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Story Notes:
This was my first try at a crossover for Inuyasha. I hope you all like it here! :) I do not own Inuyasha or Case Closed. Rumiko Takahashi and Gosho Aoyama own them.
Author's Chapter Notes:
This is not rewritten, just posted here exactly like I wrote it on Fanfiction.net. I'm just curious if I get different opinions on it here than I did there. This is also, again, my first try at this crossover, and I'm not exactly a grammar nut, but I try my best, so yeah. Enjoy!
"You can't be serious, mama! No!" Kagome exclaimed, huffing as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her mother had just told her out of the blue that they were moving. Moving! Not out of the country, or the city, just to another part of it. Of course her mother had to pick one of the most dangerous places to live in, but she didn't know that.

"I'm sorry, dear, but right now it's the best thing for you. After the well-" Mrs. Higurashi was cut off when her daughter interrupted in a rather sharp voice.

"Don't talk about that," she told her mother sternly, who sighed and nodded. She knew it hurt Kagome to talk about it, the reason why she suggested moving. But Kagome was so against it. . . as though she wanted to stay in the place that caused her the most pain. "We're not moving! We've lived at this shrine for as long as I can remember, you can't seriously-"

Her mother interrupted this time, and her tone left no room for argument. "We are moving, young lady. That is final."

Kagome huffed and crossed her arms, storming up to her room. "You might want to pack dear. . . we leave tomorrow morning."

A startled gasp left the young miko's throat, and then a low growl. How dare she! How dare her mother force her out of her home? It was bad enough moving to a new place in the city, but she'd have to move to a new school and she'd be the new kid! This year she'd be the one to get teased and picked on by the bullies . . . so, not fun.

She sighed and began packing her things like her mother told her to do. Not willingly of course, but once her mother made up her mind, there was no changing it. Clearly she thought this was what was best for her oldest and only daughter, and Kagome didn't have any say in it at all.

Climbing into her bed once she had finished packing, she sighed and began to cry softly. She would have to seal the well so that no unfortunate girl like herself would fall into it and get transported to the other era, only to get her heart broken. She would also have to seal it so that Inuyasha couldn't follow her. . . tch, not like he would. He was happy with Kikyou now. That would be the reason why he wasn't coming back.

About three months ago it happened. They had just defeated Naraku, and Kagome had completely purified the jewel using her powers. Then, Kikyo had re-appeared. She walked over and hugged Inuyasha, right in front of Kagome, who's heart shattered when he hugged her back. When he left with Kikyo, her heart fell to the ground and someone stomped on it, completely breaking it into many more pieces.

She never saw that his eyes seemed blank, as if he were under a spell. She had ran for the well before anyone could stop her. She jumped in, never to be seen in the other era again.

Kagome sighed, shaking the memory out of her head. It was too painful to think about, but why did she? But for some reason, she thought that sealing the well would be just as painful ...

When she was sure the rest of her family was asleep, she quietly crept downstairs, making sure not to creak on the stairs as she did, though she couldn't help as the door craked when it closed. She sighed and walked outside over to the well.

"I'm sorry I have to do this.... without even saying goodbye..." Kagome spoke to the well in a soft, quiet voice, though she was sure no one was listening on the other end. "But this is for the best. I cannot go back there only to have my heart broken by the man I love. I have to move on. I hope you all understand and will do the same. My mom's moving me to another part of the city, so I'm afraid I can't go to the feudal era even if I tried. Please forgive me....but this is my final goodbye."

With that, she clapped her hands and closed her eyes, starting to glow a bright pink along with the well. "Well Seal For Eternity!" Kagome cried out, tears stinging at her eyes as she said those four words that would change her life forever. Not that her life was already changing. When the glow faded, she fell to the ground, panting softly. That had taken up more spiritual energy than she had first thought ...

She sighed and walked out, closing the doors behind her. She walked back into the shrine, quietly shutting the door behind her and crept up the stairs. Everyone was still asleep, which was a good thing for her. But she never noticed her mother watching her from the window sadly, knowing what her daughter must have just done, because she had seen the pink glow coming from the well house.

'I'm sorry, Kagome ... but you made the right choice, so that no one will fall down that well again.'


The next day arrived really quick, and Kagome was dreading it. They were already in the car, driving. It would take about two hours to get to wherever it is they were going.

"Is anyone hungry?" Mrs. Higurashi asked, turning her head to look at her two children in the back seat. They both just stared out of the window. Souta didn't like the idea they were moving either. He had put up a stronger argument than Kagome had however, but nothing changed Mrs. Higurashi's mind, just like Kagome.

She sighed and turned back to look out the window ... but it was already too late. A car was coming their way, in the same direction. Mrs. Higurashi tried to pull the car in a different direction to save them, but again, it was too late.

"Mom! Watch out!" Kagome cried, suddenly beginning to glow a bright pink color from the fear she was experiencing.

The car crashed right into theirs. Since her mother and grandfather were in front, and the car had smashed right through to the wind shield, both were almost dead instantly. Kagome had turned to look to her brother and her eyes widened. He wasn't in his seat.... he hadn't been wearing a seatbelt! She knew the fate that her brother had suffered, but didn't want to see. Wait...why was she still alive?

The car's on fire! She realized this because it was so hot, but she wasn't on fire. Her miko powers must be what be saving her. She tried to crawl out of the car, but she winced in pain. Some glass from the broken windshield was stuck in her leg and it was bleeding pretty badly. She couldn't move.

When she looked over towards the window to the other car, she gasped. The person who had been driving the car escaped! How was that possible?

"Inspector, over here!"

"This must be what we heard earlier!"

"Conan, out of the way, brat!"

Kagome blinked as she heard the voices, tears stinging in her eyes. She heard the sirens of the cops cars, and she also heard the voices of some unfamiliar people.

"That's impossible! Someone's still alive!" the one who Kagome heard them call Inspector exclaimed.

"But the car is on fire! Get her out, now!"

"Help me, please!" Kagome cried out, hoping they would hear her through the fire. "My foot is bleeding pretty badly, I can't move!"

Conan blinked as he heard the voice. It sounded scared, but she also sounded fine. How was that possible? Her family was probably burned alive right now, but she was still living.

Inspector Meguire and Richard Moore pulled the girl out of the car together, and Rachel stood next to Conan to make sure he wouldn't get in the way. Rachel gasped when she noticed the light pink aura around the girl.

"Hey, Conan.... do you see that?" Rachel asked, pointing to the girl. "She doesn't have any marks on her body at all... like the fire never touched her.."

Conan blinked again. How was that even possible? he thought to himself. Wait....what's that light? Where's it coming from? he noticed the faint pink aura around her, and blinked when Richard and Inspector Meguire seemed to be thrown off balance and halfway across the road. Woah! What the hell was that?

"Rachel, did you see that?" Conan asked, looking up at her.

"Yeah, that was amazing!" Rachel breathed out in awe. "I've never seen anything like that before....what is she?" she asked aloud.

"What's your name, my dear?" Richard asked, looking down at the frightened and teary-eyed miko. "It's okay, you're safe now."

Kagome nodded and swallowed. "I'm Kagome Higurashi."

"Do you know if you have any remaining family?" Meguire asked her, looking over at her, righting something down on a notepad. She shook her head.

"My brother, mother, and grandfather were in that car with me. We were moving to another part of the city today. My mother turned to ask us if we were hungry, then I noticed the car coming our way. Mama tried to go in another direction, but it was too late. They are the only family I had left."

Meguire nodded. "So that's what happened...." he said, writing down what she said in the notepad. Though everyone was curious as to why she was the only one who had survived, they didn't question her. She was too distraught enough.

Rachel then had a thought. "Hey Dad, do you think that she could stay with us for a while, at least until she gets back on her feet again?"

Kagome blinked, looking up startled. "You don't have to do that!" she exclaimed, shaking her head back and forth, but Rachel shook her head and smiled.

"Nonsense, it's no trouble at all.... right dad?" Rachel's voice hardened slightly as she looked over at the 'great detective'. Richard grumbled a bit, nodding.

"See, even he wants you to stay," Rachel said with a smile, hitting Richard on the back. "Even if he does have a funny way of showing it."

Kagome blinked. Did they all know each other like....really well? They all seemed so close. She looked around, taking a look at the Inspector Meguire dressed in orange, then at the strange young boy. Conan they had called him she remembered. She noticed him staring at her strangely, like he was studying her or something. She raised an eyebrow. Odd kid....

"Come with me," Rachel smiled, helping her up. "We'll take care of the glass at the hospital."

The miko nodded. "Can you come with me? I've always hated hospitals." she said truthfully. She hated being alone in them. They were so creepy.

Rachel smiled, nodding. "Of course. Come on, Conan." She called over to the little kid, who blinked suddenly and ran over.


Kagome looked over at the boy as he ran over, and Rachel took his hand. "I'm Rachel Moore, that's my dad, Richard," She pointed over to Richard, who was talking to Meguire. "That's Inspector Meguire, he's in charge around this area. And this is Conan Edogawa, he's staying with us until his parents come back from overseas."

"Hi!" Conan exclaimed cheerfully, and Kagome couldn't help but smile. For some reason, she was painfully reminded of Shippo. Tears stung in her eyes as she looked at Conan, and he blinked when he saw them.

'She didn't cry when her family died.... but she's crying when she looks at me?' Conan thought to himself as Rachel helped Kagome into the car, making sure not to put too much pressure on her foot.

They drove to the hospital in silence. Conan was looking out the window, though every once in a while he stole a glance at the miko. She was looking out the window too, lost in thought. Richard was driving the car, Meguire stayed behind to check the bodies, as well as put the fire out and check for any clues.

Kagome sighed heavily as she looked over out the window. Rachel looked over to her. The three of them were in the back seats, Conan in the middle. Rachel was on the right and Kagome was on the left.

"Everything is going to be alright, Kagome," Rachel said to her with a smile. "We won't let you go to an orphanage. Right Conan?" she smiled as she looked down to the big kid detective turned small kid.

He looked up at Rachel and nodded, smling. "Yeah!" he looked over towards Kagome. She smiled a bit, looking at them with gratefulness in her eyes.

"Thank you. Both of you."

She leaned down and ruffled Conan's hair, making him blush. He had to admit it... she was cute. He was surprised Richard hadn't tried any moves. But he was even more surprised that she survived the car accident, a burning car accident, when the rest of her family was burned alive. What surprised him even more, was that there were no burn marks at all on her body, only glass had hurt her from the windshield.

'What is she...?' he thought to himself as he watched her while she was looking out the window. He thought she didn't notice him, but she saw him out of the corner of her eye and she smiled.

'He's not a normal kid...' she thought to herself. 'I wonder... if he has some sort of power too...'

Chapter End Notes:
Well, there's the first chapter....^^
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