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Her Life – Chapter 20 – "Prolonging the Truth"

"My dearest Inuyasha,

Regret runs through my veins now; much more now than it ever has. Over the years there have been so many things that I've wanted to tell you; wished to tell you in person even and I've just been too cowardly to do it. Now the guilt is eating at me more than ever before. I believe it is time to let my secrets be known.

I do hope that when you read this you won't hate me to your very core. You see, I haven't exactly been honest with you in these journals and I feel that you at least deserve to know the whole truth.

I am on my deathbed after all, so if I don't tell you now, then no one will ever know the real truth.

The life I wrote for you within these pages isn't real; it's merely a world I conjured up for you since I didn't want you to know the truth. I really hope that you'll find it in your heart to forgive me after you've read through my little story. I just don't know where to start though…

I guess the beginning would be best.

The thing is I just don't know how to put into words what I want to get across to you, so I suppose I'll tell you like I do my nieces and nephews."

Kaede paused there for only a moment when she felt Inuyasha's emotions rise; fearing that he didn't wish to hear any more of what was to come. She gazed at him quietly above the brim of her glasses while watching him take a swig of sake and then pouring himself another cup.

"Well what are ya gaping at? Continue on old hag."

And so she did…

Chapter End Notes:

A/N – Total words – 304

Would really love some feedback on this. What do you think? I would love your reactions!

We're also winding down to the end. I am guessing another 10 or 15 chapters before this story will be ending. There will be an ending and an alternate ending. (Which will both be VERY different.)


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