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Author's Chapter Notes:
just found this chapter the other day. I hope you enjoy it. if you want to take up this story or have any comments you'd like to make please comment :D

The only thing Inuyasha felt was a searing pain coming from his ears as he heard a horrible high pitched ringing that seemed to surround him almost envelope him.  He clawed at the ground as he tried to regain a sense of feeling.  He felt nothing except the searing pain in his ears.  Slowly opening his eyes he could barely make out the scene before him as he saw balls of energy fly from one direction while bullets and arrows flew from another-all of it in slow motion.  His hearing slowly began to return to him even with the unbearable ringing sounding in them, he could hear shouts and cries of pain, battle cries of demented half demons, and calls of battle by the demon slayers.  Yet everything was so slow, so distant.  He looked around trying to find someone to go to, unable to get his bearings.  Suddenly Souta was in front of him, shouting something to him, shouting slowly…he couldn’t make it out he sounded so far away.  Then suddenly his whole world erupted into another explosion and just like that he heard the shouting, the yelling, the blood churning screams of pain as demon slayers and half demons fell from the force of each other.  He blinked a few times and shook his head trying to clear his mind and reorient himself.  He grabbed Souta’s hand and pulled himself to his feet as Souta continued yelling at him.

“WHERE IS KAGOME?  WHERE IS INUKEN’ICHI?  NARAKU IS HERE WE NEED TO FIND THEM AND LEAVE!”  Souta yelled in Inuyasha’s face trying to break him from his dazed state, surprised at having never seem him that out of it before. 

Inuyasha snapped to attention at hearing the question and immediately grabbed the boys shoulders and dug into them with his claws unintentionally, “What do you mean where are they damn it!?  People don’t just disa-”  Before Inuyasha could finish he saw a bolt of energy come flying toward the Demon Slayer and without thinking threw him into the Well House and leaped to the other side.  As he landed on his side, time seemed to slow again as he saw Kagome jump out from behind the well house and begin firing arrows over his body at the half demons.  As he rolled to the side the bolt of energy intended for Souta streaked by him and slammed into a tree shattering it into thousands of pieces sending splinters and chunks of wood flying.  As he recovered from his roll, he leapt up and drew his sword in fluid motion landing next to Kagome.

“Are you alright?!”  Inuyasha asked, flustered and angry with himself for losing track of his mate, “Where is Inuken?”

Kagome fired off another arrow and struck a half demon square in the chest and continued to draw and fire arrows as she spoke, “He’s behind the well house!  I told him not to move or we’ll ground him!” 

Inuyasha nodded at Kagome and without hesitating leaped into the air, his sword pulled back over his head ready to slam down on his enemies.  He chose the largest half demon he could find and let loose a blood-turning roar of rage as he came down on the half demon that never saw what was coming for him.  His blade sliced the creature cleanly in half like a hot knife through butter and the two halves of the demon fell cleanly to the ground with a splat of blood and organs.  Without pause, he looked to his left and slammed his elbow into the demon next to him smashing his face in.  Leaping to the right he dodged an attack from another half demon but felt his sword fly from his hand as another slammed into his back forcing the air from his lungs.  Inuyasha absorbed the blow, rolled to the ground, and came back up a few feet away from the offending half demons panting as he tried to fill his lungs with air.  He drew in one large breath, threw his head back, and roared into the air as loud as he could, shaking the trees and causing the half demons to freeze in momentary fear.  Even the Demon Slayers froze.  For a split second nothing move and all that could be heard was the wind against the trees…

Taking this opportunity Inuyasha lunged at the nearest demon and slashed him in half with his Iron Reaver from his claws.  Another half demon took a swing at the hanyou’s exposed side only to have his throat ripped free from his neck in an instant.  The demon slayers took this opportunity resume their attack against the stunned half demons, firing assault rifles, arrows, and some rushing in for hand-to-hand combat.  The hanyou meanwhile continued his assault with his bare claws, hacking and slashing the half demons, as he went never pausing over their bodies or giving them second thought.  He went faster and faster taking down more and more of the half demons; he ripped their throats free of their bodies and slashed across their chests causing their organs to spill onto the ground-their flesh like tissue paper.  Never had he felt so alive, his blood seemed to boil and his body seemed to light on fire as he felt his enemies die at his hands, their blood coating his claws and arms, and the smell of death covering him.  He loved it… 

His revel was broken by a half demon foolish enough to call him out, “DIE INUYASHA!”  The Hanyou spun around to hear his challenger and saw this cry come from a particularly large half demon who wielded a short sword and an arrogant grin across his face.  He spun the blade easily in his hand and slowly advanced on the dog demon.  Without hesitating, Inuyasha lunged at the half demon whose eyes widened never having seen something move so fast.  His blade fell from his hand as he felt something tear into his throat and as soon as he felt it his mind went dark.  Blood poured from his wound as the body began to fall to the ground. 

The large half demon thudded to the ground and Inuyasha stood over his body, his mouth covered in the half demon’s blood, his fangs stained with his taint and the taste of it exciting him even more. He spit the remains of the demons throat onto the body of its former owner and sneered, “I guess you won’t need that.”  With those words, Inuyasha threw his head back and laughed in a demented way that shook the very core of anyone unfortunate enough to hear it.

Kagome had no idea how to comprehend what she had just seen.  Inuyasha had moved so fast and killed so many it seemed almost impossible except for the fact that she saw it all happen.  He had moved so quickly across the battlefield even with her enhanced vision she could barely track him as he slashed and tore at his enemies.  They all fell without one sign of mercy from her mate.  Then she heard the laughter, the bone chilling demented laughter…it shook her to the core as she watched her Inuyasha laugh over the body of his last victim.  His mouth drenched in blood as well as his claws and his clothes stained in the lifeblood of his helpless victims.  Her horror was broken by the sound of a gasp coming from behind her and before she could even see whom she knew:  It was Inuken’ichi.  Their son.  He saw his father slay those creatures in cold blood; rip them to pieces like an animal.  Kagome immediately drew her son against her body trying to prevent him from seeing the carnage that had unfolded.  “Inuken please don’t look.  Don’t look…”  Kagome pleaded with her son, her voice cracking as she did.  Suddenly she heard footsteps and Souta was in front of her, looking panicked.

Frantically the Demon Slayer reached for her son, “I’ll take care of him; I’ll take him inside the well house and won’t let him out.  You need to calm him down Kagome…I’ve never seen him do this.  Please go!” 

Kagome nodded quickly at her brother and squeezed Souta before letting him go, “Go with Souta, close your eyes, and do not open them until he tells you to understand?”  Kagome said with a stern tone and her son knew better than to question and nodded before closing his eyes tightly.  Souta took the boy’s hand in his own, dragged him quickly into the well house, and slammed the door behind him.  Kagome shook her head trying to clear her mind and sprinted over toward Inuyasha swiftly picking up the inert Tetsaiga as she went knowing it was the only way to prevent him from slipping away.

Chapter End Notes:
thank you for reading this far.
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