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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry it took so long,.. I totally forgot about my writing. I lost myself I guess,... all the stress ya know? Haha anyways, I was laying in bed one day, crying myself to sleep, trying to think of a distraction, and realized- hey. I have somebody to please, my readers! The people who will actually take the time to read this Chapter note, and review... So thank you for reading, and thank you even more if your review. :) Thank u guys.

It was darker here than I'd ecpected. it was hard to take a breath. I almost gagged, the smell of rotting humans and demons was so strong. The hanyou senses didn't help much.

Walking along that path, I stopped. Kagome was actually in this hell. It didn't make sense... Someone so beautiful, here?

 Then I realized I had been completely and utterly stupid. This place, for demons and evil beings, Kagome wouldn't be here...

And she wasn't. I searched for 20 minutes, finally giving up and moping back to the cresent shape hole in the sky.

"Kagome,... where are you....?"


 "Miroku, Im worried about Inuyasha..." Sango paced the hut.

 "Me too Sango,.. but, he just lost the one he loves most in this world. Wouldn't you be upset if you lost,.." He didn't finsh his sentence.

"Kohaku? Yes, I would be devestated." She sat in the hut, staring out into the rain.

"Yes.. Kohaku..." Miroku laid down, facing the wall, and thought:

 'If only you knew Sango,..'

Chapter End Notes:
I won't ask you to review, but I will let you know I'd appreciate it verrryyy much. :)
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