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Curiosity - Chapter Two - "The Priestess Who Doesn't Do Anything... Or Does She?"

While Lord Sesshomaru was preparing his plans to "test" his theory the upcoming day, a lone miko was making her way towards the south, to the village she once called home. This priestess was known far and wide for her amazing abilities throughout all of the fields that must be learned to become a priestess. That was why she was called to far into the northern mountains, to a village suffering from an extreme flu epidemic. It took quite a long time, a month to be exact, but Kikyo was able to cure most of the villagers without too many lives lost.

During her time there, she had to collect many herbs and what better thing to do while collecting herbs than to think?

"I still can't figure it out. Almost every fourteen days I feel an awful tugging on my soul, almost as if someone is trying to rip it from this clay body."

Almost everyday this thought came back into her mind. At one time, when she felt the hard tugging begin, she sent her aura out to attempt to trace down her reincarnation to determine why this was happening. You see, this was one of the tricks Kikyo learned while in her clay body. She discovered that she could "trace" down where Kagome was since part of Kagome's soul held her clay body together.

Kikyo was able to hone in on the other half of "her soul," but couldn't get an exact pinpoint on the specific location. All she could tell, was that the awful ache had something to do with her old village, where her younger sister still resides as the village miko.

"Perhaps Kaede knows something of what my copy is doing to make this occur." With this thought, a plan began to take shape. There were only about four villagers left with the sickness and once they were cured, she would set out to find her reincarnation. Which brings us back to the present, where Kikyo is making her way south.

She had sent away all of her soul gatherers, for there was fear that Inuyasha would see them. He would not make his way into her plans until after she was back in the village of Edo. The first step of her plan was to find the rag-tag group and follow them until something, or someone as the case may be, makes Kagome upset and sends her back to the village. Which means Kikyo would be able to find out what causes that infernal tugging on her soul.

"My reincarnation is far to emotional. I truly do not understand how she is able to survive when Inuyasha isn't around, since she has had no formal training." At that time she began to smell smoke a little towards the right of the path she was following. Kikyo took a moment to use her miko abilities to try and sense who had occupied the clearing the night before.

"Ah, I am growing close. They camped here last night, I cam sense the small fox child's aura, the fire-cat's, and Inuyasha's. Oh Inuyasha..."

With that she let her mind wonder for a few moments, looking back to a happier time. Once she came out of her daze, she used her abilities to cover her scent, to make it easier to trail her copy.

After a few hours, she finally caught up to the group, and she could tell she stumbled into the pre-stages of a fight.

"It's only a matter of time now. I will find out your dirty little secret Kagome, and then, I will destroy you with it."

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