[Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-starPrinter
Summary: Just when Kagome thought the worst was behind them, she discovers their fate has only begun. Now more than ever before, Kagome must lead her pack into the next stage. Welcome to the third and final book of Alpha Pack Mates. Won joint third place best Kagome portrayal, Dokuga awards 2nd Q 2010! Now complete!
Rated: R
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Completed: Yes
Word count: 80050 Read: 10351
Published: 02 Jan 2010 Updated: 02 Jul 2011
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all of it's characters are property of the brilliant Takahashi-sama and I claim no ownership of them.

AN: Welcome to the third and final book for the Alpha Pack Mates series, We are Mates. Unlike with They are Pack, We are Mates picks up right where the last story left off. I will post a recap below in case any of you readers haven't read the other two in a while and want to go over things again.

I will warn you all now, this story is going to be incredibly long, probably surpassing I am Alpha's 90k words. I know, I'm crazy but as I was writing the outline, so many things came to mind that I wanted to add to this story. Though the chapters themselves will be much shorter. I know some of my readers prefer the longer chapters, but the shorter they are, the less time everyone has to wait for an update.

1. Prologue by Hairann [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)
AN: Welcome to the third and final book for the Alpha Pack Mates series, We are Mates. Unlike with They are Pack, We are Mates picks up right where the last story left off. I will post a recap below in case any of you readers haven't read the other two in a while and want to go over things again.

2. Chapter 1 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (3544 words)

3. Chapter 2 by Hairann [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3088 words)

Well I have ended the 'should there be lemons in Mates?' poll and the majority said yes, but only for the main pairing. So now I've gotta work those in somewhere hehe. But since the second highest vote was 'yes' I'm gonna give the other pairings some lime :).

4. Chapter 3 by Hairann [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2608 words)

5. Chapter 4 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (4446 words)

6. Chapter 5 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (3988 words)

And just a reminder youbo is adopted mother, which is what Rin and Shippo began calling Kagome in Alpha.

7. Chapter 6 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2466 words)

8. Chapter 7 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2484 words)

9. Chapter 8 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (995 words)

10. Chapter 9 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (1423 words)

11. Chapter 10 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (1218 words)

12. Chapter 11 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (3268 words)
A bit of lemony goodness :).

13. Chapter 12 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2725 words)

14. Chapter 13 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2958 words)

15. Chapter 14 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2243 words)

16. Chapter 15 by Hairann [Reviews - 1] (2675 words)

Sorry it took me so long to post these chapters on this site, I kind of forgot about it lol.

17. Chapter 16 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (3469 words)

18. Chapter 17 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2731 words)

19. Chapter 18 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (3396 words)

20. Chapter 19 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (3059 words)

21. Chapter 20 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (3351 words)

22. Chapter 21 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2322 words)

23. Chapter 22 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2373 words)

24. Chapter 23 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2906 words)

25. Chapter 24 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (1573 words)

26. Chapter 25 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2286 words)

27. Chapter 26 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2591 words)

28. Chapter 27 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (2463 words)

29. Chapter 28 by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (6721 words)

AN: Well guys, this is the end of the road; the last two chapters will be posted together since the epilogue is so short. Now I know some of you were thinking it was ending in the middle of the story since there isn't another book after this one, but I hope you will come to the same conclusion I did while writing this. That this is the only way this story can end.

Now as I was getting ready to write the lemon I had promised, I realized this story was only rated M, which means nothing too detailed. Instead of upping the rating and making some unable to read the last two chapters, I'm going to put the lemon in a one-shot 'side story'. You can find it under my Dokuga profile titled Lemon Wedges (Chapter 1). It will be put up at the same time as these chapters so you won't have to wait for it. You will not miss any real storyline if you don't/can't read the lemon so don't worry.

I will update my profile as to what's coming up next and hope to see you all reading my next story. Either way, I would like to thank everyone who have taken the time to read this series and a special thanks for those that hung around waiting for me to get around to this story. Thank you all for your reviews and continued support.


30. Epilogue by Hairann [Reviews - 0] (679 words)