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Sesshoumaru had a hard time trying to chase after the strange ominous yokai when lesser yokai attacked him from all sides. He could hear Aiki shout from behind him as he dashed through the overrun streets. He was in his true form, but the humans running about cared more about the yokai that were massive, mindless flesh eating monsters. Vehicles flew through they air, and fire engulfed building after building. He drew Bakusaiga as a troll lunged at him, and he dispatched it with ease, as he came into view of the old shrine that was untouched by modernization.

What was even more unsettling was the dark resonating cloud cover that began to cover the sky, blocking out the stars. Sesshoumaru dropped down to the grassy yard in a crouch, his sword at the ready. Koga arrived shortly after, with Aiki right behind him.

Standing in the courtyard with a smug expression was the yokai. He glanced over his shoulder at the three of them as if he were regarding vermin.

“Is this your doing?” He demanded to know.

“More or less. The best is yet to come.” he replied with a smirk.

“Who are you?” Koga spoke up. The yokai’s eyes flickered to the wolf briefly.

“That pains me, after all, we have known each other for a long time now.” he replied.

Sesshoumaru glanced to the sword the yokai held in his hand. It was as familiar as it was foreign to him, and the aura that suddenly engulfed the yokai was so overpowering it forced him to take a step backwards. His own Yoki revolted against the aura, repelled almost.

“And the best part is, you can’t touch me,” the yokai said with a feral grin, his eyes locked on Sesshoumaru.

“I’ll bet I can!” Koga roared, lunching at the yokai. Sesshomaru found he was unable to move at all, his body was frozen in place. And all the while, it felt as if his yoki was being drained. Aiki reached for him, but the aura that now surrounded him repelled her like an electrical current from a live wire, sending her flying. He watched as the wolf yokai lunged, and was flung aside as if her were nothing.

“Explain yourself!” Sesshomaru demanded. The yokai turned and looked at him, giving him a smile before making his way towards him, hefting the sword in his hand.

“It’s funny, I never expected It to be this easy. I thought I had quite a challenge on my hands, instead you are delivered to me on a silver platter.” he replied, ignoring his question. He slowly circled him, and Sesshoumaru’s anger began to steadily build up.

“You were all so caught up in your past, you failed to look at what was happening under your very noses. And now, the past is about to be rewritten,” he added, and with much emphasis on his last words, he thrust the blade of the sword into Sesshoumaru’s chest. It was so sudden and unexpected, it didn’t quite register in his mind. Yet no blood began to flow from it, it was much more sinister. It was draining him of his yoki, all that which made him who and what he was. His very essence was being ripped from his body.

And it wasn’t a pleasant feeling. His yoki revolted, rearing up, as if his own blood turned to poison in his veins, attacking his insides. His mind felt as if it were on fire.

“STOP!” Aiki shouted, her voice sounded so very distant.

So, was this what death felt like?

“I do need to thank you, for creating me. Your malice is all I needed through the ages to be born, and with the rest of your power, we will be unstoppable!” he sneered .

Then an explosion rocked the shrine grounds. The yokai was forced to pull back, letting go of the swords hilt to avoid the blast directed at him. Sesshomaru felt the skin on his cheek burn from the blast. And as the grip let go, so did the death grip hold on his body, and he fell to the ground in a heap. All he could do was glance up at the newcomer that had arrived on the scene, and he managed to blink.

She was wearing nothing but a simple black suit, and her hair had been cut short, all the way to her shoulders. She hardly resembled the Miko he had grown to know so long ago. Fierce and determined, she was well known in the Tokyo underworld as a ruthless assassin. The first time they crossed paths, she very nearly ended him, sent on a task to kill him from an unknown client. An unlikely mutual understanding slowly began to form, and after she learned all their secrets, she proved an invaluable ally. She looked down at him, her stone cold gaze on the sword still protruding from his chest.

“What’s this?” the yokai spoke up.

“Be careful Kikyo!” Aiki spoke, rushing to her side. Sesshomaru watched as something slid from within her sleeve into her open hand, and a brilliant light emerged from what looked like an ancient sword hilt.

“You would be a fool to think we did not know what you were up to Tokijin,” her cool edged voice spoke up.

The yokai narrowed his eyes at the mention of his name.


It couldn’t be! Tokijin was a sword he wielded once, long ago. It was forged from a yokai’s fang. How was this yokai related to the sword?

“This isn’t your concern anymore,” Tokijin replied. Kikyo held her sword up, her gaze not wavering once.

“Indeed, your life is no concern of mine,” she replied, lunging at the yokai with dizzying speed. Sesshomaru fought to watch the exchange, but his eyes were going blurry. Aiki reached for him, but the swords handle repelled her efforts. All he could make out was arc after arc of intense blue light crashing around the area. Koga knelt down beside him, his expression unreadable.

“None of us can touch it,” Koga murmured.

“What sort of dark yoki is creating such a barrier? I can’t even get near it,” Aiki said quietly.

“Move aside,” Kikyo’s voice spoke up, startling them all.

“Where’s Tokijin?” Koga asked.

“He vanished within the well,” she replied evenly. The blade of light vanished, and the hilt disappeared up her sleeve as she knelt down. Sesshomaru could barely make out the shape of her face. She reached towards the sword, and he feared the same barrier would repel her too.

Her slender hand gripped the hilt, and she pulled. A blazing brilliant light engulfed the entire area as she did so, and she pulled it free of his chest. She flung the sword aside, and looked down at him.

Why was it so hard to breathe? His heart was pounding, and he struggled to breathe.

“I didn’t think such a thing possible,” she murmured. His vision cleared, but only a little. Koga helped him sit up, holding him by the shoulders for support. That’s when the long black hair fell down before him. He stared at it, knowing full well the talisman had been left behind.

“He sure smells like one,” Koga spoke up.

Sesshomaru glanced up at the one who very well may have saved his life. She regarded him with a slight smirk.

“Welcome to the world of mere mortals.”

Behind her, the discarded sword began to rise, crackling with yoki that screamed for freedom. Aiki jumped up after it as it shot like a bullet from a gun towards the well. Sesshoumaru’s shoulders slumped forward. Kikyo caught him.

“We had no idea they had this kind of power. We were on a watch and wait status.” she spoke up.

“What the hell is going on?” Koga asked.

“Yokai come in all shapes and sizes. Swords in particular absorb some unique abilities from their owners. Over time, that power begins to grow. Tokijin had been broken in the past, so he was not a threat at the time. However I seems it takes their breaking to be awakened.” she replied.

“So they have their own soul?” Aiki asked as she returned, empty handed.

“Yes. Tokijin and one other. Both formidable.” Kikyo said evenly.

“Why?” Sesshomaru finally found the strength to speak.

“They plan a new world order, and they intend to reshape the past. All we know in this world will vanish. And those strong enough to oppose them, are nothing but weak humans.” she replied.

“Not without a fight they wont!” Koga roared.

“It’s too late, it has already begun.” she snapped at him.

“What can we do?” Aiki asked.

“We take…the fight…to them…” Sesshomaru spoke up, gasping between words.

“You are going no where,” Kikyo murmured quietly.

“We’ll go then” Koga spoke up.

“You cannot.” Kikyo replied simply.

“Why not??”

“Because you’ll cause the universe to explode and kill everyone, you stinking wolf.” A voice spoke up. Sesshomaru managed to lift his head as InuYasha Kagome, Hiroshi and Shippo arrived. InuYasha knelt down beside him.

“What the hell happened? Shippo and Hiroshi freaked out when they felt this massive power surge from this direction.”

“What does it look like?” Koga grumbled. The sky began to flash and rumble.

“Not a lot of time,” Kikyo spoke up. She met his gaze, and reached out to touch his cheek ever so gently.

“You have to go…back,” Sesshomaru spoke to InuYasha.

“Back?” Kagome asked.

“They are…changing the past.” he said. Tsuki arrived last, out of breath.

“People are vanishing!” she exclaimed.

“We already know,” Koga replied. Tsuki shook her head.

“No1 Not being picked off by yokai! Vanishing into thin air as if they never existed!” she replied. Sesshomaru looked at her just as her eyes grew wide with fear, and she let out a scream as she vanished right before their eyes.

“Tsuki!” Shippo shouted, as Aiki pulled on his arm.

“Everyone to the well!” she yelled as the wind began to pick up. InuYasha looped his arm over his shoulder, hauling him to his useless feet. Kikyo took one of the arrows from Kagomes quiver as she walked past, and followed them into the well house. She stood in the doorway as everyone settled down around the well.

“Shippo, Koga, and Sesshomaru stay, the rest of you leave.” she spoke up.

“Whoa, when did Kikyo get here?” InuYasha blurted.

“Keep up!” Hiroshi grumbled.

“The rest of us will try to survive until your success,” she added, jamming the arrow into the wall of the well house. A barrier formed, encasing them from the maelstrom growing outside. That confirmed his suspicion about her latent Miko abilities.

An aura emanated from within the well. Hiroshi nodded to him, before jumping into it. Aiki followed. Then Kagome. InuYasha jumped up onto the side of the well.

“InuYasha…” he spoke up. InuYasha looked over his shoulder at him, and the human brothers shared a silent, unspoken bond.

“You do not know failure. See you soon.” he said. InuYasha nodded, and leapt into the well, and the well fell silent. Sesshomaru felt whatever strength he had left vanish like the current going back out to sea, and the world grew dark.

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