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Sticky Fingers

Post manga. I do not own InuYasha.

"Give it back!" I heard Shinji yell from out side. I walked out to my children to see what the problem was. When I saw why Shinji was yelling I sighed to myself and rolled my eyes. "Keiko, give me back my toy!" Shinji yelled again.

"I walked over to the two and said, "Okay, Keiko, that's enough. Give the top back to Shinji."

"Okay," Keiko sighed, handing the toy top back to her brother.

"Thanks you, Keiko," I said to my daughter.

"Mommy, Keiko stole the top!" Manami said.

"Again, Keiko?" I asked frustrated.

"What? I like it," She replied plainly.

"You can't just take things you like," a voice came from behind me.

"Daddy!" Manami yelled, jumping into her father's arms.

"InuYasha!" I said joyfully. InuYasha had been slaying a demon with Miroku.

"I'm sorry I took the top, Dad," Keiko said.

"Feh, don't apologize to me. Apologize to your brother."

"Sorry, Shinji," Keiko sighed.

"I guess it is okay. Just don't do it again," Shinji replied.

"Yeah, whatever," Keiko retorted.

"Don't be rude, Keiko!" I scolded her.

"I'm going for a walk!" Keiko yelled, running off.

"Wait, Keiko!" I shouted, very worried.

InuYasha put his hand on my shoulder and said, "She'll be fine. She just needs some time alone to cool down."

"But what if a demon attacks her?"

"Will, Keiko be okay?" Manami asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, your sister will be fine, because I am going to fallow her," I said, quickly getting my bow and arrows.

When I came back out with my weapon, I heard InuYasha say to our children, "Shinji, Manami, go inside."

"Okay, Daddy. C'mon, Manami," Shinji replied, leading his little sister into the hut.

After Shinji and Manami were inside, InuYasha turned to me and said, "Be careful."

"I thought you said there was nothing to worry about," I said to him.

"To be honest, I am worried. I just didn't want to scare the kids."

I smiled at InuYasha, put my right hand on his left shoulder, pecked a kiss on his lips, and turned to fallow Keiko.

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