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A Long Time ago my aunt kagome found out that she had been reincarnated from an acient priestess,who by the way protected the shikon no tama and 500 hundred years later,it was born into her.Literally and she could pass through the bone eaters well, she met the hanyo inuyasha and accidentally shattered the jewl, the gathered the pieces of course. anywho, inuyasha and kagome fell in love got married and i've never met her. its been over 27 years since then. dad used to tell me stories about her and says i look like her alot,mom's never met kagome either but she's heard the stories,too i'll be 15 tomorrow and for 25 years of my life i thought i would never meet my aunt kagome but the again,yeah right.

"Yunica...I need an answer.'' nekko stared at me with intensity from across the table dramatically defeated i passed my french fries across the table to him. twinfools aka karinna plopped down beside me."Happy Birthday!'' she said handing me a medium sized boxed. i opened it. all my favorite flavors of puccho stick sodas.Twin! Omg. i hugged her. yuri, came to sit down she was smiling wide. i'm not giving you your present until your party tonight. she said. you really dont have to. i commented back i added a bit more dried nori on my cheese bread and took a bite. nekko laughed.i cant wait till tonight. he said, i smiled from across the table, nekko said aloud. a pre celebration...to our best best friend on 3: Sekai de watashitachi no saiko no yujin, kongo appu setchaku zai issho ni sore ga ketsugo watashitachi o, yunica o'' (Our best friend in the world, the mixed up glue that bonds us together,yunica) we raised our cups of bubble tea. Yunica they all said,~ dad was attempting to hide the cake when i got home. sai and sun were not yet home from school and mom was still at work.Chotto papa! i said. he closed the fridge really fast. um hai didnt expect you home so fast, here, he handed me a box that was partially open. you opened it. i aske him. he shook his head and went back to work on making fingers foods. just pretend like you didnt see any of this. he said. i smilled and walked upstairs as i opened my room door tiny tail stuck out of my box and next to it, a tiny head. "Kitsune Tamamo! what are you doing in here?'' i took my kittens out and put them aside my bed and smiled at what my grandma and grandpa sent me. a birthday card,nutella poptarts some more journals and a six pack pf coca cola i took a shower before changing into my birthday outfit. i could here my sisters sai and sun downstairs http://www.google.com/imgres?q=japanese+twin+girls&um=1&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=612&tbm=isch&tbnid=u8In8E6IafK6SM:&imgrefurl=http://www.baby-pictures.org/cute-twins-baby-girls-2/&docid=8eob_ALlbzKGwM&imgurl=http://www.baby-pictures.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/twins-baby-girls.jpg&w=376&h=319&ei=VBd5T4S_EoOG2gWIveG1Bg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=550&vpy=290&dur=601&hovh=207&hovw=244&tx=106&ty=143&sig=103870527760876170517&page=1&tbnh=127&tbnw=141&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0 while wrapped in my towel i pulled out my aunt kagomes old scrap book why was it in here? because this used to be my aunts old room except i changed alot about it. it wasnt as girly as it used to be. i stared at her old picture sone from the modern world some she took when she was in the 'Feudal era' i saw yuri's mom yuka. and my dad when he was younger. i flipped the page and all the pictures were labeled and spread out she wasnt kidding when she said feudal. there were so many vivid people so many odd names and they all looked so differednt shippou, miroku,sango inuyasha kaede........Sesshomaru i looked at the picture of sesshomaru for a long time until i heard a knock on my door. Yuni! Mommys home and she wants to give you something" sai yelled. "so do we! said sun i got dressed hurriedly. http://www.polyvore.com/happy_birthday_yunica/set?id=46443642 and went downstairs mom was just putting her shoes back under her bed, Happy Birthday! she said or did i already tell you that today? i smiled at my mom and said only a million times this morning.and lets not forget you drove by while i was walking to school and said it. dad walked in with a heavy set box with a green bow on it. whats that? i asked mom and dad both smiled, this. he stated all seriously belonged to kagome when she went to highschool here,we thought you'd like it since youre in to this sort of stuff we made a few modifications. i took the box and set it on the bed before opening it. i opened it slowly, i wooden quiver with green and orange markings lay above a large bow and a bundle of arrows, i stared at it. You're giving this to me i asked finally, it was beautiful and i loved archery. dad nodded. i figured since you like archery and all we'd give it to you it's probably what kagome would have done. if she had known you had existed.i hugged my parents just as the doorbell rang sai and sun came bursting in,yuni yuni your friends are here! your friends are here!
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