smile crossed her face as she turned to his den. “I am not sure, but now there is a chance.”

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